Title: United States Parachute Association 2000 Fatality Summary
1United States Parachute Association 2000 Fatality
A Need For Better Training and Education
2United States Parachute Association 2000
Fatality Summary
At A Glance..
30 Fatalities occurred in the year 2000
9 could have been prevented with better training
in Emergency Procedures
11 could have been prevented by better canopy
These 2 categories are historically the largest
problem area
3Totals For the last 5 years
USPA Membership
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
39 32 47 27 30
32,300 33,000 33,000 34,100 34,500
5 Year Average 35
10 Year Average 35.3
4(No Transcript)
5Experience Level
Percentage Of Fatalities Below and Above 200
6Experience Level
Jump Numbers
9Emergency Procedures
Main Malfunction-No E/P 4
M/R Entanglement or Reserve Malfunction From
Instability 3
CAW-No Reserve Pull 2
10Emergency Procedures
AADs and RSLs May Have Changed The Outcome For
5 People
11Emergency Procedures
Problem Resolution
1. More thorough training in the early stages of
learning emergency procedures
2. Continue to practice emergency
procedures frequently using realistic simulations
3. Maintain equipment, have a thorough
knowledge of the gear you are jumping. Pack
parachutes and close the container using
manufacturer approved methods
12Canopy Control
13Canopy Control
100-1200 Jumps
100-200 Jumps
14Canopy Control
Two Distinct Problem Areas
1. A lack of basic canopy control by relatively
new skydivers unintentionally making a low turn
2. A lack of advanced canopy control by more
experienced skydivers attempting high
performance landings
15Canopy Control
10 Year Average 18
2000 Average 30
16Canopy Control
Problem Resolution
1. Better canopy control training at the early
stage of learning for better understanding of
basic canopy control
2. Skydivers who wish to make high performance
landings need to have advanced training in high
performance canopy flying
3. Skydivers must get away from trial and
error method of learning canopy control
17United States Parachute Association