Title: FP7 Health presentation Jan' 07
1FP7 Health theme
Ludovica SerafiniSME InnovationDirectorate
HealthDG Research European Commission
FP7 Health 16th July 2007 - Brussels The
Italian Bio-Metacluster a key industry and
research sector in three local areas
2The Health Theme in Framework programme 7
- FP7 Health Theme
- Health related industry participation SME focus
in FP6 FP7 - Calls, budgets and specificities
- Supports available
- Contacts
- News flash on RSFF
3FP7 main elements
- Budget to be increased 50.5 billion over 7
years 40 - Human potential and science careers (People )
- European Research Council (Ideas programme )
ERC - Infrastructures, SME, regions potential
(Research Capacities ) - Collaborative research (Cooperation )
- continuity in themes funding modalities.
- funding levels to be raised in some cases, 50
? 75 - Joint Technology Initiatives, eg the Innovative
Medicines Initiative IMI
4Cooperation Collaborative research in FP7
- Thematic Priorities
- Health 6.1
- Food, agriculture, fisheries and
biotechnology 1.9 - Information and communication technologies 9.1
- Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and
new production technologies 3.5 - Energy 2.3
- Environment (including climate change) 1.9
- Transport (including aeronautics) 4.2
- Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 0.6
- Security 10. Space 2.8
- Total for collaborative research
32.4 billion
5Scope of research in the Health Theme in FP6
- In the Health theme, the Framework programme
supports basic and applied collaborative research - This includes discovery activities, translational
research and early clinical trials (normally only
phase I and II)
6What was funded in FP6 in the Health priority
- 2.4 billion in research grants 604 projects in
4 years - Average success rate 25.4
- Total number of participants 7,426
7SME participationin FP6 Health is overall 14
of contribution
- Calculated on requested contribution, excluding
NoEs -
8SME participation in FP6 (2003-2006)
- Main features of SME-STREP call
- only small projects (STREPS)
- very open topics (based on consultations with
industrial associations) - required participation of research intensive SMEs
- Proposals had to be SME-driven
- Proposals had to be designed to support SME
efforts towards research and innovation - Results should be of interest/benefit to SMEs
- 30-50 of the EU contribution had to go to the
SME partners - Research-intensive SMEs were expected to play
leading roles (although not necessarily
9Outcome of SME-STREP call
- Key figures on the 86 selected proposals
- 43 of budget is going to SMEs 94 million
out of 200 million - 40.6 of participants are SMEs ( 276)
- Average budget requested per SME 342,000
- 46 (40 projects) are coordinated by SMEs
- More then 90 of SMEs are research intensive
- The SME-STREP call has been a major success ?
- Research Intensive SMEs were key players
- driving forces
- in the project
- See some examples
10Multi-parametric quantum dot bioassay for point
of care diagnosis
- To provide clinicians with multi-parametric
measurement of the 4/5 essential markers and
support decision-making with a software tool. - EC contribution 2.5m over 3 years ? 44 to
SMEs - 3 SMEs involved (out of 9 participants)
- Coordinator is an SME all SMEs play key
scientific roles development of photonic and
electro-optics immunoassay development
production of monoclonal antibodies and
recombinant proteins.
11Fully automated and integrated Microfluidic
Platform for Real-time Molecular Diagnosis of
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- to develop a new diagnostics platform for a
fast, simple and accurate identification of MrSa,
responsible for most nosocomial and
community-acquired infections - EC contribution 2.1mill over 3 years ? 45 to
SMEs - 4 SMEs involved (out of 6 participants)
- Coordinator is an SME.
- All SMEs play key scientific roles design the
microchip and Magnetic Phase platform provide
quadruplex real-time quantitative PCR for gene
expression analysis develop and manufacture
appropriate magnetic particles
12Development of multi-step improved
epidermic-specific vaccine candidate against
- to develop genetic vaccine candidate for
therapeutic and preventive use against HIV/AIDS
. - EC contribution 2.4mill. over 3 years ? 50 to
SMEs - 4 SMEs involved (out of 7 participants)
- Coordinator is an SME.All SMEs play key roles in
the development of a complex new vaccine
technology that will combine restricted
expression of the multi-epitope/multivalent HIV
antigens in specific cells of the epidermis
segregation/partitioning function of the Bovine
papillomavirus type 1 immunogens expression
within and onto virus-like-particles the
adjuvant effect of different cytokines
development of micro-needle array
13Multi-parametric quantum dot bioassay for point
of care diagnosis
- To provide clinicians with multi-parametric
measurement of the 4/5 essential markers and
support decision-making with a software tool. - EC contribution 2.5m over 3 years ? 44 to
SMEs - 3 SMEs involved (out of 9 participants)
- Coordinator is an SME all SMEs play key
scientific roles development of photonic and
electro-optics immunoassay development
production of monoclonal antibodies and
recombinant proteins.
