Title: Reactive Oxygen Species and DNA Damage
1Reactive Oxygen Species and DNA Damage
2ROS and DNA Damage
- Overview of ROS
- What are they and where they come from?
- What they do to DNA?
- DNA base products of interaction with ROS
- Repair of Pyrimidine and Purine derived oxidative
DNA lesions - Role of ROS Damage in Disease
- ROS endogenous/exogenous scavengers
- Current and future work on ROS
3What are ROS and where do they come from?
- O2.-
- Comes from exogenous and endogenous sources.
Andreyev, A.Y., Kushnareva, Y.E. and Starkov,
A.A. Biochemistry (Moscow).2005, 70, 246-264.
4What are ROS and where do they come from?
- H2O2
- SODOX O2.- -gt SODRED O2
- SODRED O2.- 2H -gt SODOX H2O2
- Net 2O2.- 2H -gt H2O2 O2
- OH.
- H2O2 Fe2 -gt OH. Fe3 OH-
- (Fenton reaction)
Keyer, K., Gort, A.S., and Imlay.m J.A. Journal
of Bacteriology. 1995, 177, 6782-6790.
5Where can Oxidative DNA Damage occur in the body?
- In neurons???
- Neurons are likely to suffer from oxidative DNA
damage than in most other cells. - The human brain accounts for only 2 of total
body weight, but 20 of resting oxygen
consumption due to the high metabolic demand
required to maintain membrane ion potentials. - Neurons transcribe about 2-4 times as much DNA as
do cells from kidney, liver or spleen. Yet
neurons are non-dividing and must last a
6What do ROS do to DNA?
- Oxidative attack by OH. on the deoxyribose moiety
will lead to the release of free bases from DNA. - ROS generate strand breaks with various sugar
modifications and production of abasic (AP) sites.
7ROS attack on DNA and its Base Products
8DNA Mutation and Damage
200,000 DNA damage events per mammalian cell
per day due to oxidation, hydrolysis, alkylation,
radiation or toxic chemicals. Depurination and
depyrimidation often caused by hydrolysis or
thermal disruption at the AP site. If AP sites
unrepaired, they decay to single-strand
breaks. Pyrimidine dimers are frequently
produced by UV.
- Mutation and DNA Damage.
- Mutation- T __gtA substitution.
- Damage- Adenine loss or G methylation.
- DNA damage tends to interfere with gene
expression by preventing transcription of RNA
from DNA. - DNA mutation usually results in transcription
that usually produces proteins with diminished or
altered functionality. - Mutations that are not lethal to a cell are more
likely to be perpetuated in dividing cells.
9DNA Mutation and Damage
Types and frequency of DNA damage can be roughly
illustrated by the following table and
representative pictures
10DNA Mutation and Damage
11Repair of Pyrimidine and Purine derived Oxidative
DNA lesions
- Oxidized DNA base lesions are removed by
essentially two types of activity - Base excision repair (BER)
- Involves removal of single lesions by
glycosylase action. - Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
- More complex process involving removal of a
lesion-containing oligonucleotide. - Repairs DNA strand damage ranging from 2-30
bases in length.
- Removal of oxidative DNA lesions is important for
the limitation of DNA mutations and damage and
cell cytotoxity. - Oxidative DNA lesions are subject to multiple,
overlapping repair processes.
12Repair of Pyrimidine and Purine derived Oxidative
DNA lesions
- BER- primarily repairs damage due to hydrolysis,
alkylation (usually methylation) or oxidation of
nucleotide bases. - Two sub-pathways. Short-patch and long-patch
pathway. - The long-patch pathway strips-away 2-10
nucleotides, including the damaged base. - Short-patch pathway requires only 3 enzymes
- Uracil-DNA glycosylase.
- AP endonuclease.
- DNA polymerase beta.
- No known diseases associated with inherited
defects of short-patch BER enzymes.
13Repair of Pyrimidine and Purine derived Oxidative
DNA lesions
- NER repairs cross-links between purines the
deoxyribose-phosphate backbone due to the
hydroxyl radical and by pyrimidine dimers caused
by UV light. - DNA polymerase delta and DNA polymerase epsilon
are the specialized DNA polymerases used in NER.
Many steps and more than 20 proteins are involved
in unwinding the DNA, in recognizing the type of
damage to be repaired, etc. - NER provides backup to BER when glycosylases are
defective in the nucleus, but NER systems are
absent from mammalian mitochondria (which only
have BER).
14Role of ROS Damage in Disease
- A methyl transferase enzyme can repair
O6-methylguanine by transferring the methyl group
to its own cysteine. - The DNA repair enzyme O6-MethylGuanine-DNA
MethylTransferase (MGMT) is frequently repressed
by hypermethylation in colon cancer, which
thereby allows alkylating agents to cause the
GC-to-AT conversions seen in about half of
colorectal carcinomas.
