Title: Are there Machos in the Halo
1Are there Machos in the Halo?
- Irvine
- March 2007
- Kim Griest, UCSD
2- Surveys monitor millions of stars for years to
find rare lensing events - Bulge gt stars, remnants, planets, etc.
- LMC/SMC/M31 gt DM
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7Test of systematic error due to
contamination, selection bias compare A B
criteria Criteria A tighter cuts, with less
contamination Criteria B looser cuts, with
more contamination
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10The number of non-Macho events is predicted to be
much smaller than the 13-17 events observed
(using standard LMC and Milky Way stellar
11- Masses 0.1 - 1.0 Msun preferred
- Halo fraction 8 - 40 preferred
- Total mass in Machos 8-10 1010 Msun (MW
disk6 1010 Msun, and MW halo has 4-6 1011
Msun) - Optical depth 1.20.4-0.3 10-7
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13- Main conclusion Machos as main component of
Dark Matter are ruled out - But found significant extra microlensing
14But these results need correcting
- Recently EROS (Glicenstein 2004) found that event
LMC-23 bumped again after 7 years gt variable
star, not lensing. - LMC-23 contributed 8 of optical depth (and halo
fraction) (6 for set B), so all our optical
depths and halo fractions should be reduced at
least 8. - gt best f 18.5, and tau1.1 10-7 (Griest
Thomas), or f16, tau1 10-7 (Bennett) - More worrying are there more events like this?
16What does extra LMC microlensing mean?
1. If events are in MW halo gt - significant
portion of DM - problem exists What are
they? -- stellar mass but cant be stars (stars
shine!) -- stellar remnant (white dwarfs, black
holes) would need lots of early stars
no evidence for these (metal enrichment,
background light, etc.) WD observed? --
primordial black holes? quark nuggets? NT
solitons? 2. If events are LMC self lensing gt
- current LMC models wrong? -
lens stars should be seen? 3. Contamination in
MACHO dataset?
17The number of non-Macho events is predicted to be
much smaller than the 13-17 events observed
(using standard LMC and Milky Way stellar
18LMC in neutral H looks like a face-on disk.
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20Much written on LMC self lensing since
Sahu/Wu/Gould 1994
- MACHO used Gyuk, Dalal, Griest review of LMC
models, valid in 2000, to predict 1-2 LMC
self-lensing microlensing events. At that time
no evidence of other stellar populations to do
the self lensing. - HOW ABOUT RECENT EVIDENCE?
- Zhao, Ibata, Lewis, Irwin(2003) did 1300 2dF
radial velocities - no evidence for any extra population over
expected LMC and Galaxy. Any new kinematically
distinct population less than 1. - (rules out Evans Kerrins 2000 fluffy stellar
halo model)
21- Gallart, Stetson, Hardy, Pont, Zinn (2004),
search for a stellar population in a deep surface
brightness CMD, and found no evidence for any
stellar halo - However, Minniti, et al (2003), and Alves (2004)
found RVs for 43 RR Lyaes and discovered an old
and hot stellar halo! But they say it is too
small to account for all the extra microlensing - But the structure of the LMC is being questioned
van der Marel,et al (2002) says the LMC disk is
not circular, but Nikolaev, et al. (2004)
disagree, saying it is warped. Both say it does
not probably affect self lensing much (e.g.
Mancinit etal 2003 agree), but it does show the
LMC is still not well understood. - Summary no clear answer yet
- Contamination was studied by MACHO selection
criteria - A 13 events, tight cuts, less contamination.,
lower effs - B 17 events, loose cuts, more contam.,
higher effs - tau(A) 1.1e-7, tau(B)1.3e-7.
- 17 difference estimates contamination
systematics - But Belokurov, Evans, LeDu used neural net to
reanalyze MACHO LMC data. Say data set is badly
contaminated find only 6 or 7 microlensing
events gt tau much smaller gt no need for either
Machos in dark halo or extra LMC self lensing!