14FP7 Health
- Main policy drivers
- Improving health of European citizens
- Increasing competitiveness of European
health-related industries and businesses - Addressing global health issues, including
emerging epidemics
- Budget
- 6.1 billion over 7 years (2007-2013)
15FP7 Health
- Out of the 6 billion
- dedicated to the Health Theme
- the share going to SMEs
- is expected to be at least 15,
- or 900 million.
- Broader approach to health research than FP6
(including medical technologies and public
health) - 7 year programme(long term continuity of
structure, rules and procedures) - Better funding Up to 75 for research and
development activities of SMEs (vs 50 for other
industry) Management and training activities are
funded up to 100 - Reduced need for financial checks and bank
guaranteesA guarantee fund (replacing the
'collective financial responsibility) covers the
financial risks of defaulting project
participants - Better, more flexible, protection of intellectual
17SME Definition
less than 250 employees, annual turnover less or
equal to 50 million and balance sheet less or
equal to 43 million the company has to be
"independent" For more details see
me_definition/index_en.htm An available help to
see if an company fits in the SME definition, is
available at http//ec.europa.eu/research/sme-te
chweb/index_en.cfm But, in FP7, participating
company respondence to the SME definition is
assessed during negotiation
18EU contribution provided through call for
- Proposals go through a pair review evaluation.
- Evaluation main objectives? proposals selected
for funding must demonstrate a high scientific,
technical and managerial quality.? all the
proposals should be treated alike, considering
only their merits.
19General Overview Evaluation Process
Consensus meeting in Brussels
Remote individual evaluation
Final decision and procedures
20FP7 Callspublished documents
- Rules on submission and evaluation
- Same for all FP7
- Consistency vs flexibility!
- Guide for applicants (annexes 1 and 2)
- How the rules will be applied for a certain call
- The work programme
- The topics and criteria against which the
proposals will be judged
21Information for proposal preparation in Health
- http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/cooperation/health_en.
html - Where to get help to prepare a proposal
- National Contact Points in the Member States and
Associated States, provides guidance, practical
information and assistance on all aspects of
participation in the Framework Programmes
http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ncp_en.html - SME-go-Health, an FP6 EU-funded project,
specifically supporting the participation of
SMEs, provides several services, including a
matchmaking database for proposals preparation.
Contact them at http//www.smesgohealth.org/
22FP7 first calls for the Health theme
- New rules for FP7
- page number limitation for proposals
- new provisions for ethics
- ceilings for EU contribution
- Specificities of Health theme
- one-step submission
- no Networks of Excellence
- 1 ERA-NET (cancer registries) with deadline 30
July 2007
23Funding levels in the Health theme
- Maximum (and minimum) funding levels for funding
schemes - min. max.
- Small- or medium-scale focussed research
project (FP) 3m - Large-scale integrating project (IP) 6m 12m
- Coordination action (CA)
- Support action (SA)
- ERA-Net (for cancer topic) 2m
- except where otherwise stated in work
programme. - Warning this is an eligibility criteria !
24FP7 first calls for the Health theme
- for 2007-2008 (year 1 2 of FP7)
- work programme published 22 December 2006
- Call A - first deadline 19 April 2007
637 million for 87 topics - Call B - second deadline 18 September 2007
- 549 million for 89 topics (draft
available since 22/12/2006 call published on
18/6/2007) - JTI IMI publication expected by year-end,
pending approval by Council
25Health in FP7Opportunities for Industry
- Health Theme aims at increasing competitiveness
and innovative capacity of European related
enterprises - Political objective to give 15 of contribution
to SMEs - Industry in general, and SMEs in particular, are
encouraged to participate in all projects,
wherever appropriate - SME driven topics, designed for SMEs, with higher
of contribution to SMEs, significant/leading
role of SMEs in research activities - Innovative Medicine Initiative, a public-private
partnership, aims at accelerate drug development
in Europe, is proposed as a Joint Technology
Initiative (JTI) under FP7 with calls for
proposals and peer evaluations
26Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
- The Commissions Proposal for a Council Regulation
to set up the Innovative Medicines Initiative
Joint Undertaking - presented to the Competiveness Council 22 May
2007 - Foreseen to become operational by end 2007/early
2008 pending the Councils Decision with the
opinion of the European Parliament and the
Economic and Social Committee
27Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
- Public-Private Partnership
- Work Programme to be developed from
Strategic Research Agenda - Dedicated structure to support research
through calls for proposals
28Scenario for IMI Call for proposals
29Health research in FP7
Pillar 1 Biotechnology, generic tools and
medical technologies for human health
Pillar 2 Translating research for human health
Pillar 3 Optimising the delivery of health
care to European citizens
Funding schemes targeted at Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises
Child Health
Health of the Ageing population
Funding schemes targeted at International
Cooperation SICA
30Cross-cutting aspectsfor the Health theme in FP7
- Special emphasis and measures for
- SMEs
- Participation encouraged in all areas
- Special topics for SMEs
- Support actions
- International Cooperation
- Participation possible in all areas
- Special International Cooperation Actions (SICA)
- Coordination or Support actions
31Collaborative researchin the Health theme
- 1 Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies
- High-throughput research enhancing data
generation, standardisation, acquisition
analysis - Detection, diagnosis and monitoring with
emphasis on non-invasive or minimally invasive
approaches - Predicting suitability, safety and efficacy of
therapies develop and validate parameters, tools,
methods and standards (mainly through IMI) and
alternatives to animal testing - Innovative therapeutic approaches and
interventionsgene and cell therapy, regenerative
medicine, immunotherapy and vaccines.
