Title: Xenon Anaesthesia
1Xenon Anaesthesia
- Chemical symbol Xe
- Trace gas, 1 part per 10 million by volume of dry
air (0.0000086 percent) - Belongs to noble gas group
- Unreactive, but capable of forming compounds -
Xenon Hexafluroplatinate - Fluorine XeF2, XeF4
- Atomic No 54
- Atomic Weight 131.30
- Melting point - 111.9 ?C
- Boiling point - 107.1 ?C
- Critical Temperature 16.6 ?C
- Critical Pressure 58.2 ATM
- Non-flammable, does not support combustion
- Natural xenon mixture of 9 stable isotopes-
Xenon 124 136
5History of Xenon
- Xenon was first discovered by Sir William Ramsay
in 1898 - Derived from the Greek word ?e??? xenos
6History of Xenon
- First isolated following the discovery of Krypton
- Repeated fractionation of Krypton an extremely
dense gas was obtained that was unable to be
7History of Xenon
- 1946 J.H. Lawrence- Studying effects of O2 and
inert gases on mice- Found xenon has narcotic
properties- Preliminary observations on the
narcotic effect of xenon. J Physiol 1946 - 1950, Cullen Gross reported using xenon on two
patients- 81 year old male, orchidectomy- 38
year old female, 24 hrs post-partum
8History of Xenon
- FiO2 100 for 10 mins to denitrogenate
- 20 O2 and 80 xenon
- Time to loss of consciousness 3 mins for male,
5 mins for female- At 10 mins, surgical incision
made- 38 year old -gt Laryngeal spasm, treated
with IV pethidine 50mg- 81 year old -gt no
9History of Xenon
- On cessation of xenon- FiO2 100- Both
patients eye opening 1 minute- Orientated to
time, place and person within 2 mins - Both patients maintained normal blood pressure,
pulse rate and pulse character and had good
colour throughout
10History of Xenon
- Work published in 1951- Cullen SC and Gross EG
- The anaesthetic properties of xenon in human
beingsScience 1951 113 580-2 - Concluded that Xenon is an inert gas capable of
producing complete anaesthesia, although it may
prove by virtue of its cost of manufacture not to
be a satisfactory commercial agent.
11History of Xenon
- 1965 Eger and associatesMAC 71No syngergism
found with other volatilesMAC awake 32 5 - 1973 Blood gas solubility coefficient 0.14
- 1997 Blood gas solubility coefficient argued to
be lower- Goto T, Nakata Y mean coefficient
0.112 (95 CI 0.104 0.119)
12Mechanism of action
- Unlike other volatile agents, no effects on GABAA
receptor - Xenon is a potent inhibitor of excitatory NMDA
receptor - NMDA has roles in- Memory- Pain pathways-
Cell death, especially neural and cardiac tissue
13Mechanism of action
- Evidence for action at NMDA receptor first
described in Nature 1998- Tested on hippocampal
neurons that contained the NMDA receptor-
Measured current generated by patch clamping-
Initially NMDA agonist added- Followed by xenon
14Mechanism of action
15Mechanism of action
- Xenon 80 inspired concentration, with 20 O2
- Reduction in NMDA activated currents by 60
- No change to EC50 or Hill coefficient
- Strong support for non-competitive inhibition at
NMDA receptors
16Mechanism of action
- NMDA antagonism common mechanism for ketamine and
N2O - Explains mechanism behind which xenon produces
analgesia and amnesia
- Overpressure cannot be used as MAC 63-71
- Hence no faster rise in FA/FI
- Argued that xenon may increase cardiac output-
Theoretically increased uptake and slower rise in
FA/FI- Argued that rate of rise so rapid that
makes minimal difference
- Nakata et al Comparison of inhalational
inductions with xenon and isoflurane Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand 1997 1157-1161-
Equianaesthetic concentrations of 1MAC- Xenon
induction 71 21 seconds- Isoflurane
induction 147 59 seconds
- Distribution- VRG 8 mins- Muscle Skin
8-60 mins- Fatty tissue - gt 60 mins-
Distribution not completed by 4 hours
