Title: The National Moderator eNetwork
1The National Moderator e-Network
Date 27 September 2005
2Outline of presentation
- The purpose of assessor and moderator networks
- Assessor and moderator networks internationally
- Different types of networks
- Organic networks
- Central hub networks
- Multi-level and virtual networks
- The National Moderator e-Network
- The beginnings of the network
- The goals of the network
- The planned process for establishing and
maintaining the network - Conditions of participating
- How to register yourself
- How to create a topic
- How to post a message
- How to post a response
- What will be done with the issues raised
- Current topics and comments
3Why Have Assessor and Moderator Networks Emerged
- Competencies are not (and cannot be) stated in
unambiguous terms - judgements of competency standards require
personal interpretation - different assessors can apply competency
standards differently - new situations can produce unusual cases and
puzzling situations - understandings of competency standards need to be
continually refreshed and updated - Maxwell Moderation of Assessments in VET, ANTA
2001 - Research has shown that detailed standards
produce less reliable results than a close
networking of assessors, even when they are
dealing with vague standards (Wolf, in McLean
4What do Assessor and Moderator Networks Do?
- Through their activities the networks identified
a number of strategies for addressing the issue
of consistency in assessment - sharing examples of good practice
- discussing enterprise concerns about assessment
processes - collaborating on the development of assessment
protocols or principles - comparing assessment practices
- jointly developing assessment materials,
proformas or tasks - seeking input from regulators
- identifying practical issues for the conduct of
assessment in different industry environments
(and related solutions) - ANTA 2004 Assessor Networks in Action
- Contribute to review of standards, assessment,
5What Are Australian Assessor Networks Dealing
- Developing consistent resources Community
Services Health Training Australia Ltd - Quality evidence collection Victorian
Department of Human Services (DHS) Disability
Services Division - Cultural sensitivity in assessment Queensland
Community Services Health IndustriesTraining
Council - Assessment in the workplace Community Health
Works Inc (ACT) - Developing an assessment passport EE-Oz
Training Standards - Assessment for licensing outcomes Major
Industries Training Advisory Council Ltd (NT) - Implementing a new Package TDT Victoria
- Assessment and regulatory frameworks TDT
Victoria - Existing worker New Apprenticeships Transport
Storage Industry Training Council (WA)
6How To Set Up A Network - Stages
ANTA, 2001 Reframing the Future
7Different Types of Networks Organic Networks
- Features of an organic network are that
- Network members can interact with all other
members - Network members are seen as equals with a shared
commitment to contribute to network outcomes - Network activities will grow and develop out of
network interactions.
8Different Types of Networks Central Hub
- Networks with a central hub are generally
coordinated by one organisation or individual
that takes responsibility for - identifying and accessing sources of funding
- liaising and contracting with funding and
regulatory bodies - identifying potential network participants
- administrative activities to support network
establishment, operation and sustainability - organising meetings and other network activities
- coordinating and stimulating network activities
- providing expert input and advice, including
mentor support - providing Web site facilities/access
9Different Types of Networks Multi-Level and
Virtual Networks
- Both horizontal and vertical goals and processes
- Information and analysis may be electronically
collated and analysed
10The Beginnings of the National Moderator e-Network
- Assessment College and eQuality Solutions
convened the first meeting - Attended by 70 moderators, several moderator
training providers and five SETAs - Agreed to begin by
- Registering
- creating topics
- posting comments and responses
- Encouraging others to do so
- Assessment College will convene second workshop
where virtual task teams may be established
11Benefits of Participating in the Moderator
- Advertise the details of moderators to
organisations looking for moderation services - Network moderators with each other
- Provide mechanisms for moderators to check and
address concerns relating to consistency and
quality in assessment - Provide a collective professional voice for
moderators - Professional guidance on moderation issues
- Keep moderators in touch with the latest
developments in policy, theory or practice in SA
and elsewhere - Serve to develop, disseminate and monitor a body
of knowledge - a network is one of the most powerful assets
any individual can possess. It provides access to
power, information, knowledge, and to other
networks. (Cohen and Prusak, in Building
Industry Training Networks, ANTA 2004)
12Conditions of Participating
- Be both a giver and a taker participate
actively - Do not abuse the facility by sending spam mail to
others - Be constructive and supportive when interacting
with others - Report any abuses
13Using the Notice Boards
- Threaded notice boards allow you to create
topics, post notices or comment on issues posted
by others, relating to - Unit standards being assessed
- Assessment and Moderation Policies
- Moderation techniques
- Moderation tools
- Validity of assessments
- Reliability of assessments
- Practicability of assessments
- Integrated assessment
- Reporting of results
- Subject matter expertise of assessors and
moderators - Any other issues
14What Will Be Done With The Notices?
- Virtual task teams may be established
- ETQAs and SAQA will regularly receive a
synthesised report to help in the review of - standards
- assessment
- moderation
- Key common concerns may be tabled as input to
policy processes
15Where to Register
- www.equalitysolutions.co.za
- 0861 181818 for support
- Please register on the National Moderator
e-Network and Post Topics, Notices or Responses!