Title: SW Centre of Excellence SWCoE
1SW Centre of Excellence (SWCoE)
- Getting to Grips Seminar, CSIP
- Julian Morley, Director SWCoE on behalf of Carol
Robinson, Programme Leader and Head of SWALD
2The Nine Regional Centres
- North West Thameside with AGMA and Liverpool
- Yorkshire Humber Leeds with Sheffield and
North Yorkshire - North East Gateshead
- West Midlands Worcester with Birmingham West
Midlands - East Midlands Nottinghamshire County Council
with Derbyshire - East Norfolk with Suffolk Essex
- South West Dorset
- South East Kent with Surrey, Hampshire
Berkshire - London ALG with Westminster Hammersmith and
3Regional Centres of Excellence (RCEs)
- What they do
- Assist local authorities in each region achieve
maximum efficiency and best outcomes - Promote collaboration and sharing of best
practice - Provide national leadership for one or more
strand of the ER - Well co-ordinated, but with their own priorities
- Each is led by a director and has a small team of
staff - Has its own business plan
- Is accountable to its own Management Board
- Reports progress to ODPM as well as its own Board
4The scale of the operation
- Approximately 1m p.a. for each centre
- Funding secured to March 2008
- 248 projects currently funded (over 5k)
- Driving efficiency through better outcomes
5RCEs are engaged right across the efficiency
- Commodities, goods and services
- Construction
- Culture and sport
- Environmental services
- Productive time
- Social housing
- Voluntary and community sector
- Education
- Childrens services
- Adult services
- Supporting people programme
- Local public transport
- Corporate and transactional services
- Fire and rescue
South East RCE leads on Adult Services
6SW Adult Learning Disability (SWALD) unit has
already developed two key interconnected tools
- Residential care Fair Pricing Tool
- Initial pilot showed an average 5 price across
88 placements - Could yeild efficiency gains of 91k pounds in
the next financial year, followed by 2.7m in
2007-08 and 5.5m in 2008-09 - Assumes 5 savings apply to a maximum of 60
- Residential Care Database tool
- Provider database (self completion)
- Placement Data (costs, location, contact details)
- On-line secure access
- Administered by central function
- Data analysis provided each six-months
7SWCoE is funding a programme of eight Learning
Disability projects in the SW
- Expansion of fair pricing tool
- Enable better informed pricing for supported
living and adult placement services - Expansion of the provider and placement databases
- To include non-residential care and on-line
access - Outcome orientated data-fields (based on In
Control) - Care pathways analysis
- Examine the drivers for residential care
placements - Development of model partnerships with providers
- Provider best practice seminars
- Innovation exchange
- Regional framework for commissioning
- Common documents and processes
- Hands-on development of LD commissioning
strategies - One or two local authorities
- Impact assessment over time
8The programme addresses a number of areas of
Joint Commissioning and Planning
7. Hands-on development of LD commissioning
6. Regional framework for commissioning
3. Care pathways analysis
4. Development of model partnerships with
Gap analysis, Design, Strategy
Purpose Market Analysis Resources Population
Purchasing / Contracting
1. Expansion of fair pricing tool
Strategy Providers Resources User needs
Specification Contract/SLA
5. Provider best practice seminars
Contract Monitoring Review
Contract Mgt
Strategy Monitor Review
Budget Market Mgt
2. Expansion of the provider and placement
8. Impact assessment over time
94. Development of model partnerships with
- Why partnership relationships?
- Increases power of influence on the provider
- Pricing mechanism stops care worker being
distracted by price negotiation - Joint development of innovative solutions
- Documented escalation route for quality or
performance issues - Encourages migration of offering towards
independent living - Funnels innovation of provider and authority
- Helps forward investment for provider
- What do partnerships look like?
- Shared forecast of demand
- Agreed pricing mechanism and commercial terms
- Service and quality agreement
- Six monthly business reviews
- What type of providers?
- Large, multi-authority providers
10Large, multi-authority providers can be tamed
with partnership relationships
29 providers support 83 of the LD spend (across
12 LAs)
Note based on the top ten providers
11The work of the RCEs is co-ordinated nationally
by the SE RCE
- Regular meetings
- Social Service programme leaders and RCE staff
- Coordination of activity
- Cost modelling (lead by the SW RCE)
- Market management
- Regional Procurement and Commissioning
- Supporting People
- Link to Central Government
- Ministerial Taskforce
- National Social Care