Title: Lake Morphology
1Lake Morphology
- How do we describe the physical characteristics
of a lake?
Make a list
Slide of lake
21. Bathymetric Map
- Lines represent points of equal depth -- like
contour lines on a topographic map
Bathymetric map of Mountain Lake
32. Depth
- Maximum depth
- Lake Baikal 1,741 m
- Lake Tanganyika 1,476 m
- Average depth
- How calculate?
43. Surface area
- Some very big
- Caspian Sea 436,400 km2
- Lake Superior 83,300 km2
- Most are small
- Only 250 lakes in US gt 10 mi diameter
Slide of areas
54. Length
- Distance between furthest points
- Length of fetch
65. Volume -- how much water
hheight of layer A1area of top of layer A2area
of bottom of layer
7Calculating lake volume
Bathymetric map
8Mean Depth
96. Shoreline lengthlength of the lake perimeter
Shoreline length depends on the size of the
lake. What we want to knows is the length of the
shoreline relative to the size of the lake.
10Shoreline development indexLength of the
shoreline relative to the perimeter of a circle
For a circle DL 1
11Shoreline development index
- Crater Lake, OR (caldera lake) 1.27
- Without Wizard Island 1.10
- Meteor Crater, AZ 1.02
- Montazumas Well, AZ (solution basin) 1.04
- Finger lakes, NY (morainic dams) 3.3
- Lake Baikal (Russia) (graben) 3.4
- Reservoirs 4
Crator Lake Meteor Crater Montazumas
Well Reservoir
127. Hypsographic curves
- Show the shape of a lake basin
- Area-depth
- Volume-depth
13Hypsographic curvesarea-depth
14Hypsographic curvesvolume-depth
15What use are hypsographic curves?
Two summer stratified lakes. If these lakes were
to turnover (mix) what would be the resulting
dissolved oxygen concentration?
Epilimnion 8 ppm DO
Hypolimnion 1 ppm DO
168 ppm
Lake A 40 of volume in epilimnion and 60 in
hypolimnion (80.4) (10.6) 3.8 ppm
Thermocline at 8 m
1 ppm
Lake C 90 of volume in epilimnion and 10 in
hypolimnion (80.9) (10.1) 7.3 ppm
178. Hydraulic Retention Time
Time for water in a lake to be completely replaced
HRT volume / inflow
Lake Tahoe -- 700 y Lake Superior -- 184 y Lake
Pippin a few days The HRT of reservoirs is
generally shorter than HRT of natural lakes.
189. Lake Zonation
19Littoral zoneThe region affected by the shore.
Generally from the shore out to the depth of
rooted vegetation.
littoral zone (2)
20Pelagic or limnetic zoneopen water, beyond the
influence of the shore
21Benthic zoneThe bottom
22Photic zoneSurface down to where there is lt 1
of surface light -- sufficient light for
Photic zone
Aphotic zone
23Profundal zoneDeep benthic area part of
benthic zone that is aphotic
Photic zone
Aphotic zone