Title: Authenticating Users in an ASP.NET Application
1Authenticating Users in an ASP.NET Application
2Web Site Administration Tool
- From VS 2008, click Website/ ASP.Net
Configuration to open Web Site Administration
Tool. - Select Authentication type
- Windows authentication
- Forms authentication
- Manage users
- Manage roles
- Manage access rules
3Authentication via Windows Authentication
- Select this option if users will access your web
site only from a private local network. The site
will use built-in Microsoft Windows
authentication to identify users. Users with a
valid Windows user name and password will be able
to access your site. - Intranet
4Forms Authentication
- Select this option if users will access your web
site from the public internet. - Forms authentication identifies the user by
prompting them to enter their credentials through
a web form. - When a user attempts to access an unauthorized
resource, they are automatically redirected to
the login page where they can enter their
credentials. The submitted credentials are then
validated against a custom user store - usually a
5Access Rules
- Allow or deny access to a particular directory by
user name or role. - Use Web Site Administration Tool to create and
manage access rules and it will create an
authorization section with Allow or Deny elements
in the web.config file for that directory. - The permissions established for a directory also
apply to its subdirectories, unless configuration
files in a subdirectory override them. - Users
- ALL Including authenticated and anonymous users.
- Anonymous Unauthenticated users.
6User Accounts and Roles
- Managing user accounts and roles we can define
authorization rules for accessing a particular
ASP.NET page or directory for a particular user
or role.
7How to Create Users and Roles
- Must start SQLExpress service.
- By default, ASP.Net saves users and roles data in
a SQL Server Express file that is stored in
App_Data folder. - file App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF
- From VS 2008, click Website/ASP.Net Configuration
to open the Web Site Administration Tool. - Click Security
- Create User
- Create Role
- Create Access Rules
8Forms Authentication Ticket
- After verifying the submitted credentials, a
forms authentication ticket is created for the
user. This ticket indicates that the user has
been authenticated and includes identifying
information, such as the username. The forms
authentication ticket is (typically) stored as a
cookie on the client computer. Therefore,
subsequent visits to the website include the
forms authentication ticket in the HTTP request,
thereby enabling the web application to identify
the user once they have logged in.
9FormsAuthentication Class
- System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication
- Manages forms-authentication services for Web
applications. - Methods
- RedirectFromLoginPage(string userName, bool
createPersistentCookie) - Redirects an authenticated user back to the
originally requested URL or the default URL, and
write a cookie named ASPAUTH containing an
Authentication Ticket. - RedirectToLoginPage()
- Redirects the browser to the login URL.
10Membership Class
- System.Web.Security.Membership
- ASP.NET membership class gives you a built-in way
to validate and store user credentials. - Including users created by Website Administration
Tool and CreateUserWizard. - Method
- ValidateUser(string username, string password)
- A website with a public area, such as the home
page, a restricted area for members only, and an
area for websites administrator only. - The restricted area will be a subfolder of the
websites root directory. - Users
- Administrator
- Members Members data are stored in a regular
database. - Example Sales databases Users table with
UserID, Password and Email fields. - Anonymous users
12- Step 1 Create user and role
- Step 2 Create access rules
- Public area (root directory) Allow All
- Membership only area
- Rule 1 Allow All
- Rule 2 Deny Anonymous
- Administrator only area
- Rule 1 Deny All
- Rule 2 Allow administrator
- Step 3 Create Login.Aspx page
- Password textbox
- TextMode property password
13Code Example One Login Page to Handle Two Types
of Authentication
Dim strConn As String "ProviderMicrosoft.Jet.O
LEDB.4.0Data Source c\salesDB.mdb"
Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn)
Dim strSQL, emailAddress As String
emailAddress TextBox1.Text strSQL
"select from users where UserID '"
TextBox1.Text "'" Dim objComm As New
OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn)
objConn.Open() Dim objDataReader As
OleDbDataReader objDataReader
objComm.ExecuteReader() If
objDataReader.Read() Then If
TextBox2.Text objDataReader("password") Then
ge(objDataReader("UserID"), createPersistentCookie
False) End If End If
If Membership.ValidateUser(TextBox1.Text,
TextBox2.Text) True Then
.Text, createPersistentCookieFalse) End
14ASP.NET Login Controls
- The ASP.NET login controls provide a login
solution for ASP.NET Web applications without
requiring programming. - By default, these controls use SQLExpress
database to manage users. - Login control
- LoginView control
- display different information to anonymous and
logged-in users. - PasswordRecovery control
- CreateUserWizard
- ChangePassword control
15SQL Injection
- "SQL Injection" is an unverified/unsanitized user
input vulnerability, and the idea is to convince
the application to run SQL code that was not
intended. - Exploits applications that use external input for
database commands.
16SQL Injection Demo
- On a web page that takes customer ID entered in a
textbox as input, then displays the customers
data. - 1. Retrieve all recordsIn the textbox, enter
- OR 11 OR CID
- 2. Guess table name or field name
- 3. Finding some users
- ' or cname like 'S' or cid
- SQLInjectionDemo
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As
Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Button1.Click Dim strConn As String
"ProviderMicrosoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0Data Source
c\salesDB.mdb" Dim objConn As New
OleDbConnection(strConn) Dim strSQL As
String "select from customer where cid '"
TextBox1.Text "'" Dim objComm As New
OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn) Try
objConn.Open() Dim objDataReader
As OleDbDataReader objDataReader
GridView1.DataSource objDataReader
GridView1.DataBind() Catch except As
SystemException Response.Write(except.
Message) End Try End Sub