Title: PRO-VE
1- PRO-VE 04
- An Outlook of Future Research Needs on Networked
Organizations - Joël Bacquet, Peter Fatelnig, Jesus Villasante,
Arian Zwegers - European CommissionDG Information SocietyD5
ICT for Business
- Networked organisations research
- Past research on intra-enterprise operations
- Past research on supply chains
- Past research on virtual enterprises
- Current research on networked organisations
- Future research on networked organisations
- Supporting European Research
- Context
- Research in Networked Businesses
- What Research?
- What Projects?
- WP2005-06
- FP7
- Conclusions
3Intra-enterprise operationspast research
1 Centralized Model (Monolith control)
2 Hierarchical Model
(Divide complex task in subtasks, Taylor
3 Modified Hierarchy
4 Heterarchy (e.g. Client-Server, Flat Control)
(Dilts et al., 1991)
4Intra-enterprise operationspast research
(AMICE, 1993)
5Intra-enterprise operationspast research
- Period
- Mid 1980s mid 1990s
- Concepts
- CIM, Logistics, BPR, ERP
- Focus
- Integration of the so-called islands of
automation - Initial vision of factory without humans
- Later, improving business processes via ICT
- EC funded research projects
- E.g. AMICE
- Lessons learnt
- Different types of integration
- Modelling framework and modelling languages
- Recurring topics enterprise evolution, model
based execution, integration and
interoperability, centralisation vs.
6Supply chainspast research
7Supply chainspast research
(CO-OPERATE, 2000)
8Supply chainspast research
- Period
- 1990s
- Concepts
- Bilateral process reengineering, focus on core
competences, outsourcing - Focus
- Elimination of the bull-whip effect
- Visibility in the supply chain
- EC funded research projects
- E.g. Adrenalin, Chainfeed, Cooperate, Smartisan
- Lessons learnt
- Planning vs. execution
- Supply chain design vs. supply chain operation
- Recurring topics trust, centralisation vs.
decentralisation, integration and interoperability
9Virtual enterprisespast research
Trimp office buildings
YTI Finland
Pirma Betonila
System Z
Trimp office buildings
YTI Finland
Pirma Betonila
10Virtual enterprisespast research
11Virtual enterprisespast research
- Period
- End 1990s - 2003
- Concepts
- From stable, relatively long-term alliances to
more temporary cooperations - Core competences, outsourcing
- Focus
- Inter-enterprise project management
- Collaboration services
- Mediators
- EC funded research projects
- E.g. Whales, Globemen, Business Architect
- Lessons learnt
- Virtual enterprises and enterprise networks
- Evolution of virtual enterprise throughout life
cycle - Recurring topics trust, integration and
12Virtual enterprisespast research
- Period
- End 1990s - 2003
- Concepts
- From stable, relatively long-term alliances to
more temporary cooperations - Core competences, outsourcing
- Focus
- Inter-enterprise project management
- Collaboration services
- Mediators
- EC funded research projects
- E.g. Whales, Globemen, Business Architect
- Lessons learnt
- Virtual enterprises and enterprise networks
- Evolution of virtual enterprise throughout life
cycle - Recurring topics trust, integration and
Logistics in the Virtual Enterprise Development
of innovative IT-based tools to model the
interaction between companies forming an extended
or virtual enterprise based on a distributed
concurrent engineering and co-design approach,
and covering all phases of the product life
cycle. (excerpt former IST work programme)
13Networked organisationscurrent research
14Networked organisationscurrent research
- Period
- 2003 - 2007
- Concepts
- Interplay of virtual enterprises, breeding
environment, and professional virtual communities - Focus
- Theoretical foundation of the field
- Deployability of networked organisation concepts
- Enterprise interoperability
- Security
- EC funded research projects
- Lessons learnt
- ??
- ??
- Recurring topics ??
15Networked organisationsfuture research??
- Period
- ??
- Concepts??
- Innovation, new product design
- From cost to innovation
- From operational excellence to product leadership
- From traditional form, structure, practices to
more robustness - Focus??
- Tools for participation in multiple enterprise
networks - Performance measurement of networked
organisations - Management of complexity in enterprise networks
- Enhanced (product) innovation in
inter-organisational networks - EC funded research projects
- ??
- Lessons learnt
- ??
- ??
- Recurring topics ??
16Research in networked businesses
(Gartner, 2001)
- Networked organisations research
- Past research on intra-enterprise operations
- Past research on supply chains
- Past research on virtual enterprises
- Current research on networked organisations
- Future research on networked organisations
- Supporting European Research
- Context
- Research in Networked Businesses
- What Research?
- What Projects?
