Title: XML Technology in E-Commerce
1XML Technology in E-Commerce
Lecture 5 XPath, XLink
2Course Announcements
Examination XTEC 2000/2001
The list for registration is available at INF
room 5047 (Joke Lammerink). Lecture on June 12
will be in CC3. Additional information can be
found in Announcements at URL http//trese.cs.utw
3Lecture Outline
- XPath
- Purpose
- Data Model
- Location Path Syntax
- Location Path Evaluation and Examples
- XLink
- HTML Links
- Requirements for Linking
- Extended Link Model
- XML representation
- Simple Links
- Specifies string-based, non-XML language for
expressions - Addresses parts in XML documents
- Provides functions for manipulation of strings,
numbers and booleans - Specification address - http//www.w3.org/TR/xpath
(Recommendation since 16 November 1999)
- Specification of patterns of nodes in XML
documents (used in XSLT templates) - Specification of points (addresses) in XML
documents used as anchors for links (XPointer and
XLink) - Querying and extracting parts of XML documents
- XPath expressions can be values of XML
attributes - XPath expressions can be a part of URIs
7Data Model
- XML document is modeled as a tree of nodes
- Node types
- root nodes
- element nodes
- text nodes
- attribute nodes
- namespace nodes
- processing instruction nodes
- comment nodes
- Nodes are ordered
- Examples - Deitel 11.2, fig. 11.2, page 300
- Simple DTD
- lt!ELEMENT book (title, chapter) gt
- lt!ELEMENT chapter (title, section) gt
- lt!ELEMENT section (section para) gt
- Example XPath expression that selects element
nodes - childchapter/descendantpara
- Selects all paragraphs contained in the chapters
of the book (provided that the book is the
context node)
- Expressions are the primary syntactic construct
in XPath - Expression evaluation yields object of one of the
following types - node set
- boolean
- number
- string
- Location path - expression that selects a set of
nodes. The result is a node set
10Location path
- Example
- childchapter/descendantpara
- Evaluation is always made against a particular
context node. - The example selects all paragraph elements that
have ancestor among the chapter children of the
context node
Context node
11Location Path Syntax
childchapter / descendantpara
Location path
Location step
Location step
child para position()1
Location step
Node test
- Axis specifies the tree relationship between the
context node and the nodes that will be selected
by the step - Node test specifies the node type to be
selected - Predicate refines the selection
- Axes
- self
- parent
- child
- ancestor
- ancestor-or-self
- descendant
- descendant-or-self
- following-sibling
- preceding-sibling
- following
- preceding
- attribute
- namespace
- Axis can be forward or reverse axis. See Deitel
11.3.1, fig. 11.6, page 305.
15Node Tests
- Axes have principal node type
- Attribute type for attribute axis
- Namespace type for namespace axis
- Element type for others
- Node tests
- - true for any node of the principal node type
- node() - true for any node of any type
- text() - true for any text node
- comment()
- processing-instruction()
- node name, e.g. chapter
- Predicates refine the selected node set in a
location step - Predicates are evaluated sequentially from left
to right - Predicates always result in true or false
- Examples
- paraposition()3, para3
- paralast()
- paraid(id_string)
- paraattributetype"warning"
17Location Path Evaluation
- The starting point is the context node. It is
specified through additional, application
specific mechanism - For a given location step and given context node
a node set is generated by applying axis
information, node test and predicates - Each node in the resulting node set becomes a
context node for the next step. The result is an
union of the nodes sets generated for each
context node - Expression value is the node set generated by the
last location step
18Location PathAdditional Details
- Absolute and relative location path
- relative childchapter/descendantpara
- absolute / childchapter/descendantpara
- Abbreviated Syntax
- If no axis is specified, child is the default
- attributename _at_name
- selfnode() . (selects the context node)
- parent ..