- Found events by running only on our selected
events, but calculated efficiencies without
including effect of our selection gt badly
miscalculated efficiencies. - Analyzed only 22000 lightcurves out of 11.9
million - Also used very weak statistics gt much lower eff,
and many false positives (2 out of 22000) gt
probably would not even work if applied to all
11.9 million lightcurves - Rejected good microlensing, misidentified SN
- Conclusion BEL analysis is meaningless neural
nets may be useful, but have yet to be applied
correctly. Contamination possible, but certainly
not shown yet. Results of MACHO LMC5.7 stand
after small correction for LMC-23.
24What do to? Other experiments!
25EROS collaboration 4 events in 50 LMC fields
and 4 events in 10 SMC fields Interpreted as
limit on Halo dark matter
LMC Events
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27LMC Limits on Macho Dark Matter
- MACHO plus original EROS Objects with 10-7 lt m lt
10-3 Msun make up less than 25 of DM. Objects
with 3.5 10-7 lt m lt 4.5 10-5 make up less than
10 of DM - EROS reanalysis (Tisserand et al. 2006) took 7
million out of 33 million brightest stars
assumed no blending found no events gt tault0.36
10-7, flt 7 (95CL). (CONFLICTS WITH MACHO
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- M31 microlensing is the new frontier (and site of
new controversies!) - At least 4 groups have returned results (but
situation not clarified!) - Key idea was to use M31 inclination and near/far
asymmetry if Macho halo, many more events
should appear on far side of M31
30De Jong, et al. AA, 446,855, 2006
31 MEGA M31 Microlensing Found 4
events Measure Macho halo fraction f0.29
0.30 -0.13 .01lt m lt 1 Msun gt M31 halo DM
consistent With MACHO LMC result!
BUT POINT-AGAPE M31 have 3 events say flt.25
(.6) for .0001ltmlt.1 (.1ltmlt1 Msun)
32More recently reversal!
- POINT/AGAPE has 6 events model M31 say more
than self-lensing halo fraction f gt20 for .5
ltmlt1 Msun, or fgt8 for m.01Msun (95 CL) plus
likely binary event on far side. (Calachi Novati,
et al. AA, 2005) - MEGA has 14 events, still large asymmetry, but
more careful modeling says asymmetry may be from
extinction limit flt30, best fit f0 or f10
depending on model now say might be consistent
with self-lensing. (de Jong, et al. AA 446, 855
(2006) - Separate POINT/AGAPE search has 5 good events 4
on far side, 1 on near no conclusions - Difference may depend on bulge M/L4 or 8?
- Also new reanalysis of MEGA (Ingrosso et al. AA
Oct 2006) says only extreme M31 models compatible
with f0.
33Calachi Novati, et al. AA 443 911 (2005)
34Other M31 results
- WeCAPP (Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing
project) found 2 events toward M31. Say favor
M31 halo lenses, but evidence very weak (in my
opinion). - Nainital group found one M31 event (on far side),
no conclusions.
35New Result Spitzer Infrared satellite parallax
- Cant tell distance to invisible lens, but if
could view same event simultaneously far from
Earth, then you could - Combined groundSpitzer of OGLE-2005-SMC-1, finds
vproj 230 km/s
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38New Result Spitzer Infrared satellite parallax
- Combined groundSpitzer of OGLE-2005-SMC-1, finds
vproj 230 km/s - Disk lens gt 50km/s, Halo lens gt 300 km/s, SMC
lens gt 2000 km/s - Likelihood ratio Halo/SMC 20!
- BUT mass is wrong to be MACHO event! This binary
lens seems to have mass 7 and 3 Msun gt black
holes! MACHO wanted 1/2 Msun lenses
39What does it mean?
- Experimentally not clear need more M31 work
(MEGA/POINT-AGAPE, etc) Supermacho on LMC. From
space can do parallax and (if approved) can
answer question of where lenses are eventually
SIM can do astrometric microlensing. (Measure
distance to 2 or 3 LMC lenses as 10 kpc to prove
Macho DM. 3 or 4 at 50 kpc proves LMC
self-lensing.) Need better modeling of M31. - Spitzer IR satellite project proposal to get
more parallax events (Gould et al). Hope to get
LMC event. - Theoretically Macho DM consistent with
Omega_baryon 0.04, but causes
problems with star and galaxy formation, or
requires very exotic objects.
