Title: Detoxification in humans
1- Detoxification in humans
- Phase I makes substrates more hydrophilic, less
toxic, less activ - Phase II makes substrates even more hydrophilic
and ready for secretion - (Phase III further metabolism of Phase II
2- Detoxification in humans Phase I
- Hydrolysis esterases, proteases
- Oxidation cytochrome P450, FAD containing
monooxygenases (oxidation at heteroatoms) - Reduction cytochrome P450
- (Methylation SAM dependent methylases)
3- Detoxification in humans Phase II
- Conjugation
- with glutathione by glutathion-S-transferase
- with glucuronat from UDPGA (UDP-glucuronic acid)
- with sulfate from PAPS (Phosphoadenylylsulfat)
- with acetyl group from acetyl CoA
- Methylation
4- Cytochrome P450 undoubtedly the most popular
research topic in biochemistry and molecular
biology over the past half century - It is probable that the cytochrome P450 system
has been more extensively studied ... than any
other enzyme or protein - X-ray crystallographic determinations have had a
major impact on our knowledge of P450 - David LV Lewis, 2001
5- The cytochrome P450 family has
- Many members
- rice 450, humans 57, mouse 84,
Chlamodymonas 10. - Many functions
- Sex and drugs and alcohol modification of
fatty acids, synthesis of steroids, degradation
of hydrophobic substances (drugs), ethanol
metabolism .
6- The cytochrome P450 family
- Some of the catalyzed reactions (at least 20 more
are known)
Halothane oxidation Halothane reduction Arginine
oxidation Cholesterol side-chain
cleavage Dehydrogenation Dehalogenation Azoreducti
on Deamination Desulphuration Amide
hydrolysis Ester hydrolysis Peroxidation Denitrati
Aromatic hydroxylation Aromatic
epoxidation Aliphatic hydroxylation Alkene
epoxidation N-dealkylation O-dealkylation S-dealky
lation N-oxidation N-hydroxylation S-oxidation Ald
ehyde oxidation Androgen aromatization
7- The cytochrome P450 family
- The sequences are classified into clans (genes,
that stem from a common anchestor) or clades
(from organisms that stem from a common
anchestor), classes (gt 20 identity 1,2, ...),
families (gt 40 identity, eukaryotes 1, 2,
3,... prokaryotes 101, 102, ...),subclasses (gt
55 identity A, B, ...) and genes(1, 2, ...).
8- The cytochrome P450 family and evolution
Plants and animals steroid synthesis
9- The cytochrome P450 family and evolution
10- P450 structure the cofactor heme is bound by a
globin fold
Globin fold all helical, 3 3 helices
11- Absorption of the heme group
The Soret peak at 450 nm is typical for P450
(pigment with 450 nm absorption). The exact
position of the peak depends on the ligands.
12- Absorption of the heme group
Type I high spin iron (385-394 nm) Type II low
spin iron, direct iron ligation as in inhibitors
(416-420 nm, often shift to longer wavelengths,
CO 450 nm) Reverse type I (modified type II)
higher 420 nm peak, lower 390 nm peak
13- Absorption of the heme group
- The spin state of the iron depends on the
strength of the ligand field.
14- P450 structure absorption of the heme group
Example Strong ligand field with CO
15- Mechanism of action
- Activation of the dioxygen
- Structures of many substrate/oxygen complexes of
P450cam (camphor hydroxylase from Pseudomonas
putida) have been analyzed. - The activated oxygen intermediate is created
from dioxygen after two single electron reduction
steps and cleavage of the oxygen-oxygen bond.
16- P450 structure Activation of the dioxygen
17- Mechanism of action
- Oxygen is bound in a bent end-on mode (remember
naphthalene dioxygenase with non-heme iron
side-on bound dioxygen). - binding of oxygen pushes the camphor away only
after dioxygen is reduced twice, camphor moves
closer again. This prevents formation of reactive
peroxides. - the electrons for dioxygen reduction are
provided by iron-sulfur proteins (bacterial and
mitochondrial P450) or FAD/FMN-dependend
NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (CPR,
mammalian microsomal P450).
18- Mechanism of action O2 reduction
- Iron-sulfur clusters and FMN are capable of
single electron transfer steps.
In the P450 CPR complex, the electron moves
through the protein backbone.
19- Drugs ethanol interaction
- Ethanol induces CYP2E and is oxidized by CYP2E.
High ethanol concentrations can prevent other
substrates to be degraded.
20- QSAR quantitative structure-activity
relationship - The goal of QSAR is to predict binding affinities
of new substrates for known enzymes based on the
known (easy available) substrate properties. - These properties include molecular weight, shape
(length/width), HOMO-LUMO difference, dipole
moment, number of hydrogen donors and acceptors,
partition coefficient in octanol/water (logP),
pKa, and many more. - DGbind is usually correlated with (pseudo) energy
terms - number of H-bonds (each contributes a fixed
amount) - pKa (instead of Ka)
- logP (instead of P)
21- QSAR example CYP2A6 subfamily
DG RT ln K (hier R 1.99 cal/molK, T 310 K)
22- QSAR pros and cons
- Correlation can pinpoint important factors
- Potential substrates can be tested in silico
(fast) - Quality of the equation depends on the use of a
representative subset - Binding data must be available
- Binding mode might change upon substrate binding
- 3D details are difficult to correlate (needs lots
of test compounds)