Title: Report of WOAPII D' Stammer
1Report of WOAP-IID. Stammer
- Session 1 WOAP , where are we, where do we go ?
- Report on WCRP JSC and place of WOAP within WCRP
- Observations and their analysis in WCRP/COPES (K.
Trenberth) - WMP to WOAP-II (J. Shukla)
- WOAP might get supported through WCRP and GCOS
but would need then to change its TOR (see
below). - Task groups were formed on the following
subjects - 1) Reanalysies (A. Simmon, D. Stammer, G. Flato,
J. Shokla) - 2) Data management T. Koike, E. Harrison, M.
Tjernstroem, Mac Farlane - 3) Reprocessing R. Lawford, J.L. Fellous, A.
Lorence - 4) GEO Items G. Sommeria, M. Manton, T. Koilke,
M. Rast, R.J. Du Cachat
- Session 2 Coordination with GCOS
- GCOS update for WOAP (D. Goodrich)
- OOPC to WOAP-II (DE Harrison)
- Summary of AOPC annual meeting ongoing
activities (A. Simmons) - WOAP expressed its support for a formal
confirmation of a joint sponsorship of TOPC by
- Session 3 Space matters and relation with
space agencies - 3-1 GCOS satellite observation supplement
- 3-2 CEOS response to GCOS IP (JL Fellous)
- ASIC (Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration
for CC) - 3-3 NPOESS status (A. Heidinger and J. Key)
- CEOS response to GCOS IP is an important
initiative which may impact future GCOS and WOAP
activities. The GCOS IP supplement was discussed
stressing that space requirements for climate
were well defined in the past. But need for
priorities - 1) Continuity
- 2) Reprocessing and reanalysis of past data
- 3) Multiple ECVs, land, ocean, atmosphere
- 4) Calibration, accuracy, benchmark, in situ
- 5) Climate variable need to have higher priority,
especially with NPOESS cuts.
- Session 4 Participation in GEO and IGOS-P
- 4-1 GEO update (M. Rast)
- WCRP-GEO (G. Duchossois G. Sommeria)
- 4-3 IGOS water theme (R. Lawford)
- 4-4 IGOS cryosphere theme (J. Key)
- Recommendations a task group led by G. Sommeria
will propose to the panel a message on GEO which
will support a joint input by WCRP and GCOS to
the 2007-2009 work plan. It will stress the need
to use the GCOS IP and follow-on satellite
supplement as the main guideline for climate
tasks and include a message on funding for
climate activities.
5- Session 5 Data activities
- 5 -1 CEOP (T. Koike)
- 5-2 WMO Information System (JM Rainer G.
Sommeria) - 5-3 Data management activities (T. Koike)
- Recommendations WMO WIS should be publicised
within the WCRP community and should be
considered by all projects. - Matrix on data management (policy, meta data, web
site), prepared by Koike needs to be validated
and completed. One issue is the general data
management within WCRP. All existing efforts were
developed independently, but this needs to be
homogenized to ensure synergies.
6- A task group chaired by N. Mc Farlane will review
the status and management of observational data
and model output archives, including web sites
within WCRP, and will make recommendations for
WCRP-wide overarching structure, site contents
and data policy (see issues above). It will be
composed of one member from each of the
core-projects GCOS, WMP. Time line
membership 31 Dec 2006 Final report 31 July
2008). - Members
- Chair (initially) Norm McFarlane
- SPARC Bill Randel
- CLIVAR ???????????????
- CLiC
- WMP Jim Kinter
- WCRP Gilles Sommeria, Catherine Michaud
7- Proposed terms of reference.
- The task force will review the status and
management of observational data and model
output archives within the WCRP core projects to
ascertain -
- The current status of archived data and model
output (what? where? purpose?). - The degree of accessibility and ease of access to
archived material. - The degree of redundancy in the archived material
either within the WCRP or between WCRP and other
archives (e.g. major data centers). - Anticipated future archiving of observational
data/model output - Possible need for and ways to facilitate
coordination of data archiving and management in
the WCRP - Possible future resources needed for data
archiving and management - The task force will report to WOAP and make
recommendations as to possible actions that may
be taken.
