Title: AP US History
1AP US History
2AP US Unit 3 Reading chapter 3, pages
43-53 Colonial patterns of settlement varied
(Sriches Nreligious devotion) Religious
changes in Europe spark global changes Luther
(1517, Wittenberg) primacy of Scripture (Bible
alone) sparked Reformation John Calvin (Geneva)
All powerful God the elect visible saints
ONLY Calvinist ideas reach Eng time of Henry
VIII James I sees Puritan Separatists as threat
they flee to Holland, but hate Dutchification
of kids within 12 years Separatists get charter
from VA Company take Mayflower here in 65
days Mayflower Compact was signed before going
ashore (crude govt.) Pilgrims 1st winter harsh
44/102 survive great harvest 1621 (1st
Thanksgiving) Great leadership (from William
Bradford, elected gov. 30x) Plymouth merged into
Massachusetts Bay Colony 1691 Massachusetts Bay
Puritans who wanted to improve church from
w/in Got a charter and took it along 1630?11
ships 1000 immigrants 1630s- time of Great
Migration (70,000 left England 20,000 to New
3- John Winthrop (1st gov Mass)- claimed We shall
be seen as a city upon a hill - A holy society being built as a model for
humankind - Franchise (rt to vote) extended to all freemen
(adult, Puritan males) - Believers NON-believers paid tax to support
church (Bible Commonwealth) - Puritans worked hard, but enjoyed Earthly
pleasures - Limits? ? CT called Blue Law state for repressive
(or sumptuary) laws - Anne Hutchinson-proclaimed antinomianism (the
saved need no laws) - 1638 trial claimed to hear ideas directly from
God went to RI killed in NY - Roger Williams-popular minister who wanted
separation of church state condemned taking of
land from Indians claimed gov could NOT rule
behavior - Wms banished fled to RI w/ Indian help built
Baptist church (total freedom) - -promoted simple, manhood suffrage independence
otherwise minded
4- Connecticut fertile lands Hartford founded
1635 Thomas Hooker led Boston Puritans here
1639Fundamental Orders (precursor of modern
constitution) - Maine-a colony attempted by Sir Ferdinando
Gorges, but area absorbed by MA - Pilgrims arrived just after an epidemic wiped out
¾ Indians (found tilled landand skeletal
remains) - MassasoitPequot WarMetacomalliancesbrutal
finish - 1643-New England Confederation4 colonies join in
defense against French, Dutch, and Indians 2
votes each (annoyed MASS)
5AP US Unit 3 Reading chapter 3, pages
53-65 1643-New England Confederation4 colonies
join in defense against French, Dutch, and
Indians 2 votes each (annoyed MASS) 1660
Charles II becomes aggressive with colonies gave
CT a sea-to-sea charter RI got new charter
Massachusetts Bay Colony has its charter
revoked 1686 Dominion of New England formed
royally run by Sir Edmund Andros stopped town
meetings, restricted courts-schools-courts-press
enforce Nav. Acts 1688 Glorious Revolution
(bloodless) Catholic James II ousted
Protestant William Mary (James daughter)
brought in Andros ruined MASS becomes
royal Late 1600s ? rise of salutory neglect, yet
increase in English officials here Netherlands-win
independence from Spain w/ help of English (time
of Rembrandt) Dutch challenge Eng. 3x Dutch
aggressively colonize (East Indies) Dutch East
India Co. thrives sent Henry Hudson who explored
DE NY area Dutch West India Co. operated in
Caribbean thrived on raiding, not trading New
Netherlands planted 1623-24 set up to thrive
in fur trade bought Manhattan New Amsterdam
(later?NYC) created for investors no great cause
(aristocratic) Dutch problems incompetent
directors greedy investors Indian attack Swedes
6New Sweden took Dutch turf best Dutch leader
Peter Stuyvesant led bloodless siege that
finished off Swedish colony in New World (names
log cabins left here) New York in 1664, Charles
II granted his bro (Duke of York) title in New
Neth. Peter Stuyvesant surrendered to superior
fleet of ships without a shot fired English got
great harbors Hudson River access to interior
no foreign wedge Dutch contributed Easter
Pennsylvania-Quakers dominated region (quaked
with deep emotion during prayer) Quakers refused
to support Church of Eng, take oaths built
meeting houses Did NOT believe in war, strife
followed passive resistance Ideas of Quakers
attracted William Penn _at_ age 16 1681 Penn got
huge land grant to settle royal debt owed his
dead father PA best advertised colony
inducements truthful good relations w/
Indians Philly a well-planned city
(non-immigrants wrecked relations w/ Indians) No
tax for church free worship death for murder
treason only No military defense no immigration
restrictions some blue laws (no cards, dice) By
1700- most populous wealthy except for VA
MASS (Penn there 4 yrs only) NOTES? Middle
Colonies Viewpoint of source of American culture