Air Pressure and Wind - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Air Pressure and Wind


Another weather element we deal with on a regular basis ... Example is of a 'cup' anemometer. Measuring Wind. Aerovane. Measures both wind speed and direction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Air Pressure and Wind

Air Pressure and Wind
  • Chapter 6

  • Hear this term often in weather forecasts but
    what does it mean in the atmosphere?
  • From earlier, its the weight of the air above
  • How about weather?
  • High pressure?
  • Usually nice weather
  • Low pressure?
  • Associated with stormy weather

  • Another weather element we deal with on a regular
  • Anyone know why the wind blows?
  • Turns out that wind and pressure are related
  • In fact, wind blows due to horizontal differences
    in pressure
  • If there is high pressure over one part of the
    country and low pressure over another part
  • The atmosphere is out of balance and the wind
    blows in an attempt to restore balance

Air Pressure and Wind
  • A couple of chapters ago we talked about
  • Before that, pressure and density
  • In the atmosphere, these variables are all
    related such that a change in one will cause
    changes in the others
  • Ex. If temperature changes, there will be a
    corresponding change in pressure and/or density

Air Pressure and Wind
  • The Ideal Gas Law or Equation of State
    illustrates this
  • Pressure is approximately equal to density x a
    constant x temperature
  • We can ignore the constant and just go with..

Air Pressure and Wind
  • If the pressure doesnt change
  • An increase in T results in a decrease in density
  • Warm air is less dense and therefore rises
  • A decrease in T results in an increase in density
  • Cold air is dense and sinks
  • Just like weve been saying all along

Air Pressure and Wind
  • If the temperature doesnt change
  • An increase in pressure results in an increase in
  • A decrease in pressure results in a decrease in
  • At the same temperature, air at a higher pressure
    is more dense than air at a lower pressure

Atmospheric Pressure
  • How does all of this stuff relate to the
  • Weve said from the beginning that pressure is
    basically the weight the air above us.
  • Like at the right
  • Pressure at the surface is due to the weight of
    all air molecules in the colum

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Simplified model
  • Assumes air cant leave the column
  • Columns of air have the same of molecules and
    are at the same temperature
  • The pressure at the surface is the same
  • What would happen if the temperatures of the air
  • Cool 1, Warm 2

Atmospheric Pressure
  • City 1, temp decreased so density increased
  • City 2, temp increased causing density to
  • Just like the gas law said
  • Pressure stayed the same
  • Bottom line It takes a shorter column of cold
    air to exert the same amount of pressure as a
    taller column of warm air

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Now lets go up to a certain height in the
  • At this level, in which column is the pressure
  • So, relatively speaking, the pressure is high at
    this level in column 1 and low in column 2

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Points
  • Pressure changes more rapidly w/ height in cold
    air masses
  • Warm air aloft is associated w/ high pressure
  • Cold air aloft is associated w/ low pressure
  • Differences in temperature cause differences in

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Finally, notice that the heights of pressure
    surfaces (500 mb in this example) are lower in
    the cold air column

500 mb
500 mb
Atmospheric Pressure
  • The difference in pressure establishes a force we
    call the pressure gradient force (directed from
    H to L)
  • Now, if we remove the side barriers of the
    columns, air will rush from high to low pressure
    in order to equalize things .
  • WIND!!

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Pressures at the surface will also change due to
    molecules moving
  • Pressure will rise at City 1 and fall at City 2
  • To make a long story short
  • Differences in temp from place to place can cause
    differences in pressure resulting in the movement
    of air.

Sea-level Pressure
Measuring Air Pressure
  • Even though pressure is exerted on us at all
    times, its hard to detect small changes
  • Can you tell difference between high and low?
  • We can detect big changes in pressure though
  • Like popping of ears in the mountains or in
  • Air pressure equalizing inside/outside ears

Measuring Air Pressure
  • Mercury Barometer
  • Just a large, hollow glass tube immersed in
  • As air pressure changes, mercury is forced up or
    down the tubepretty simple right
  • On average, the height of the mercury would be
    29.92 inches (avg. sea level pressure)
  • Or 1013.25 millibars

Measuring Air Pressure
  • Aneroid Barometer
  • Has a hollow metal cell which expands or
    contracts as pressure changes
  • Same type as in the 3-dial weather instruments
    people hang on walls

Measuring Air Pressure
  • Just an aneroid barometer
  • Calibrated to equate pressure to height
  • Must be corrected constantly by pilots!

  • Or this might happen w/ poor visibility

Atmospheric Pressure
  • Seen something like this on TV right?
  • Lines are called isobars
  • These are lines of equal pressure (in millibars)
  • Question
  • If elevation varies across the US (and it does),
    and we know pressure changes quickly w/ height,
    then why are these types of maps nice and neat?
  • Shouldnt they be really screwy looking?

