PHOBIAS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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you get bitten by a dog, you grow a fear of dogs; you fall from a horse and have ... Agoraphobia ie, a fear of feeling alone in any place or situation, from which it ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: saraimi


Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Do you know what a Phobia is?
  • A strong, irrational fear of something that
    poses little or no actual threat

How do people get them?
  • There are 3 ways people develop Phobias
  • Direct Experience eg., you get bitten by a dog,
    you grow a fear of dogs you fall from a horse
    and have a fear of riding again
  • Other people learning from others, similar to
    parental printing eg., mum has a fear of the dark
    and she says, its dangerous to go outside alone
    at night. You never know what or who could be
    lurking out there. You grow up fearing the dark
    and the unknown it represents.

  • Sharing information-stories overheard or shared
    on scare nights with friends scary movies or
    broadcasts of actual horrific events such as the
    planes flying into the World Trade Centre. The
    Media age has brought reality and fantasy too
    close to many people, and what their eyes see,
    even though they are aware it may not be true,
    has an impact on their response to similar
    triggers in the future. The movie JAWS is an
    example of a movie that had a tremendous impact
    on people going to the beach. Can you think of
    any other movies that may affect people in a
    similar manner

Could Phobias affect you?
  • Mental Health figures indicate 1 in 4 Australians
    are affected with some kind of Phobia.
  • They are the most common psychiatric illness
    amongst women and the second most common illness
    in men over the age of 25.

5 Categories of Phobia
  • Animal Phobias
  • Blood/ injury/ injections Phobia
  • Situational Phobia
  • Environmental Phobia
  • All other Phobias

(No Transcript)
Do you have a Phobia?
  • Feelings of terror, horror, panic or dread
  • Rapid heartbeat, sweaty, shortness of breath,
    nausea, an urge to run away
  • Fast reactions that cant be controlled, that are
    automatic and drive out all rational thought
  • Recognizing that your fear goes beyond normal
    boundaries and the ACTUAL threat of danger
  • Extreme aversion of object or situation

3 Streams of Phobias
  • Social ie, a fear of being embarrassed in front
    of other people eg., speaking publically
  • Specific Phobia ie, an irrational fear of one
    particular object or situation eg., fear of
    flying, not enough time in the day.
  • Agoraphobia ie, a fear of feeling alone in any
    place or situation, from which it would seem,
    that escape would be difficult or help

Can anyone help You?
  • Funnily, not many of the people suffering the
    effects of Phobias attend for treatment, unless
    their circumstances become severe and start
    affecting the way in which they lead their lives.
  • When this occurs, everyone has a differing
    approach to treating phobias-

  • Hypnosis
  • Regression therapy
  • Medications
  • Cognative Behaviour Therapy

Unusual phobias -
  • alektorophobia An abnormal fear of chickens
    which may be a result of the fear of feathers, of
    winged creatures, or of flying animals or birds.
    Such fears may also include eggs and live or dead
    chickens. A few reasons include fears of being
    pecked, swooped upon, and because they roost
    above eye level or that they eat food from the
    ground or manure piles which apparently may
    contaminate the bird. Such fears usually involve
    relative closeness to live chickens, but usually
    donĀ¹t include cooked chickens.
  • I did not become a vegetarian for my health.I
    did it for the health of the chickens. -Isaac
    Bashevis Singer

How dedicated!
gamomania, gamonomania 1. A morbid desire
to get married which may include polygamy. 2. A
form of insanity characterized by extravagant or
outrageous proposals of marriage. To marry once
is a duty, twice a folly, thrice is madness.
-Dutch Proverb

Last thought for the day
  • Character isn't inherited. One builds it daily by
    the way one thinks and acts, thought by thought,
    action by action. If one lets fear or hate or
    anger take possession of the mind, they become
    self-forged chains.
  • Helen Gahagan Douglas
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