Title: Light in Lakes
1Light in Lakes
Why important? Energy for photosynthesis Heating
Light to see by
2Photic zoneSurface down to where there is lt 1
of surface light -- sufficient light for
Photic zone
Aphotic zone
3figure 5-3
4As the light hits the water surface and travels
down through the water column, light gets
lost. Reflection 5-6 (depends on angle of
sun, waves, ) Scattering -- due to suspended
particles SESTON Tripton non-living, both
inorganic and detritus Plankton
living Absorption water itself dissolved
organic materials seston (Fig 5-10, light
absorption in 4 Wisconsin lakes)
5figure 5-17
6As a result of scattering and absorption, light
decreases exponentially with depth
7Light decreases exponentially with depth
8We can express this with a negative exponential
equation Iz I0e-?z Iz light at depth z I0
light at the surface ? (eta) light extinction
coefficient z depth
9 Iz I0e-?z If we take the natural log of both
sides ln Iz ln I0 - ?z Straight line with ln
Iz a function of z. ln I0 is the intercept and ?
is the slope.
10(No Transcript)
11How do we determine light extinction
coefficients? 1. Two point method solve ln
Iz ln I0 - ?z for ? ? ln I0 - ln Iz
z Measure light at the surface (just under)
and at a depth z. Substitute into the equation.
122. Regression (or line fitting) ln Iz ln I0 -
?z Measure light at many depths. Plot ln Iz
versus depth. ? will be the slope of this line.
133. Estimate from secchi depth ? ? 1.7 / zSD
14What are typical light extinction
coefficients? Lake Tahoe 0.002 m-1 99
would reach 5 m depth Lawrence Lake 0.39
m-1 14 would reach 5 m depth Wintergreen
Lake 1.00 m-1 0.7 would reach 5 m
depth Lake with a secchi depth of 7 m ? ? 1.7
/ 7 ? ? 0.24 m-1 30 of light would reach 5 m
15Different colors (wavelengths) of light are not
absorbed equally
Pure water
Fig 5-7
16PAR photosynthetically active radiation Light
adsorption by chla and chlb Light adsorption by
Ulva and Porphyra
Why arent all algae on the surface? UV
17What color are things deep in lakes? Sort of
gray-blue So why do pictures of coral reefs have
all these nice colors?