- WP2005-06
- FP7
- Conclusions
18European Research context
RD expenditure as of GDP Source Eurostat
19European Research context
Total number of researchers per 1000 employed
persons (end 1990s) Source DG Research
20European Research context
Average annual growth () of total number of
researchers (end 1990s). Source DG Research
21The European Perspective
ERA EuropeanResearch Area
Candidate countrieswere full partners in FP5
FP5, FP6, Eureka, COST, national RTD programmes
Lisbon Strategy
towards a single market for research
EU Largest knowledge-basedeconomy by 2010
Other policies
Single market, single currency, security of
Europeans, sustainable development, ...
Broadband access, e-business, e-government,
security, skills, e-health, ...
22Europes RD landscapeThe need for ERA
FrameworkProgrammes 4 of total civil
RTDexpenditure in EU
enterprises, universities, research labs, ...
ERA aims to aggregatefragmented RD effort in
23European Research context Building the European
Research Area (ERA)
- A "single market" for research
- an area for the free movement of knowledge,
researchers technology - aim is to increase co-operation, stimulate
competition achieve better allocation of
resources - A restructuring of the European research fabric
- improved co-ordination of national research
activities policies - account for most of the research carried out
financed in Europe - A European research policy
- addresses not only funding of research activities
(e.g. FP6) - also takes into account all relevant aspects of
other EU national policies
24 Research in Networked BusinessesINFSO unit D5
To facilitate the emergence of future business
forms designed to exploit the opportunities and
manage the challenges posed by the socio-economic
and technical revolutions of the 21st century.
Future business, more competitive, innovative,
agile and value creating, will require new
technologies, applications and services to enable
them to work as networked knowledge-based
- Orientation
- technology driven
- long-term
- industry-driven
- structuring fragmented area
- platforms for future eBusiness
- Challenges
- stimulate collaboration
- manage complexity
- innovate together
25What Research? Networked Businesses Objectives
- develop ICTs supporting organisational
networking, process integration, and sharing of
resources that enable networked organisations
(private and public) to build faster and more
effective partnerships and alliances - re-engineer and integrate business processes,
share efficiently knowledge and experiences and
develop value added products and services for
networked organisations
26What Research? Research in Networked businesses
(FP6 Call 1)
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge sharing, brokering
- Knowledge modelling
- Knowledge leveraging creativity and
- Collaborative Networks
- Framework, models
- Network theory
- Complex adaptive/self organising
- Managing distributed operations
- Interoperability
- Software components
- New reference architectures
- Modelling techniques
- Semantics
- Business Ecosystems
- Self-evolving systems
- Collaborative environments
- Local network business ecosystem
- Socio-economic research
27What Projects? Networked businesses - FP6
projects (August 2004)
Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of
Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and their
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 20 Partners from 8 countries
- 25 M Cost / 14.4 M Grant
- 2004 - 2007
- Vision By 2010, enterprises will be able to
seamlessly interoperate with others - Aims to establish, become and be recognised in
research and industry as a permanent world-class
European Hub acting as a reference point in
interoperability - Enterprise Interoperability Centre (EIC) will
bring together relevant stakeholders, elicit user
requirements, organise workshops, provide
training on interoperability aspects and
technology, demonstrate prototypes, etc.
- Key Themes
- Enterprise Modelling
- Cross-organisational business processes
- Semantic mediation
- Interoperability Framework
- Service-oriented architecture
- Model-driven architecture
Contact Rainer Ruggaber SAP -
Digital Business Ecosystem
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 20 Partners from 9 countries
- 14.2 M Cost / 10.5 M Grant
- 2003 - 2006
A digital ecosystem infrastructure adopting
mechanisms from biological theories of
self-organisation and evolution addressing
networked software solutions business models
Paradigms and open-source component-based
infrastructure enabling the creation of
networkedlocal digital ecosystems forSMEs
competitiveness andlocal development
Contact Andrea Nicolai T6 - a.nicolai_at_t-6.it
European Collaborative Networked Organisations
Leadership Initiative
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 20 Partners from 14 countries
- 15.0 M Cost / 9.7 M Grant
- 2004 - 2007
ECOLEAD aims at creating the necessary strong
foundations and mechanisms for establishing an
advanced collaborative and network-based industry
society in Europe.
