Title: Plant Mitosis
1Plant Mitosis
2Onion Root Tips Apical meristems in plants are
areas at the tips of roots and stems where
mitosis occurs.
3Note the circled area, this is the region of cell
division in the apical meristem of an onion root
4Interphase - note the visible nuclear membrane,
nucleus and nucleolus
5Prophase - chromosomes shorten and thicken,
nuclear membrane disappears, spindle fibers start
to form.
6Late prophase or prometaphase
7Metaphase - Chromosomes line up along the
metaphase plate (equatorial plate) and spindle
fibers connect to the chromosomes at the
8Metaphase - note the spindle fibers
9Anaphase - Sister chromatids separate and move
toward the poles.
10Anaphase - Note the lack of centrioles/asters in
this plant cell.
11Late anaphase - note spindle fibers between the
12Telophase - The cell plate is forming, nucleus is
reforming, and individual chromosomes are hard to
13Two new daughter cells. Mitosis is completed and
cells are in interphase.