- Metabolism- Inert gas hence not metabolised-
Full outer valence, unreactive agent
- Elimination- No renal or hepatic clearance- Low
solubility of xenon provides rapid decline in
ET-Xe- Study by H. Saito BJA 1997 Emergence
times from xenon anaesthesia are independent of
duration of anaesthesia 1997 79 595-599
- Three groups of patients randomised- Xenon- N2O
and isoflurane- N2O and sevoflurane - Measured times taken for- Eye opening-
Extubation- Orientation- Ability to count
backwards from 10 to 1 within 15 seconds
- Other factors- Age- Sex of patient- Body
temperature- Pain amount of analgesia - Matched for three groups
- Conclusion No correlation with duration of
anaesthesia and awakening timefor xenon - Consistent with concept that lower soluble agents
render emergence less dependent on the duration
of anaesthesia
32Cardiovascular effects
- Cardiovascular physiology- Most research in
animals- Xenon anaesthesia compared with TIVA in
the pig- BJA 1997 78 pp326-327- Pigs
cannulated with arterial lines swan-ganz
catheters- Depth of anaesthesia monitored with
spectral edge monitoring
33Cardiovascular effects
34Cardiovascular effects
- Human studies- Luttropp et al Anaesthesia
1993 481045-1049 Effects of xenon in vivo
using transoesophageal echo and haemodynamic
measurements- ASA class I patients for
abdominal surgery - Induction with fentanyl, propofol and
suxamethonium. Vecuronium added
35Cardiovascular effects
- After 10 mins for denitrogenation, 65 xenon
administered- No change in MAP- Heart rate drop
from 80 / min to 50-60 /min- Fractional area of
short axis view of LV at level of papillary
muscles unchanged- suggests that xenon has no
effect on myocardial function
36Cardiovascular effects
- Conflicting studies on cerebral blood flow- Fink
H Effects of xenon on cerebral blood flow and
autoregulation BJA 2000 84 221-225-
Autoregulation intact over ranges of MAP from
60-120mmHg- ET Xe of 0.30, 0.50 and 0.70 showed
no effect on regional CBF or sagittal sinus
37Respiratory Effects
- Marked respiratory depressant
- Studies show a decrease in respiratory rate with
an increase in tidal volume - Appears feasable that could be used in
spontaneously ventilating patients with no
pulmonary disease
38Respiratory Effects
- Higher density and viscosity than N2O-
Theoretically would cause an increase in airways
resistance- Not studied in humans, but in pigs
only- Airway resistance more than 50 increase
in Xenon 70/O2 30 compared with N2O 70/O2 30
39Malignant hyperthermia
- Froeba et al Anesthesiology 2000 85
712-716Xenon does not trigger MH in susceptible
swine - Main causative gene RYR1 encodes ligand gated
calcium channel Ryanodine receptor located
in sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane
40Malignant hyperthermia
- 9 Pigs, all purebred Pietrain swine
- All susceptible to MH due to RYR1 abnormalities
- Body temperature measured from a PA catheter and
rectal probe - Anaesthetised with pentobarbitone and
buprenorphine - Ventilated with 70 Xenon/30 O2 for 2 hours
41Malignant hyperthermia
- After 2 hours, xenon discontinued, swine woken up
- Swine left for 24 hours to recover
- Re-anaesthetised with halothane and suxamethonium
- After 15 mins, abrupt and progressive changes
consistent with MH were observed in all animals - Within 60 mins, all the pigs died
42CNS Effects
- Presence of excessive glutamate -gt cell death
- NMDA activation causes calcium influx
- Overactivation thought to be responsible for
sustaining ongoing neuronal injury - stroke -
head trauma - chronic neurodegenerative
43CNS Effects
- Ma et al BJA Nov 2002 89 739-746
- - c-Fos marker of neuronal injury
- - c-Fos levels sampled in rats who were given
excessive doses of NMDA agonist NMA at
