Title: How have the ancient Greeks influenced our buildings?
1How have the ancient Greeks influenced our
2The Parthenon, Athens (448432 BC)
3The Parthenon, Athens (448432 BC)
4The Parthenon, Athens (448432 BC)
5St Georges Hall, Liverpool
Originally built as law courts and a venue for
musical festivals
6(No Transcript)
7British Museum, London (1847)
8Royal Institution, London (1837)
Dedicated to scientific research and scientific
9The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Ashmolean is Britains oldest museum. This
part of the building was erected in 1845.
10Acknowledgements http//harpy.uccs.edu/greek/class
grkarch.html http//www.lookingatbuildings.org.uk/
Michael Reed, www.mike-reed.com