Title: TODAY: Affine Structure from Motion III
1TODAY Affine Structure from Motion III
- Affine Structure from Motion from two Views
- A Geometric Approach
- Affine Epipolar Geometry
- An Algebraic Approach
- Affine Structure from Motion from two Views
- An SVD-Based Approach Factorization
- Reading Affine Structure from Motion
- This file on feather.ai.uiuc.edu in
2Affine Coordinates
- Coordinate system for YOU
3When do m1 points define a p-dimensional
subspace Y of an n-dimensional affine space X
equipped with some coordinate frame basis?
Rank ( D ) p1, where
Writing that all minors of size (p2)x(p2) of D
are equal to zero gives the equations of Y.
4Affine Transformations
- Bijections from X to Y that
- map m-dimensional subspaces of X onto
m-dimensional - subspaces of Y
- map parallel subspaces onto parallel subspaces
and - preserve affine (or barycentric) coordinates.
- Bijections from X to Y that
- map lines of X onto lines of Y and
- preserve the ratios of signed lengths of
- line segments.
In E they are combinations of rigid
transformations, non-uniform scalings and shears.
5Affine Transformations II
- Given two affine spaces X and Y of dimension m,
and two - coordinate frames (A) and (B) for these spaces,
there exists - a unique affine transformation mapping (A) onto
- Given an affine transformation from X to Y, one
can always - write
- When coordinate frames have been chosen for X
and Y, - this translates into
6Affine projections induce affine transformations
from planes onto their images.
7Affine Shape
Two point sets S and S in some affine space X
are affinely equivalent when there exists an
affine transformation y X X such that X
y ( X ).
Affine structure from motion affine shape
recovery of the corresponding motion
equivalence classes.
8Geometric affine scene reconstruction from two
images (Koenderink and Van Doorn, 1991).
9Affine Structure from Motion
(Koenderink and Van Doorn, 1991)
10The Affine Epipolar Constraint
Note the epipolar lines are parallel.
11Affine Epipolar Geometry
12The Affine Fundamental Matrix
13An Affine Trick..
Algebraic Scene Reconstruction Method
14The Affine Structure of Affine Images
Suppose we observe a scene with m fixed cameras..
The set of all images of a fixed scene is a 3D
affine space!
15has rank 4!
16From Affine to Vectorial Structure
Idea pick one of the points (or their center of
mass) as the origin.
17What if we could factorize D? (Tomasi and
Kanade, 1992)
Affine SFM is solved!
Singular Value Decomposition
We can take
18From uncalibrated to calibrated cameras
Weak-perspective camera
Calibrated camera
Problem what is Q ?
Note Absolute scale cannot be recovered. The
Euclidean shape (defined up to an arbitrary
similitude) is recovered.
19(No Transcript)