Title: Dr' Shani Orgad
1The pink side and the darker side of women and
the InternetThe case of breast cancer
patients online communication
A lecture in the CRI Scholar Program Series
Gender and Technology
- Dr. Shani Orgad
- London School of Economics and Political
2The relationship between gender and technology
Troubled and problematic
Empowering and liberating
- Technology as reproducing traditional gender
power relations exclusion of women - Masculine cultural dominance of technology
- Women as incapable of using technology
- Women as passive users of technology
- Technology as constructed around mens
- Technology as liberating women from their
constraints, endowing them with powers they did
not have before - Subverting the intended purposes of technology
- The potential of technology to challenge gender
power relations - Reconstructing technology around womens
interests - Women and interpersonal communication technologies
5Commodore 1981
VisiSchedule 1982
Source http//www.aci.com.pl/mwichary/computerhis
6IBM 1981-2
Source http//www.aci.com.pl/mwichary/computerhis
7Verbatim 1982
Source http//www.aci.com.pl/mwichary/computerhis
8France, 2001
Source http//www.gracenet.net/events_disgrace.ht
9Women and the Internet
Reproduction of masculine dominance
Empowerment and liberation
- Political economy the embeddedness of the
Internet and CMC within wider public discourses,
societal and economic power relations - Flaming, trolling and online practices of sexual
harassment the persistence of traditional
gender power relations and domination in CMC - Women in developmental contexts what are the
consequences of their online activity for the
material conditions of their lives? Have
these conditions changed or m remained
disregarded? -
- Cyberfeminism, women weaving the web the
capacity of the networked organisation of the
World Wide Web to erode or subvert the culture of
masculine dominance. - Online spaces as safe spaces, enabling women to
evade unpleasant practices - Post-modern approaches CMC as enabling the
experimenting with a new sense of self,
gender-free and fluid reconfiguration of gender
categories. -
10The online communication of women who suffer
from breast cancer
Centrality of the disease in public discourse and
High prevalence of the disease
Proliferation of online resources, particularly
patients forums
14(No Transcript)
15The pink side and the darker side of the online
16The pink side of the online ribbon
The ways in which breast cancer patients online
communication shapes and challenges gender power
17Translating silence into visibility
- Women should translate the silence surrounding
breast cancer into language and action against
this scourge (Audre Lorde, The Cancer Journals,
18Critical debate by lay-expert women
- The possibility of the marginal (women
patients) to enter into a dialogue with the
dominant (medical authority, predominantly male).
19Control of representation
- Control over time and space (when their story
will be published and where) - Control over the content of the representation of
their experience After absorbing all the
information garnered from the net and from
anecdotal information provided by the people
genre Ive arrived at several personal
conclusionsThe most important conclusion for me
is that each persons breast cancer is uniquely
their own. No two people reach the same medical
treatment, nor do any two people with the same
diagnosis and survival stats have identical
chances of survival (online interview 24).
20Personalisation and specificity
- The availability of hundreds of patients
disclosures on numerous forums reflects the
variable and unpredictable nature of the illness - The recognition that there is no
one-size-fits-all treatment - The capacity to perform highly specific searches.
- Example http//www.sharedexperience.org/experienc
21Bonding and sisterhood
- Camaraderie, collaboration and support
- Realisation that one is not aloneI found the
web sites for cancer, because I was searching to
see if I was the only one who experienced this
type of tumor. Your sometimes feel all alone when
its happening to you and I was greatly impressed
at the wealth of information out there. And the
letters I have received because of it. I'm
hoping that by sharing this with people, maybe I
won't feel so alone and perhaps we can get either
a glimmer of hope, some insight, or, if this
the beginning of the end, some courage. - (posted on Shared Experience message board).
A womens thing?
22Anonymity and disembodiment
- The capacity to remain anonymous and disembodied
while communicating the most private, intimate,
and highly embodied experiences publicly - lurking as a central communicative practice
controlling the degree of ones visibility - A very different kind of transformation from that
described by post-modern views.
23Publicity, privacy and safety
24The darker side of the online ribbon
Do patients proliferating online voices
necessarily exist outside gender power relations?
To what extent is this CMC context indeed
transformative and empowering for women?
25Anonymity and invisibility
- Anonymity as a double-edged sword
- Im very loud within the online breast cancer
community, but not in the general public
(Barbara, interview 2). -
26Can women patients online anonymous and
private experiences translate into meaningfully
visible, and thus publicly recognised terms?
27Privatisation of experience
- Patients discussions focus predominantly on the
individual and the personal There is awful
sentimentality about it. I just felt I couldnt
relate to it... I didnt ever post ever any
messagesit just seemed like these women
weresilence involved in a form that was about
mutual support, it wasnt about having arguments
(Kate, interview 11). - The connections and relationships that emerge
between women online remain private affairs
rather than translating into some kind of a
collective form of political action
28The bias of self-responsibility
- I guess I would look at it this way. Ask
yourself why you took Tamoxifen in the first
place (Im sure the percentages were about the
same back then). Then ask yourself about the side
effects and your tolerance to them. (Source
Breast Cancer Online In Our Own Words). - The ones who stick around are the
fightersthose that come on and are passive and
feel its just too hard to fight it, give up and
give in to their disease and dont stick around
(Online interview 15).
See also http//www.onein9.org.il/health-movie.ht
29Information is power
Educate yourself
Empower yourself
Inform yourself
30Limited reach
Online resources and patients disclosures are
proliferating, but can CMC create the awareness
and political action facilitated by mass media?
31Self-sufficient closed spaces
ALL WALKS OF LIFE? Participants in breast cancer
online forums are mainly educated,
English-speaking women patients.
- While CMC contributes to the widening of the
communicative infrastructure of the illness, and
to its coming out into the public arena, at the
same time it seems to reinforce the opposite. - The combination of a disembodied, anonymous,
patients-only and highly personalised space and
discourse on breast cancer sites seems to
separate, rather than integrate the illness
experiences and the public political realm.
- How can online spaces such as breast cancer
patients forums transcend their invisible
private boundaries? - Can they constitute more than anonymous
confessional spaces, providing resources for
therapy, interiority and self-elaboration? - Can CMC truly help women recognise themselves as
publics? - So long as the material reality of breast
cancer does not change, and its dominant
representation remain unchanged, the so-called
empowerment of patients by CMC remains highly
34Implications for website design Transforming
private exclusive issues into an inclusive
political agenda
- Creating more inclusive forums - Stop treating
issues such as breast cancer as exclusively
womens personal issues - - Open forums for non-patients, men, from
varied educational and multi-lingual backgrounds
(at the same time maintain safety). - Providing patients with communicative spaces and
tools to talk outside their private realm,
creating a dialogue with others.
35Contribution of this kind of study for a critical
understanding of gender and technology
- Exploring whats behind the screen
- Attending to users voices and experiences
- At the same time, taking a a critical distance
- Thinking about gender as a source of technology,
and at the same time a consequence of technology
(Wajcman, Technofeminism,2004). - Examining the relationship between technology and
gender in its complexity, rather than in utopian
or dystopian terms