100mg/kg - c-Fos levels sampled in another
group of rates who were given NMDA and xenon
44CNS Effects
C-Fos staining Group A NMDA and 30
oxygenGroup B NMDA and 70 xenon / 30 oxygen
45CNS Effects
46CNS Effects BIS monitoring
- Bispectral Index (BIS) EEG derived parameter
reflecting level of hypnosis in anaesthetised
patients - Exact algorithm for BIS not published
- Based on EEG data of patients receiving common
anaesthetic agents e.g. isoflurane, propofol
47CNS Effects BIS monitoring
- Most agents affect GABAA receptor- suspected BIS
monitoring for xenon would fail - Goto et al International Anesthesiology Clinics
2001 3 pp85-94 - Established that BIS monitoring unreliable for
xenon vs isoflurane anaesthesia
48CNS Effects BIS monitoring
49CNS Effects
- In summary for CNS
- - Neuroprotective - Conflicting evidence, but
majority of studies show no change to
autoregulation - Unreliable BIS monitoring
50Costs of Xenon
- Xenon can only be produced by fractional
distillation - Expensive process, requiring energy- 1 Litre of
xenon requires 220 watt-hours of energy- gt
million times more energy than N2O production - Multiple heating and cooling cycles to produce
medical xenon (99.997)
51Costs of Xenon
- Current price (January 2003) 10 USD / Litre
- Pricing subject to market forces - 1988 - 4 USD
/ Litre - 1996 - 10 USD / Litre - 1998 - 18
USD / Litre
52Costs of Xenon
- Thought that large amount of xenon is trapped-
Gas hydrates in deep sea- compounds bound in
polar ice sheets- bound in deep granite layers - Potential at later stage to utilise this
- Two main areas of xenon use
53Uses of Xenon
- Non-medical - Lighting - Television industry
(Plasma screens) - Subatomic particle
detection - Aerospace industry - Medical - Contrast imaging (e.g. CBF) -
Improves quality of MRI - Radiographic
imaging - Anaesthesia
54Uses of Xenon
Worldwide Xenon Supply 1999estimated 6,500,000
Source Hanne et Al Xenon, uptake and
costs International Anesthesiology Clinics
2001 3 pp43-61
55Costs of Xenon
- Methods to reduce costs include
- Decreasing consumption - careful denitrogenation
of patient - priming anaesthetic circuit - use
of closed system anaesthesia - Recycling - Major way to reduce cost of xenon
56Costs of Xenon
- Argument that xenon does not have to be produced
each time retrieved from waste anaesthetic gases - Known as Recycling xenon
57Costs of Xenon
- Theoretically - Gas washed out from patient -
Gas escaping via exhaust port - Gas remaining in
machine after disconnection - Above could be recycled
- Large amount of interest in recycling devices
58Costs of Xenon
- Current recycling devices- up to 90 of xenon
used can be recovered, with a purity of 60
Italy - Burov et al Clinical and experimental study
of xenon anesthesia Journal of Anaesthesiology
and Reanimatology (Russian publication!) June 1999
59Costs of Xenon
- - Gas mixture passes through several
- containers of absorbents (ie charcoal), is
- cooled via liquid nitrogen.
- - The cooled mixture is reheated xenon
- boils first
- Process repeated several times
- Claimed that 95 of xenon used is reclaimed at
purity gt 99
60Costs of Xenon
- Also take into account - Cost of implementation
of new technology - Recycling technology used in association with
very low flow circle systems or fully closed
circle systems
61(No Transcript)
62Cost of Xenon
- Recycling would recover most of the xenon used-
Purity still not adequate - Recycled gas would need off-site processing to
increase purity
63Costs of Xenon
- Equipment Closed circuit e.g. Drager
physioflex - Computer controlled delivery system
64(No Transcript)
65Costs of Xenon
- Combination of closed circle systems and xenon
recycling units in use in Europe - Recycling of expired air in recovery room!