40Executive Summary
- Basic Result Searches done and show bulk of DM
cannot be in compact objects with masses between
Mars mass and 100 Msun - Conflicting results on whether ANY halo DM can
exist in this form 2 collaborations say yes, 2
say no, and new Spitzer SMC measurement says yes - IF measurable amount of Macho halo DM exists, it
would be a major new component of MW (and M31) gt
important consequences for galaxy formation and
- The mystery of LMC/M31 microlensing is still
unsolved, and more work is needed - If you want an inventory of all compact objects,
independent of luminosity, microlensing is the
way to go, i.e. Microlensing has a bright future
for finding dark objects
42- BULGE Microlensing
- Three collaborations
- returned results OGLE,
- MACHO results
- 50 million stars over 7 year
- gt450 events, 60 on clump giants (less blended)
- 40 binary events, parallax, extended source,
lensing of variable stars, etc.
43 Location of all 500 MACHO events. (b,l)(0,0)
is Galactic center Many of these Are blended.
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45Microlensing lightcurves have well specified
shapes depending on 3 parameters Maximum
magnification Amax, event duration that, and
time of peak. Blended lightcurves look very
similar, but have different values for Amax and
46Are events all microlensing? Microlensing is
uniformly distributed in impact parameter, umin
1/Amax K-S test shows probability of 2.5 for
these 258 events. Deviation is from blending.
47Microlensing should be randomly distributed in
48Select clump giants from color-magnitude diagram
62 events
49For 60 clump giant events probability is 81. So
these are unblended microlensing
5062 Clump giant events. Circle size is
proportional to event duration.
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52- Optical depth 2.18 .45-.38
- 10-6
- Agrees with models (e.g. Gould and Han 1.63 10-6)
- Also agrees with EROS and OGLE gt no more bulge
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5434 candidate events probably from the recently
discovered Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
55Planet Microlensing
Source Star
Lens Star
Lensed Images
Planets with Gravitational microlensing (Mao and
Paczynski, 1991). The foreground lens star
distorts and magnifies images of the background
star for months, and lensing planet modifies
light curve for 1 day.
(Slides c/o Dave Bennett and Scot Gaudi)
56Extraction of Exoplanet Signal
Time-series photometry is combined to uncover
light curves of background source stars being
lensed by foreground stars in the disk and bulge.
Twice Earth Earth Half Earth No Planet
Magnification by stellar lens
Deviation Due to Planet
Offset from peak gives projected separation
Detailed fitting to the photometry yields the
parameters of the detected planets.
Planets are revealed as short-duration deviations
from the smooth, symmetric magnification of the
source due to the primary star.
57Results Limits on Cool Jupiters
- Analysis of PLANET data
- 1995-1999
- 43 Events
- No viable detections
- Quantified efficiencies
- Upper limits on G-M dwarfs
- lt33 have cool Jupiters (MMJ with 1.5-4AU)
- lt50 have Jupiter analogs (MMJ with a5.2 AU)
(Albrow et al 2001, Gaudi et al 2002)
58First Planet DetectionOGLE-2004-BLG-235/MOA-2004-
- Jointly discovered by OGLE and MOA
- Caustic-crossing event
- Unambiguous
- Additional constraints
- Primary
- Planet
(Bond et al 2004)
The technique works!
59Second Planet DetectionOGLE-2005-BLG-071
- Jointly discovered by OGLE ?FUN (also PLANET
MOA) - High-magnification event
- Very high S/N detection
- Discovered real-time
- HST dataLCMCMCBayesian
- May yield mass measurement
- Primary
- Planet
(Udalski et al 2005, Gaudi et al, in prep)
Cool Jupiters, while uncommon, are not rare
(frequency 5-10)
60Third Planet DetectionOGLE-2005-BLG-390
- Discovered by PLANET (also OGLE MOA)
- Classical planetary event
- Giant source resolved
- Additional constraints
- Very low-mass planet
- Primary
- Planet
- RV
(Beaulieu et al 2006)
61Fourth Planet DetectionOGLE-2005-BLG-169
- Very High-Magnification Event
- Maximum Magnification 700!