Atmospheric Pressure
  • This kind of map depicts sea-level pressure,
    not surface pressure
  • We wouldnt always be able to tell where high and
    low pressure systems were otherwise
  • How do we figure out what sea-level pressure is
    at each location where measurements are taken?

Sea-level Pressure
  • To get a sea-level pressure chart
  • 1) Measure surface pressure
  • 2) Correct for instrument error
  • Temperature, gravity, materials of barometer,
  • 3) Correct for altitude
  • 4) Draw isobars (usually at 4 mb increments)
  • Connect the dots essentially
  • 1) and 2) are easy. What about 3) and 4)?

Altitude Correction
  • Near the earths surface, pressure changes at
    10mb per 100m
  • So, if a station is 300m altitude, 30mb needs to
    be added to the surface pressure to get sea-level
  • Once the altitude correction is done everywhere,
    we can draw the isobars

  • 995 999 1005 1010
  • 998 1002 1007
    1011 1014
  • 1006 1010
  • 1009 1013

Surface Chart
  • End result is a sea-level pressure chart or
    surface chart
  • Closed highs and lows show where centers of
    pressure systems are

Pressure and Wind
  • Northern Hemisphere surface winds blow clockwise
    and outward from high pressure (anticyclones)
  • counter clockwise and inward around low pressure
    systems (cyclones)
  • Note
  • Winds cross isobars slightly
  • Tightly packed - stronger winds
  • Reversed flow in Southern Hemisphere

Isobaric Map (Upper Air Chart)
  • Shows the height of a pressure surface - constant
    pressure chart
  • In meters (60m intervals)
  • This one is 500mb
  • From Monday - pressure surfaces are higher up in
    warm air
  • So, the 500mb heights are higher toward the south

Isobaric Map (Upper Air Chart)
  • Where heights are low - cold air
  • High heights - warm air
  • Elongated areas of low heights/pressure are
    called troughs
  • cold air
  • Elongated areas of high heights/pressure are
    called ridges
  • warm air

Isobaric Map (Upper Air Chart)
  • Other uses??
  • Wind - shows us direction and speed
  • Like surface map except winds tend to blow
    parallel to height lines
  • Closer lines - stronger wind speeds
  • Steering - upper level winds determine where
    surface systems go and whether or not they
    strengthen (more later)

Surface and Upper Air Charts
  • Both surface and upper air charts are extremely
    valuable to meteorologists
  • Surface charts identify where pressure systems
    are located and their intensities
  • Upper air charts indicate where these systems
    will move and how they will strengthen/weaken in

  • Now with all this background, we can determine
    why the wind blows
  • More specifically, what the direction and speed
    will be
  • Anything that moves does so due to the forces
    acting upon it
  • Throwing a ball - pushing away by the hand,
    friction from the air, gravity, etc.
  • Same thing for the wind

  • Actually 4 forces acting to influence wind speed
    and direction
  • 1) Pressure gradient force
  • 2) Coriolis force
  • 3) Friction
  • 4) Centripetal force

Pressure Gradient Force
  • Due to the difference in pressure over a distance
  • Greater pressure gradients lead to a greater PGF
  • like at the right
  • Hurricanes are a good example
  • Very low pressures at the center
  • Pressure increases rapidly as you move away from
    the center
  • Strong PGF

Pressure Gradient Force
  • ALWAYS directed from high to low pressure
  • Direction is at right angles to the isobars
  • This does not mean that wind blows directly from
    high to low though.other forces..

Pressure Gradient Force
  • Wait just a second. Since pressure changes much
    faster w/height than horizontally, isnt the PGF
    incredibly strong in the vertical?
  • Ive already said that vertical air motions are
    very small (usually) compared to horizontal
    winds..whats up with that?

Pressure Gradient Force
  • Gravity almost exactly balances the upward
    directed PGF - Hydrostatic balance

High or Low Pressure?
Coriolis Force (Effect)
  • Tricky subject
  • An apparent force due to the rotation and
    curvature of the earth
  • Causes wind to deflect to the right in the
    Northern Hemisphere
  • Left in SH
  • Force is at a right angle to the wind
  • Things drain differently in SH???

Coriolis Force
Coriolis Force
  • Maximum at poles, zero at the equator
  • Faster speeds - stronger Coriolis force
  • Its why aircraft fly in circular paths

Coriolis Force
  • Summary
  • Causes objects to deflect to the right of a
    straight path in the NH (left in SH)
  • Amount of deflection depends on
  • 1) Rotation of the earth
  • 2) Latitude
  • 3) Speed of object (wind, airplane, etc.)