8- Session 6 Reanalyses
- 6-1 Report from Maryland workshop Observations
requirements for future reanalyses (S. Uppala)
Recommandations (K.Trenberth) - 6-2 Report from ECMWF workshop (A Simmons)
- 6-3 GSOP report (D. Stammer)
- 6-4 Reanalysis conference (T. Koike)
- 6-6 WGNE activities (A. Lorenc)
- Recommendations
- A. Simmon and K. Trenberth to write EOS article
about atmospheric reanalysis workshop to publize
benefits and importance of reanalysis for climate
research. - WOAP endorses plan for 3rd International
Reanalysis Conference and recommends support by
WCRP and GCOS as well as GEO. - Next WOAP meeting will address coupled
atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land data
assimilation issues (in support of seamless
prediction). - A working group, led by WCRP and GCOS will
address issue of development of improved
observational data sets for reanalysis.
- Session 7 Reprocessing
- Need for reprocessing is an important element of
the CEOS response to the GCOS IP and follow up
activities. The need for reprocessing shhoul dbe
featured as part of the letter to CEOS. - Session 8 Reflection on WCRP observation
strategy - 8-2 GCOS/NOAA meeting on reference RS network
(D. Goodrich)
10WOAP News
- At OCD Meeting in Beijing, Ann H-S announced that
WMP and WOAP would no longer be supported and
that there is no further money to meet again. - There is no money for Kevin to attend next JSC
meeting. - 200K (all COPES money) have been spent on network
survey, creating a budget crisis within WCRP.
- CLIVAR is currently seeking to build and utilise
reference datasets for climate research as part
of its Global Synthesis Evaluation Framework
activity led by the CLIVAR Global Synthesis and
Observations Panel (GSOP), in association with
GODAE. - CLIVARs global ocean synthesis effort is
focussed around the concept and goal of ocean
reanalysis products that synthesize all
available ocean satellite and in situ
observations by merging them with ocean models
using assimilation techniques. - Ocean reference datasets and their error fields
are required as input for the synthesis efforts,
but also to help evaluate the skill, usefulness
and limitations of various synthesis and modeling
approaches. - White paper on CLIVAR/GODAE Global Synthesis
Evaluation Framework gives background on need and
role of reference datasets within CLIVAR. - While GSOP efforts are focussing at this point on
the ocean synthesis, the next urgent step will be
to move toward coupled climate-quality synthesis
as well as the initialisation of coupled forecast
models using ocean and coupled synthesis
products. - Beyond CLIVAR's own needs, climate reference
datasets are also required to meet wider needs
for climate information. In particular the GCOS
IP (section 3.5) identifies the need for analysed
products for all Essential Climate Variables
13Date 28th Jan to 1st Feb. 2008 Venue Tokyo,
Japan Co-hosting Organizations JMA,CRIEPI,
WCRP, (GEO, UT) International Programming
Committee Dr. Phillip Arkin (MD Univ.) Dr.
Adrian Simmons (ECMWF) Dr. Michael Fiorino
(NHC) Dr. Detlef Stammer(Univ.Hamburg) Dr.
Eugenia Kalnay (MD Univ.) Dr. Masato Sugi
(MRI/JMA) Dr. Masao Kanamitsu (Scripps lab.) Dr.
Kevin Trenberth (NCAR) Dr. Toshio Koike (Univ. of
Tokyo) Dr. Tadashi Tsuyuki (JMA) Dr. Michael
Manton (Monash Univ.) Dr. Tetsuzo Yasunari
(Nagoya Univ.) Dr. Siegfried Shubert (GMAO/NASA)
Dr. Glenn White (NCEP) Secretariats of
WCRP, GCOS and GEO Dr. Gilles Sommeria (WCRP
secretariat) Dr. Hans Teunissen (GCOS
secretariat) Dr. Alexia Massacand (GEO
secretariat) JMA secretariats Dr. Hirotaka
Kamahori (JMA) , Mr. Kazutoshi Onogi
(JMA) Tentative schedule Dec. 2006 --
call for paper 1st Jun. to 15th
Jul. 2007 registration period 16th Jul. to
20th Sep. 2007 refereeing period 30th Sep.
2008 program fixed
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CONVERGENCE CL-06-01 Sustained reprocessing and
reanalysis efforts Ensure the initiation of
international mechanisms to coordinate and
maintain sustained climate data reprocessing and
reanalysis efforts.