Title: Intercultural communication An introduction
1Intercultural communicationAn introduction
- Political
- Economical
- Technology
- Cultural
3National culture without significance?
Source Information 25th of April 01
4Crash course
Lecture 1 An introduction to the field Gary P.
Ferraro (1998) The Cultural Dimension of
International Business, Prentice Hall
International (UK) Chapters 1 and 2. (pp.
3-46) Lecture 2 Functionalism and why Hofstede
is not loved by everybody Susan C. Schneider and
Jean-Louis Barsoux (1997) Managing Across
Cultures, Prentice Hall. Chapters 1 and 2. (pp.
3-45) Lecture 3 Symbolisme - culture is
communication Clifford Geertz (1973)
Interpretation of Cultures, New York, New Basic
Books, pp. 3-30 Lecture 4 Danish
culture Garrison Keillor (1998) Civilized
Denmark, National Geographic, July Richard Hill
(1995) We Europeans. Europublications. The
Danes. The entrepreneurial extroverts, (pp.
5Source Jandt, 1998
6Disposition for i dag
- What is culture?
- Which peoples culture has being studied?
- Etnocentrism/relativism
- Case different expectations
- Culture shock
7What is culture?
8Culture definitions
- Edward B. Tylor "Culture or civilization, taken
in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,
morals, law, custom and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a member of
society." (1871)
9Kroeber Kluckhohn found 164 definitions in the
- "Culture consists of patterns, explicit and
implicit, of and for, behaviour acquired and
transmitted by symbols, constituting the
distinctive achievement of human groups,
including their embodiments in artefacts the
essential core of culture consists of traditional
(i.e., historically derived and selected ) ideas
and especially their attached values culture
systems may, on the other hand, be considered as
products of action, on the other as conditioning
elements of further action." (1952, p. 181)
10Other definitions
- Hofstede Culture is the collective programming
of the mind 1980 - Culture behaviour
- Geertz man is an animal suspended in webs of
significance he himself has spun 1973 - Birmingham school collective subjectivity
- Culture meaning
- What is natural and evident?
11Marco Evaristti and God Save Denmark
- Provoking art with identity as theme
- Jewish parents, father Italian, mother Russian,
grew up in Chile, then Israel, Scotland and
Denmark - Who are we/they/I?
- The language we speak now is German
- The law of Jante is the reason why you never
give compliments
12Marco Evaristti
- Why is it so important to focus on what is
Danish? It must be a huge insecurity. But what
makes us insecure? - The Danes are very provincial maybe that why
they have so big problems with the national
13Ladmiral and Lipiansky
- 8 months shy (universal)
- I am not a part of my mother
- The unknown reveals the known
- For the individual and the group
- Me versus the other
- Us versus the others
- The child grows and so does the surroundings
14- Age group, skin colour, social class, church,
regional and national identity - Affiliations are internalised
- cultural representations and ideologies such as
stereotypes and prejudices - Constant dialectic between identity and alterity,
what is known and unknown
15Perceptions of culture
- Germany
- A nation relatively late in 1872
- Court closed
- Upper middle class (boursoisie) unhappy with the
aristocrats - Kultur true values
- France
- Unity in the human race
- Universalistic perception of Culture
- Civilisation
- Tendency to categorised what is known as good and
what is unknown as bad - An obstacle to intercultural communication
17Source Gary Larsson
18Source Schneider and Barsoux
19Cultural Relativism
- Cultural relativism holds that "good" means what
is "socially approved" by the majority in a given
culture. Infanticide, for example, isn't good or
bad objectively rather it's good in a society
that approves of it, but bad in one that
disapproves of it.
20We are the best!
21Case Sheila Graham in Poland
- What goes wrong?
- Differences in expectations?
- What is natural and evident?
22Culture shock
- You deny it to yourself
- You get a chaos of thoughts and feelings
- You grieve
- You adapt to the situation
23Culture shock
- A proces of adaptation starts when the well-known
and predictable world breaks down through a
process of abstraction and redefinition - Peter Marris quoted in Bennett
24Culture shock
- fight,
- flight,
- filter and
- flex
25Next time
- Read chapters 1 and 2 in Managing across cultures
in the compendium