- Use of these combinations has lowered costs
66Costs of Xenon
- Journal Clinical Anesth. 1999 11477-481 Cost
analysis of Xenon Anesthesia - 1999 Xenon Cost with recycling - 240 minute
ananesthetic - Closed circle system - 167 USD
67Costs of Xenon
- Other factors
- - Country of purchase
- 2003 Jan. United States - 10 USD
- 2003 Jan. Russia - 4.80 USD( Source
Anaesthesiology 2003 98pp 1-2 Will xenon be a
stranger or a friend? The Cost, benefit and
future of xenon anaesthesia. )
68Environmental Impact
- Xenon is a non-flurocarbon based anaesthetic
- All other inhalational agents carry fluorine,
chlorine or bromine into the stratosphere - Halogens react with ozone, degrading ozone in
process - Volatiles form a group known as H-CFCs, partly
halogenated chloro-fluro-carbons
69Environmental Impact
- Worldwide efforts aimed to decreased production
and emission of CFCs and H-CFCs - Brown et al Nature 1989 341 635-637
Tropospheric lifetimes of halogenated
anaesthetics - Contribution of damage to ozone layer by
volatiles 0.1 1.0 worldwide per annum
70Environmental Impact
- Aim was to cease CFC use by 2000- European
union ceased consumption on Jan. 7, 1997 - Kyoto Climate Control Agreement- H-CFCs are
specifically being targeted by Kyoto Protocol - Agreement that by 2030 H-CFCs would be completely
71Environmental Impact
- Newer agents Desflurane and Sevoflurane are not
H-CFCs, but FHCs (Fluorinated hydrocarbons) - Less destruction of ozone as only contain
fluorine - Majority of global warming believe to arise from
72Environmental Impact
- FHCs are 10 times more heat trapping than CO2
- (Source The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, Feb. 17, 2003) - 178 Signatories for Kyoto agreement
73Environmental Impact
- Xenon advocates propose xenon more
environmentally friendly - non-degrading to
ozone layer - no direct heat trapping effect - No figures published to indicate production of
CO2 per litre of xenon - Hence may be worse environmentally
74Human trials
- Largest human trial of xenon Multicentre
randomised comparison of the efficacy and safety
of xenon vs isoflurane in patients undergoing
elective surgery- Rossaint et al
Anesthesiology Jan 2003 986-13
75Human trials
- 224 Patients, in six centres
- Randomly assigned to either isoflurane/N2O/O2 or
xenon/O2 - Inclusion criteria - 18 years of age or
older - ASA class I-III - elective surgery -
planned duration of inhalational anaesthesia lt 2
76Human trials
- Exclusion criteria - ASA class IV, V -
Emergency procedures - Increased intracranial
pressure - SaO2 lt 90 on room air - AMI within
6 months - CVA within 12 months - LFT
abnormalities - Serum creatinine gt 2 x normal
77Human trials
- Exclusion criteria - Diabetes - Congestive
cardiac failure - Adrenal insufficiency -
Alcohol or drug abuse - Pregnant women /
breastfeeding women
78Human trials
- Sample size determined for - a of 0.001 - Power
of 90 - N 90 patients
- However underlying variability not known
- Decided to recruit 224 patients
79Human trials
- Protocol - Premedication with midazolam at
discretion of individual anaesthetists -
Anaesthesia induced with - Propofol
1-2mg/kg - sufentanil 0.4mcg/kg -
cisatracurium 0.2mg/kg - Each patient
denitrogenated until ETO2 gt 90 via face-mask -
Tracheal intubation
80Human trials
- Protocol continued - Closed envelopes opened,
randomly assigning patients to 1 of 2 groups -
Xenon 60 O2 40 - Isoflurane-N2O-O2 - ET
Isoflurane 0.5 - N2O 60 - O2
39.5 - Cisatracurium given as needed
81Human trials
- At the end of surgery - Neostigmine to reverse
neuromuscular blockade if TOF ratio lt 0.7 - Each centre used own protocols for treatment of
blood loss, fluid replacement - No set requirements for arterial lines or CVCs
82Human trials
- Anaesthetic agents were discontinued when all
surgical interventions (including bandaging)
ceased - Patients extubated when - Adequate spontaneous
ventilation - ETCO2 between 40 50mmHg - Eye
opening on command
83Human trials
84Human trials
- Anaesthetic circuit closed circuit (
Physioflex - Duration of anaesthesia 211 102 mins
- Xenon used 24.6 10.2 litres per patient
- Cost of xenon at USD 10 / litre 240 per
patient - No xenon recycling system used
85Human trials
- Hence costs could be reduced significantly if
recycling system implemented- Current systems
reclaim 90-95 of xenon used
86Human trials
P lt 0.01
87Human trials
88Human trials
89Human trials
- Unanswered questions- Total number of patients
treated lt 1000 worldwide- Relative paucity of
data for humans in ASA IV and V patients
Trauma settings Disease e.g IHD, COAD- Does
faster offset equate with higher patient turnover?
- 1 MAC 70 Xenon minimal discussion in
literature about issues of awareness - Cost analysis of xenon equipment
- Future xenon uses - Aerospace industry - Plasma
display technology - Does all of this equate to better patient