62Fourth Planet DetectionOGLE-2005-BLG-169
- Very High-Magnification Event
- Maximum Magnification 700!
- Dense coverage on falling side of peak
- Sampling of 10 seconds
- Low-amplitude anomaly
- Highly significant
- Present in multiple datasets
- Present in different reductions
- Not seen in reference stars
- Not correlated with seeing, background, etc.
- Planetary fits yield mass ratios 10-6 -10-5
- Primary
- Planet
gt Cool Neptune-mass planets are common
(frequency 40)
f .37.3-.21, and fgt16 (90CL) (Gould et al
63Current Inventory of Planets
- RV Surveys
- 164 Planets
- Transit Surveys
- 6 Planets
- Microlensing Surveys
- 4 Planets
- Pulsar Timing
- 4 Planets
64Whats Next?
- Current setup (alert/follow-up) saturated
- Nearly all of the useable bulge monitored
- Many events cannot be monitored
- Monitoring one event at a time too inefficient
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66MPF Science Team
Mission Parameters
PI D. Bennett (Notre Dame) Science Team J.
Anderson (Rice), J.-P. Beaulieu (IAP), I. Bond
(Massey), M. Brown (Caltech), E. Cheng (CcA), K.
Cook (LLNL), S. Friedman (STScI), P. Garnavich
(Notre Dame), S. Gaudi (CfA), R. Gilliland
(STScI), A. Gould (Ohio State), K. Griest (UCSD),
J. Jenkins (Seti Inst.), R. Kimble (GSFC), D. Lin
(UCSC), J. Lunine (Arizona), J. Mather (GSFC),
D. Minniti (Catolica), B. Paczynski (Princeton),
S. Peale (UCSB), B. Rauscher (GSFC), M. Rich
(UCLA), K. Sahu (STScI), M. Shao (JPL), J.
Schneider (Paris Obs.), A. Udalski (Warsaw), N.
Woolf (Arizona) and P. Yock (Auckland)
- 1.1 meter aperture
- 0.65 deg2 FOV
- 35 2K by 2K HgCdTd detectors
- 3 IR bands (600-1700 nm)
- Geosynchronus orbit
- Monitor 200,000,000 bulge stars in 4 fields for 4
years - 400M cost (Discovery)
67Planet Detection Sensitivity
- Sensitivity to all Solar System-like planets
- Except for Mercury Pluto
- most sensitive technique for a ? 1 AU
- Good sensitivity to outer habitable zone
(Mars-like orbits) where detection by TPF is
easiest - Mass sensitivity is 1000 ? better than vrad
- Assumes ??2 ? 80 detection threshold
- Can find moons and free planets
Updated from Bennett Rhie (2002) ApJ 574, 985
68 Predicted Discoveries
- Expected MPF planet detections if each lens
system has a solar system analog planetary
system with the same star-planet separations and
mass ratios as our own planetary system.
The number of expected MPF planet discoveries as
a function of star-planet mass ratio.
- The mystery of LMC/M31 microlensing is still
unsolved, and more work is needed - If you want an inventory of all compact objects,
independent of luminosity, microlensing is the
way to go, i.e. Microlensing has a bright future
for finding dark objects
70Detection Limits
71Lensing Substructure
N. Dalal (Institute for Advanced Study) C.S.
Kochanek (Center for Astrophysics) ApJ 572 25
(2002) astro-ph/0302036
Moore et al. (1999)
- Outline
- Flux anomalies in GL systems
- a. what are they?
- b. evidence for substructure?
- 2. Comparison with CDM predictions
- 3. Implications future directions
Satellites Tidal Streams 2003
72CDM Substructure
- CDM models predict much more substructure than is
seen in luminous satellites (Klypin et al. 1999,
Moore et al. 1999). - This satellite excess has been viewed as a
problem for CDM, leading to warm dark matter,
etc., or may indicate that feedback processes
suppress star formation in low mass halos
73Strong galaxy lensing
- Deflection of light by foreground galaxy causes
multiple imaging of background source
Simple mass models (e.g. isothermal ellipsoids)
can account for image positions, but usually FAIL
to explain image fluxes in quad lenses! More
complex models (e.g. boxy or disky) also fail to
fit image fluxes. These so-called flux
anomalies are nearly ubiquitous among quads.