PGF - Coriolis Balance
  • Above the friction layer near the surface, the
    PGF and CF roughly balance each other
  • Thats why air aloft flows parallel to isobars
  • Wind which flows at a constant speed parallel to
    evenly spaced isobars is called
  • Geostrophic Wind

Geostrophic Wind
  • Always low pressure to the left and high pressure
    to the right (Northern Hemisphere)
  • Speed depends on the packing or tightness of
  • loosely packed weak wind tightly packed
    strong wind

Geostrophic Wind
  • Only a theoretical wind but still, a good
    approximation of winds above the surface
  • Why only theoretical?
  • Isobars are rarely evenly spaced OR straight

Gradient Wind
  • In this case, the wind is called a gradient wind
  • Basically the same as geostrophic wind except
    that it blows parallel to curved isobars
  • Note both geostrophic and gradient winds refer
    to air flow well above the surface

Wind Review
  • 4 forces (talked about 2 so far)
  • 1) Pressure gradient force
  • Directed from High to Low pressure
  • Stronger PGF stronger wind
  • 2) Coriolis force
  • Deflects wind to right in NH
  • Faster wind stronger CF
  • Zero at equator, max at poles
  • These two forces are roughly in balance above the
  • Causes upper level winds to generally flow west
    to east in mid-latitudes (parallel to isobars or
    height contours)

  • Friction affects air flow near the surface
    (lowest 1 km or so)
  • Slows down the wind (drag)
  • If wind slows, what happens to the Coriolis
  • Weaker
  • So, the PGF is now greater than the CF and flow
    is across isobars
  • 30º angle

Centripetal Force
  • A little confusing so just remember it is
  • The force required to keep an object (wind)
    moving in a circular path
  • Directed inward toward the center in both high
    and low pressure systems

Convergence and Divergence
  • Now that we know a little about surface and upper
    level winds.
  • How do they affect vertical air motions?
  • By convergence and divergence patterns
  • ex. Convergence Divergence

Convergence and Divergence
  • Remember what winds are like around high and low
  • Winds diverge from high pressure and converge at
    low pressure
  • If air converges at low pressure (at the surface
    for ex.), what must it do?
  • Must rise (cant go into the ground right?)

Convergence and Divergence
  • What about air diverging from a high pressure
    center (again at the surface)?
  • Some air will have to sink from above to replace
  • This explains why we have clear weather w/ highs
    and cloudy weather w/ lows
  • So far were just talking about the surface. But
    whats going on above the surface high and low
    pressure systems?

Convergence and Divergence
  • Air that is forced to rise due to convergence at
    the surface low eventually diverges aloft.
  • Air converges aloft above the surface high and
    sinks to replace the diverging air at the
  • Think of it like columns of air above the surface
    pressure systems

Convergence and Divergence
  • In either of these examples, if convergence
    divergence, what happens to the surface pressure.
  • Hint
  • This means the of air molecules over the
    surface does not change.
  • Pressure stays the same!

Convergence and Divergence
  • What if convergence and divergence are not
  • Over the low
  • Divergence aloft gt Convergence at the surface?
  • Net loss of air over low - pressure gets even
  • Hurricanes?? (not Miami)
  • Div lt Conv?
  • Net gain of air - pressure increases

Convergence and Divergence
  • Over the high
  • Convergence aloft gt Divergence at the surface?
  • Net gain of air over high - pressure gets even
  • Conv lt Div?
  • Net loss of air - pressure decreases

Convergence and Divergence
  • In summary
  • Pressure at the surface is largely dependent on
    wind patterns at both the surface and aloft
  • This is why meteorologist actually care about
    what is happening above the surface of the earth
  • If this seems a little fuzzy to you, look at
    figure 6.21 and convince yourself of it.

Measuring Wind
  • Described by
  • 1) Direction
  • Always direction its coming FROM
  • Can be N/S/E/W or in degrees on a compass
  • 2) Strength
  • Usually mph, m/s (meters per second), knots
    (nautical miles per hour)
  • NOTE Nautical mile gt statute mile

Measuring Wind
  • Wind directions
  • Real easy, just think of a 360 circle
  • East wind - 90
  • South wind - 180
  • West wind - 270
  • North wind - 360
  • Again, always described in terms of direction
  • ex. NW wind is out of the northwest, not toward
    the northwest

Measuring Wind
  • Wind vane
  • Simple instrument which measures direction only
  • Anemometers
  • Measures speed only
  • Example is of a cup anemometer

Measuring Wind
  • Aerovane
  • Measures both wind speed and direction
  • Will face into the wind giving direction
  • Propellers rotate to yield wind speed
  • Info is transmitted electronically
  • One on top of the Love Building

Measuring Wind
  • Radiosonde
  • Balloon is tracked from the surface
  • Simple calculations to determine its speed (wind)
  • Doppler in particular
  • Can determine wind speed and direction by
    frequency changes in the emitted RADAR pulse
  • Satellites
  • Cloud drifts
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