Title: How does an
1How does an ecosystem participate in regional
climate phenomena? Where on this graph is the
coupling with ecosystem water
dynamics? .. Ecosystem as a
part.ecosystem as a whole
2Net radiation
- Energy input to ecosystem
- Balance between
- Input (long- and short-wave radiation)
- Output (long- and short-wave radiation)
- Book equation is not too ecology friendly.
3Text eq net solar in solar out longwave
in longwave out
4Text eq net solar in solar out longwave
in longwave out
Whats Rnet composed of?
5Energy Partitioning
- Rnet H LE G ?S
- Rnet net radiation
- H sensible heat flux
- LE evapotranspiration
- G ground heat flux
- Chemical or heat storage in mass
- (usually ignored)
6(not normal response!...forest was stressed?!
7Energy, Water, and Carbon are strongly coupled
8In our part of the world, wet surfaces are
fewthe only way ecosystems have high LE values
is due to root uptake of stored soil
water. Without the plants, our world would
largely be H!
9Energy partitioning
- Ecosystems differ substantially in
- Albedo (reviewed earlier)
- Bowen ratio (H/LE)
- The ratio of sensible heat (H) to Latent
- Heat (which is also evapotranspiration)
- is an ecosystem characteristic and CAN
- relate to productivity (local bias)
10Use thermal imagery to look at temperatures of
various canopies
11A wheat field next to a fallow field. What
would the Components of the Net Radiation budget
look for this in terms of H, LE, and G? Why do
farmers in Colorado practice fallow field
12Subsidized ET???
- The Ogallala Aquifer
- 250,000 km2
- Capacity of est. 2 billion acre-feet
- Primary source of irrigation H2O in Great Plains
- Withdrawals have tripled since 1950 to gt 2
million acre-feet/yr - Projected to be pumped out by 2010 (estimates
13Soil volume exploited differs among ecosystems
(roots in search of a good time)
14In terms of life forms, grassesgttreesgtshrubs in
terms of of shallow-rooted roots.
Quantity of water available depends on soil
volume exploited Shrubs are more deeply
rooted Use more soil
15The zone of soil affected by roots is called
the rhizosphere. Water within the zone of the
rhizosphere will be reduced to permanent
wilting. Water moves from high to low
concentration gradients (Osmosis). Plants use
ONLY solar energy for water uptake (but use
fixed energy to make the roots!)
16One more trick to get more water.
Hydraulic Lift (plants move water in soils)
17Hydraulic Lift
(no nutrients)
18Hydraulic Lift
(no nutrients)
19Hydraulic Lift
During day plant slurps up both deep water
and water exuded during night
(no nutrients)
20Hydraulic lift.... Instructor comment Plant
physiologists fail to recognize that these roots
are getting ripped to shreds by herbivores. ( The
poor things bleed) Uptake of these losses
may simply minimize the damage Either way,
the mechanism occurs. We will revisit it when we
talk about nutrient uptake.
21Exam Monday Material on web Jan 12-Feb 6
Study questions sets 1-3
Chpt 1 overview. Definitions of subject
area Chpt 2 climate, energy Chpt. 3
soils Chpt 4 soils, water, interactions