A holistic approach
Making collaborative networks a new scientific
Contact Martin Ollus VTT - martin.ollus_at_vtt.fi
Intelligent Logistics for Innovative Product
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 30 Partners from 12 countries
- 16.2 M Cost / 9.0 M Grant
- 2004 - 2008
From the "stock push" and "mass production"
thinking of the last century, to a stockless
"build-to-order" (BTO) production strategy
- Key Themes
- The Modular Car (ModCar)
- Flexible Supply Network (FlexNet)
- Integration of complex product processes (IntePro)
Contact René Esser ThyssenKrupp -
Integrating activities 35
Management 7
Interoperability Research for Networked
Enterprises Applications and Software
Spreading of Excellence 37
Joint Research 21
- FP6 Network of Excellence
- 50 Partners from 15 countries
- 16 M Cost / 6.5 M Grant
- 2003 - 2006
- Emergence of a lasting European community on
Enterprise interoperability with both research
and industrial audience - Aims to create the conditions of competitive
Technology Transfer by providing upstream
conceptualisation of business-driven
interoperability - Knowledge integration in the key areas
- Multidisciplinary approach to business-based
Interoperability (IDEAS Roadmap)
- Key Themes
- Software Architecture
- Enterprise Modelling
- Ontologies
Contact Jean-Paul Bourrières Univ. Bordeaux -
Mobility and Collaborative Work inEuropean
Vehicle Emergency Networks
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 21 Partners from 9 countries
- 16.0 M Cost / 10.0 M Grant
- 2004 - 2007
- Stakeholders
- Motorists
- Road assistance services
- Workshop Mechanics
- Automotive OEMs
- Mobile network operators
- Content providers
- Aims to enrich the different automobile repair
service providers with access to restricted
knowledge and tools in a mobile working
Contact Heiko Dirlenbach FIR -
A Trust and Contract Management framework
enabling secure collaborative business processing
in on-demand created, self-managed, scalable,
and highly dynamic Virtual Organisations
- FP6 Integrated Project
- 16 Partners from 8 countries
- 10.9 M Cost / 6.3 M Grant
- 2004 - 2007
Aims at creating a reference framework for trust,
security and contract management in VOs
TrustCoM framework architecture
Contact Santi Ristol SEMA - santi.ristol_at_barcel
- Lessons learned from the first calls (WP2003-04)
- Oversubscription demands focussing and precision
- SMEs
- Call1 16 Call2 17 SO Networked Business
22 - NoEs 7 IPs 15 STREPs 24
- New member states
- Call1 lt3 Call 2 4 SO Networked Business
2.0 NMS, 2.5 INCO - Dedicated SO Further integration of the
research effort in an enlarged Union - Call for STREPs in eGovernment, eBusiness,
eLearning and eHealth - International cooperation
- Main objectives WP2005-06
- Fully meet the objectives of FP6
- Prepare the start of FP7
- Facilitate integration of new Member States
- Focusing of topics and research tasks to improve
36WP2005-06ICT for Networked Businesses
- Digital business ecosystems for SMEs
- Open source
- SMEs
- Enabling cooperation in production of software
services - NoEs, STREPs
- Extended products and services
- AmI technologies vs. new products and services
- Decentralised architectures allowing new
approaches to business processes - IPs, STREPs
- Horizontal actions
- Legal IPR/open source challenges
- Tools for assessment of potential benefits of
collaborative networks - SSAs, CAs
37WP2005-06Collaborative Working Environments
- Design and development of innovative concepts,
methods and core services for distributed
collaboration at work - Core collaboration services
- Flexible management of services
- IPs, STREPs, CAs
- Research on tools for collaborative work in rich
virtualised environments - Focus is on support of augmented group presence,
visualisation, group management, sharing support,
seamless interaction, service composition, and
semantic modelling of complex groups of workers - IPs, STREPs, CAs
- Development of innovative validating applications
for collaborative work in content-rich, mobile
and fixed collaborative environments - Applications in ICT rich domains
- IPs
38Framework Programme 7New elements??
- Individual Research Teams
- Support to Basic Research through Individual
Grants - Stimulating competition
- Excellence as a major criterion for selection
- No juste retour !
- Light administration needed
- Outsourcing to an executive agency, potentially
ERC? - Private-public partnerships
- Implemented through European Technology
Platforms (ETPs) - bring together the main stakeholders in a
research and development field - develop a strategic research agenda and a roadmap
to achieve these goals - stakeholders include industry, academia and the
investors in research (public or private)
- History of EU research in Networked Businesses
- Building on relatively fragmented, unstructured
past research efforts - Influences by technology and socio-economic
factors - Some recurring topics
- Centralisation vs. decentralisation
- Integration and interoperability
- Supporting European research in Networked
Businesses - Some currently ongoing major initiatives
- Expectation excellence in research results
- Expectation recognised as world-class European
hub - Expectation coherent group of initiatives
- Future European research
- Short term WP2005-06
- Longer term FP7
- Leadership needed
- Partnership building needed
40For More Information ...
- http//www.cordis.lu/era/home.html
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.ht
ml - IST/eEurope
- http//europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist
- ICT for Business new instruments
- http//www.athena-ip.org
- http//www.digital-ecosystem.org
- http//ecolead.vtt.fi
- http//www.ilipt.org
- http//www.interop-noe.org
- http//www.mycarevent.net/
- http//www.eu-trustcom.com