74Flux anomalies - examples
- fluxes of close images obey asymptotic
relationships for smooth mass models (e.g.
Schneider et al. 1992)
fold relation
cusp relation
B2045265 (Fassnacht et al. 1999)
B1555375 (Marlow et al. 1999)
and plenty more examples
75laundry list of possible causes
- propagation effects (e.g. scintillation,
absorption) - variability
- wrong smooth model for galaxy
- stellar microlensing
- aliens tricking us
- massive (gt106 Msun) substructure
76Substructure lensing
- naturally explains frequency independence
(equivalence principle) - long variation timescale millennia
- predicts observed parity dependence for both
microlensing (Schechter Wambsganss 2002) and
subhalo lensing
77How Much Substructure?
- approximate Bayesian analysis finds 2 of
surface density in substructure best fits data
for bsat2.5 mas, Msat2 107 Msun
Problem elliptical galaxies are not clumpy (e.g.
Conselice 2003) and observed substructure (e.g.
globular clusters, luminous satellite galaxies)
not abundant enough to account for incidence of
- Lensing is a great way to see dark objects
- In future lensing will increase in importance
SIM, LSST, Supermacho, SNAP, MPF, and many other
79BULGE Microlensing three collaborations returned
80Microlensing towards bulge
- 50 million stars over 7 year
- gt450 events, 60 on clump giants (less blended)
- 40 binary events, parallax, extended source,
lensing of variable stars, etc. - Optical depth 2.18 .45-.38 10-6, agrees with
models (e.g. Gould and Han 1.63 10-6) - Also found optical depth as a function of (b,l)
and gradient in optical depth
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82MACHO Collaboration (2000)
- Monitored 11.9 million stars for 5.7 years
- Found 13-17 events (depending on selection
criteria) - Careful efficiency analysis including blending
- Removed 8 Supernova behind LMC (contaminants)
- Distribution in space, CMD, Amax, consistent with
microlensing interpretation - Likelihood analysis to measure Macho DM, plus
events in disk, LMC, etc.
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84Low-Mass Planets Discovered by Microlensing
- 2 of the 4 planets that have been discovered by
microlensing have masses lt 20M?
Known Sub-Neptune Mass Planets
A 5.5 M? planet discovered by microlensing
OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb. This is the light curve of
the lowest mass planet yet detected in orbit
around a normal star by any method.
Ground-based microlensing is currently the most
powerful technique for the detection of low-mass
planets orbiting normal stars, but there are
limitations on the sensitivity that can be
achieved from the ground.
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86The first planet to be discovered by
microlensing OGLE 2003-BLG-233/ MOA 2003-BLG-53
q.0039. Likely star mass of 0.4 Msun,
likely Planet mass of 1.5 M_jupiter. Second
planet found in June (OGLE-2005-BLG-071). 0.05 lt
m/M_jupiter lt 4, at distance of several kpc
very high S/N
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89Are lenses DM in Galaxy or LMC Self lensing?
If events are in MW halo gt - significant
portion of DM - problem exists What are
they? -- stellar mass but cant be stars (stars
shine!) -- stellar remnant (white dwarfs, black
holes) would need lots of early stars
no evidence for these (metal enrichment,
background light, etc.) If events are LMC self
lensing gt - current LMC models are wrong -
why are the lens stars not seen?
Lots of tests done none conclusive yet
Other lensing info?
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93New Planet Detection!OGLE-2005-BLG-169
- Very High-Magnification Event
- Maximum Magnification 700!
- Dense coverage on falling side of peak
- Sampling of 10 seconds
94New Planet Detection!OGLE-2005-BLG-169
- Very High-Magnification Event
- Maximum Magnification 700!
- Dense coverage on falling side of peak
- Sampling of 10 seconds
- Low-amplitude anomaly
- Highly significant
- Present in multiple datasets
- Present in different reductions
- Not seen in reference stars
- Not correlated with seeing, background, etc.
95De Jong, et al. AA, 2006 (MEGA)
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100Combined MACHO and EROS limits on short duration
small mass objects
101Limits vary according to Milky Way halo model
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