A consequence of oxidative base lesions/damage
persisting in DNA is mutation. DNA mutation is a
crucial step in carcinogenesis, and elevated
levels of oxidative DNA damage have been noted in
many tumors, strongly implicating such damage in
the etiology of cancer.
15Role of ROS Damage in Disease
16Role of ROS Damage in Disease
17Role of ROS Damage in Disease
- Almost all Down's syndrome victims have
Alzheimers Disease by age 50, probably because
chromosome 21 carries the amyloid gene. - Chromosome 21 also carries CuZn Superoxide
Dismutase gene. - This results in increased production of H2O2,
which (without catalase or glutathione
peroxidase) can lead to more hydroxyl radicals.
18ROS Endogenous Scavengers
- Data Collection Resolution 1.5Å X-ray source
Synchrotron SLS -X10, single wavelength. - Protein sequence QSVYAFSARPLAGGEPVSLGSLRGKVLLIE
19ROS Endogenous Scavengers
Human MnSOD is a tetrameric enzyme with four
identical subunits each harboring a Mn3
atom. M(n1) - SOD O2.- ? M n - SOD O2 Mn
- SOD O2.- 2H ? M(n1) - SOD H2O2. where
M Cu (n1) Mn (n2) Fe (n2) Ni (n2). In
this reaction the oxidation state of the metal
cation oscillates between n and n1.
20ROS Endogenous Scavengers
- Glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1)exists in the
cytoplasm and mitochondria as a homotetramer. - GPx1 functions as an antioxidant enzyme
protecting against oxidative stress. - GPx1 reduces hydrogen peroxide and hydroperoxides
such as DNA peroxides.
PDB entry 2F8A
21ROS Exogenous Scavengers
- Antioxidants- molecules that slow or prevent the
oxidation of other chemicals. - Oxidation is a redox chemical reaction that
transfers electrons from a substance to an
oxidizing agent. - Oxidation reactions can involve the production of
free radicals, which can form dangerous chain
reactions. - Antioxidants- terminate these chain reactions by
removing radical intermediates and can inhibit
other oxidation reactions by being oxidized
themselves. - As a result, antioxidants are often reducing
agents such as thiols or phenols.
22ROS Exogenous Scavengers
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
- Ascorbic acid
- Glutathione
23Current and future work on ROS Prevention to
avoid DNA Damage
- ROS such as superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical
and hydrogen peroxide pose a significant threat
to DNA damage. - ROS are generated through endogenous and
exogenous routes. - Most of the endogenous ROS are produced through
leaky mitochondria from the electron transport
chain. - Exogenous sources are IR, UV, chemotherapeutic
drugs and macrophages.
- Oxidative damage produced by ROS results in DNA
base modifications, single and double strand
breaks, AP lesions. - Elevated ROS levels have been implicated in
disease. - Elevated levels of 8 OH-G present in diseased and
cancer cells. - DNA damage repaired through BER and NER.
- Presence of endogenous and exogenous ROS
- http//www.apsnet.org/education/
- Andreyev, A.Y., Kushnareva, Y.E. and Starkov,
A.A. Biochemistry - (Moscow).2005, 70, 246-264.
- Keyer, K., Gort, A.S., and Imlay.m J.A. Journal
of Bacteriology. 1995, 177, - 6782-6790.
- http//www.dojindo.com/newsletter/review_vol2.html
2 - http//www.benbest.com/lifeext/aging.htmlradical
- http//www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/images.do?structure
Id2ADQ - Salmon, T.B., Evert, B.A., Song, B. and Doetsch,
P.W. Nucleic Acids - Research. 2006. 32, 3712-3723.
- Lu, H., Zhu, H., Huang, M., Chen, Y., Cai, Y.,
Miao, Z., Zhang, J., and Ding, J. - Molecular Pharmacology. 2006. 68, 983-994.
- Feig, D.I., Reid, T.M. and Loeb, L.A. Reactive
Oxygen Species in - Tumorigenesis. Cancer Research. 1994. 54,
1890s-1894s. - http//employees.csbsju.edu/hjakubowski/classes/ch
27 28Fe4S4 cluster PDB ID 7ACN
29Repair of Pyrimidine and Purine derived Oxidative
DNA lesions
- NER has two subtypes
- Global-Genome Repair (GGR-gradually covers the
whole exposed genome and - Transcription-Coupled Repair (TCR).
- TCR ensures that DNA that is actively being
transcribed is given the highest priority for
repair. - The tumor-suppressor protein BRCA1 (often
defective in breast cancer) is essential for TCR
associated with oxidative DNA damage.