- /descendant-or-selfnode()/ //
- div/descendant-or-selfnode()/childpara
19Location PathAbbreviation Syntax Examples
- /para - selects all para grandchildren of the
context node - //olist/item - selects all item elements that
have olist parent element - ../_at_lang - selects the lang attribute of the
parent of the context node - para_at_type"warning"5 - selects the fifth para
child element of the context node that has type
attribute with value warning - para5 _at_type"warning" - selects the fifth
para child of context node if it has attribute
type with value warning
- XPath defines syntax for expressions used in
other XML specifications (XSLT, XPointer) - XPath defines a tree-like logical model of XML
documents - Location paths are expressions that select a set
of nodes - Software support MSXML Parser, Apache XML
Read Deitel 11 Assignment Deitel Ex 11.3, page
21Lecture Outline
- XPath
- Purpose
- Data Model
- Location Path Syntax
- Location Path Evaluation and Examples
- XLink
- HTML Links
- Requirements for Linking
- Extended Link Model
- XML representation
- Simple Links
- Linking in the context of WWW
- Link is a relationship between resources
- Resource - any addressable unit of information or
service on the Web - Examples - HTML pages, images, documents,
programs (services), database queries - URIs are used for addressing a resource
- Links are asserted by linking elements
- Example - hyperlinks in HTML
23HTML Links
Web Resource
Web page
- Inline link - the link is embedded in the one
end - Dedicated link element - A element
- Only specific part of the page can be addressed -
marked by ltA nameanchor/gt element - Links have fixed behavior
- Links have only two ends
24Requirements for Linking
- Addressing - any element of an XML document must
be addressable. Also, document authors must be
able to select single character or portion of
text - Relationships between more than two resources
- Any element in an XML document must be able to
assert a link - Attaching external links without resource
modification must be possible (so called third
party links) - Separation of link semantics from link type
- Support for the basic link semantics (inclusion,
- Specifies language for link description used in
XML documents - Satisfies the previously formulated requirements
- Provides support for simple links (similar to
HTML links) and for more sophisticated links - Depends on other standard for addressing
XPointer - Specification address
- http//www.w3.org/TR/2000/PR-xlink-20001220/
(Status proposed recommendation)
26XLinkBasic Terms
- XLink link is an explicit relationship between
resources - The link is made explicit by a linking element
- Using or following a link is called traversal. It
always involves two resources - Information about how to traverse a pair of
resources is called arc - Local resource - the linking element by itself or
a child of the linking element - Remote resource - addressed by a URI
27XLinkMarkup Design
- XLink defines a namespace with URI
- http//www.w3.org/1999/xlink
- The namespace contains the following attributes
- type, href, role, arcrole, title, show, actuate,
label, from, and to - XLink defines two kinds of links
- Extended
- Simple
28Extended Link Model
Locator to remote resource
Locator to remote resource
Extended link
Local resource
Locator to remote resource
Locator to remote resource
29Extended LinkXML Representation
- Example link that represents the relationship
between student, course and students grade - Representation of the link element
- ltcourseload
- xmlnsxlinkhttp//www.w3.org/1999/xlink
- xlinktypeextendedgt
- ...elements for student, course and grade...
- traversal information as arc elements
- lt/courseloadgt
30XML RepresentationExternal Resources
- Student and course information are external
resources represented by a locator type element - ltstudent
- xlinktypelocator
- xlinkhrefhttp//some.site/student007
- xlinklabelstudent/gt
- ltcourse
- xlinktypelocator
- xlinkhrefhttp//some.site/course6
- xlinklabelcourse /gt
31XML RepresentationLocal Resources
- Grade information is local resource represented
by resource type element - ltgrade
- xlinktyperesource
- xlinklabelgradegt5.5lt/gradegt
32XML RepresentationArcs
- We can specify two arcs between the student and
the course and the student and his grade - ltarcEl xlinktypearc
- xlinkfromstudent
- xlinktocourse
- xlinktitlepartcipates/gt
- ltarcEl xlinktypearc
- xlinkfromstudent
- xlinktograde
- xlinktitlehas grade/gt
33XML RepresentationOther XLink Attributes
- Semantic attributes
- role can be applied to extended, locator and
resource type elements. It asserts a property
that describes the semantics of the resource. The
value is URI - arcrole used on arc type elements
- title provides human readable information
- ltarcEl xlinktypearc
- xlinkfromstudent
- xlinktograde
- xlinkarcrolehttp//some.site/arcinfo
.xml - xlinktitlestudents grade/gt
34Simple Links
- Simple links can be perceived as a special kind
of extended link, with some limitations imposed - associates exactly two resources one local and
one remote - specifies an arc from local to remote resource
- provides a short syntax for the equivalent
extended link - ltstudent xlinktypesimple
- xlinkhrefhttp//some.site.com/student.h
tmlgt - John Smith
- lt/studentgt
35Behavioral Attributes
- Describe the intended behavior for simple and arc
type elements - show attribute
- Specifies the desired presentation of the ending
resource - Values new, replace, embed, other, none
- actuate attribute
- Specifies the desired timing of traversal
- Values onLoad, onRequest, other, none
36XLink and DTDs
- In XLink linking elements are asserted via a set
of attributes - The syntax is rather verbose, a large set of
attributes must be specified - DTD can be used to provide default and fixed
values for attributes. Attributes can be omitted
in instance documents - See Deitel 14.3
- XLink provides powerful mechanism for links
definition in XML documents - Multi-ended, third party links with additional
meta information through extended link type - HTML like links through simple link type
- XLink depends on XPointer as a mechanism for
addressing elements and points in XML documents
Read Deitel 14.1-14.3, skip 14.4-14.6 Assignment
Deitel Ex 14.3, page 394. For some hints see the
course web site.