Title: Courses
Interested in floods, beaches and dunes? The
Geomorphology group approaches the investigation
of the physical environment through an emphasis
on field-oriented studies of earth surface
processes. Teaching and research focus on the
linkages between humans and geomorphic processes,
and the integrated role they play in modifying
the earths surface. Recent research includes
projects that examine soil erosion and sediment
transport on Coastal Plain croplands, floodplain
sedimentation and flood hydrology during
Hurricane Floyd, coastal dune and beach erosion,
and trace element contamination of fluvial and
aeolian sediments. Facilities include a Sediment
Analysis Lab and a Geomorphic Modeling Laboratory
equipped with a stream table and flume.
Affiliated faculty Paul Gares, Scott Lecce,
Patrick Pease
Courses GEOG 5220 Physical Geography Field
Experience GEOG 6200 Research Methods in Physical
Geography GEOG 6210 Advanced Fluvial and
Hydrological Processes GEOG 6220 Advanced Coastal
Geomorphology GEOG 6230 Earth Surface Processes
on the Coastal Plain