Title: Sunyaev-Zel
1Sunyaev-Zeldovich Signals in Cluster Models
Beth Reid David Spergel Princeton University
- SZE surveys Mass-Observable relation
- Thermodynamics of the Intracluster Medium (ICM)
- Clues from X-ray observations
- Results LSZ(M,z) in cluster models
- Implications for cosmological studies and cluster
3Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
- Spectral Distortion of the CMB with magnitude
fixed by y - LSZ integrates over the entire cluster
- LSZ is the observable!
4Cosmology with SZE SurveysMeasuring w with
Cluster Number Counts
Figure 1, Mohr, astro-ph/0408484
5Cosmology with SZE SurveysCluster Number Counts
- SZE surveys count clusters
Selection Function - depends on LSZ(M, z), and
possibly gas distribution
Eqn 1, Mohr, astro-ph/0408484
up-scattered clusters
- Understand LSZ(M, z)
- Explore sources of scatter -- will introduce bias
down-scattered clusters
Figure 1 in Lima and Hu (2005), PRD 72, 043006
7Gravitational Heating
- Tgas Tdark
- rac rvir
- Scaling Relations
- LX T2
- T M2/3
- K(r) r1.1
LX T2.6-2.9
8Thermodynamics of the ICM
- Assume spherical symmetry
- Assume hydrostatic equilibrium
- ICM properties determined by
- Gravitational Potential, ?NFW(r)
- Bounding Accretion Pressure, Pac
- Entropy Profile, K(r)
9X-ray Cluster Observations
- Measure n2?(T), Tspec
- Spherical symmetry
- n(r), T(r)
- Hydrostatic Equilibrium
- Agreement with ?NFW(r) and ?CDM c?
Perseus Cluster Churazov et al, 2003, ApJ 590 225
10X-ray Cluster Observations 2
- Simple scalings broken
- LX T2.6-2.9
- Non-gravitational processes significant
- Entropy gradients observed
Figure 13b, Pratt and Arnaud, AA 408, 1 (2003)
11Non-gravitational processes Heating
- Supernovae, AGN -- relativistic component?
- Uncertainties encoded in fICM, K(r)
MS0735 (Credit X-ray NASA/CXC/Ohio U./
B.McNamara et al. Radio NRAO/VLA)
Perseus (Credit NASA/CXC/IoA/A.Fabian et al.)
12Non-gravitational processesCooling
- Central cooling times short, little gas below
Tvir/4 - Cold Cores require central distributed heating
source (AGN?) - Uncertainties encoded in fICM, K(r)
Data from Allen et al. 2001, MNRAS 328, 37
Figure 7, astro-ph/0512549 (Peterson and Fabian)
13Cluster Models
- Smooth Accretion Model (Voit et al 2003)
- Phenomenological models vary
- concentration C?
- accretion pressure Pac
- entropy profile K(r)
- ICM mass fraction fICM
- Parameterize K(r) as double power law
- Solve the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium
- Assumed fICM, Pac consistent with observations of
hot clusters - (Vikhlinin et al 2005)
16- yo and Lx,cut provide similar information
- Our models agree well with the observed LX-yo
X-ray/SZ data assembled in McCarthy et al. 2003,
ApJ 591, 526.
17Energy Content of the ICM
- Observables LSZ, rsz
- Thermal
- Potential
18ICM Mass Fraction
- Trends observed with mass in nearby clusters in
both X-ray and SZ
Figure 21, Vikhlinin et al (2006), ApJ 640, 691
Afshordi, Lin, Sanderson (2005), ApJ 629, 1
19Measuring fICM with kSZ
- Simultaneous tSZ and kSZ detection can
statistically constrain fICM within same radius
known from ?CDM
- LSZ fICM M?5/3, largely independent of feedback
energy injection (SN, AGN, ?) - SZ redshift evolution determined by
well-understood DM properties - fICM is the largest remaining uncertainty can be
constrained with kSZ - SZ observations can measure total energy of the
bound ICM to probe cluster physics - Scatter c? - 8 K - lt10 simulations - 10-15