32Collaborative researchon the Health theme
- 2 Translating research for human health
- Integrating biological data and processes
large-scale data gathering, systems biology - Research on the brain and related diseases,
human development and ageing - Translational research in major infectious
diseasesto confront major threats to public
health antimicrobial drug resistance, HIV/AIDS,
malaria and TB, emerging epidemics, neglected
infectious diseases - Translational research in other major diseases
cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and
obesity, rare diseases, and other chronic
33Collaborative researchin the Health theme
- 3 Optimising the delivery of health care to
citizens - Translating clinical research into clinical
practice patient safety, better use of
medicines, benchmarking, pharmacovigilance, etc. - Quality, efficiency and solidarity of health care
systems organisational and financial aspects,
health systems, etc. - Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention
providing evidence of best public health measures
life styles, interventions, special focus on
mental health, etc.
34Contacts Information
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Irene
NorstedtTel. 32 2 296 9527 Email
irene.norstedt_at_ec.europa.eu http//ec.europa.eu/re
search/health/imi/index_en.html SME
participation Ludovica SerafiniTel. 32 2 295
6759 Email ludovica.serafini_at_ec.europa.eu Inte
rnational Cooperation Dr. Indridi
BenediktssonTel. 32 2 299 3137 Email
indridi.benediktsson_at_ec.europa.eu Framework
Programme 7 http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7
Experts http//cordis.europa.eu/research_opening
35Contacts in the Health Directorate
Director Dr. Octavi Quintana-Trias Medical and
Public Health Research unit Manuel
HallenEmail manuel.hallen_at_ec.europa.eu Cancer
Maria Vidal Email maria-jose.vidal-ragout_at_ec.e
uropa.eu Public Health sector Kevin
McCarthy Email kevin.mccarthy_at_ec.europa.eu Infec
tious Diseases unit Bernard MulliganEmail
bernard.mulligan_at_ec.europa.eu Emerging
Infectious diseases Anna Lönnroth Email
anna.lonnroth_at_ec.europa.eu Genomics and Systems
Biology unit Patrik KolarEmail
patrik.kolar_at_ec.europa.eu Health Biotechnology
unit Arnd HoevelerEmail arnd.hoeveler_at_ec.europ
a.eu Coordination unit Stéphane Hogan Email
36Information for project results valorisation
- Bioentrepreneur boot camp ?business plan
development, training, coaching, consulting
php - European Council of Bioregions (CEBR) ?
networking, incubation, partnering and cluster
promotion www.cebr.net - Innovation Rely Centers ?
- support innovation and transnational
technological co-operation in Europe
37Other useful info
- Funding opportunities for Biotech companies
- Article published in "nature biotechnology"
- from Bioenterpreneur
- How EU can fund your company
- http//www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v25/n1/pdf/nbt01
38 Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF)
- The European Commission and the European
Investment Bank (EIB) have launched a new - 2 billion instrument to finance
'riskier' research and innovation projects in
Europe -
- Agreement signed on 5/6
39EIB/EC Partnership
EIB i2i
Contribution of up to EUR 1 billion
Contribution of up to EUR 1 billion
risk of EIB (and its partners) lending
40Doing more with lessthe leverage effect
Matching contributions
Provisioning and capital Allocation representing
15 to 25 (average 20) of volume of
individual loan
Loans representing on average one third of total
cost of financed research projects
FP7 Contribution up to 1 billion
EIB loans and guaranties 8 to 12
billions (average 10)
Additional private investments in research 16
to 48 billions (Average 30)
X 4 to 6 (average 5)
X 2
X 2 to 4 (average 3)
EIB Contribution up to 1 billion
41A large spectrum of loans
For loans of EUR 7.5 million or more - direct
involvement by the EIB
For all loans where borrowers wish to work with
their own banks, in particular those of less
than EUR 7.5 million - sharing of RSFF
benefits with intermediaries (e.g. through
- DG RTD - Unit B.04 Regions of Knowledge
Research Potential -
- RSFF Team
- Jean-David MALO jean-david.malo_at_ec.europa.eu
- Martin KOCH martin.koch_at_ec.europa.eu
- Anna KRZYZANOWSKA anna.krzyzanowska_at_ec.europa.eu
- Telephone 32 2 2984599
- EIB web-site http//www.eib.org/rsff