Title: Efficient Fork-Linearizable Access to Untrusted Shared Memory
1Efficient Fork-Linearizable Access to Untrusted
Shared Memory
- Presented by Alex Shraer (Technion)
Joint work with
Christian Cachin IBM Zurich
Abhi Shelat University of Virginia
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
2Data in a storage system
- Users store data on remote storage
- Data integrity
- Single user hashing
- Merkle hash trees for large data volume
- Multi user digital signatures
- Public key infrastructure is needed
- Data consistency?
- What if the server is faulty?
- Asynchronous system
- Clients C1,, Cn
- correct
- communicate only with the server via reliable
links - have public/private key pair (stored data is
signed) - each client executes read/write operations
sequentially - Server S
- emulates n SWMR registers - client Ci writes only
to register i - CANNOT BE TRUSTED - perhaps faulty
4Consistency Model?
- Attempt 1 linearizable shared memory
- Requires a read to return the latest written
value - Impossible
s is linearizable if exists a sequential
permutation ? that preserves 1. the real-time
order of s and 2. the sequential specification
5Attempt 2 Sequential consistency
- Read does not have to return latest value
- For every process, the order in which its
operations take effect must be preserved Example
read (1) ? u
read (1) ? v
6Sequential consistency Cont.
- Still impossible to implement !
- Proof
- Previously defined
- (1) Mazières, Shasha PODC 2002 (2) Oprea,
Reiter DISC 2006 - The definition we use - similar to (2)
- A seq. of events ? is fork-linearizable if for
each client Ci there exists a subsequence ?i of ?
consisting only of completed operations and a
sequential permutation ?i of ?i - All operations of client Ci are in ?i
- ?i preserves real-time order of ?i
- ?I satisfies the sequential specification
- If an operation op is in ?I and ?k then the
sequence of operations that precede op in both
groups is the same
- Every client sees
- linearizable memory
C1 C2
By telling one lie to C1 C2 and another to C3,
the server forks their views
8New on Fork-Linearizability
- Fork Linearizable Byzantine emulation
(simplified) - - every execution is fork-linearizable
- - if the server is correct
- every operation completes
- every execution is linearizable
- Global Fork-Linearizability a simpler and
equivalent definition
9Some Motivation
- Guarantees a linearizable view for each client,
and linearizable executions when the server is
correct - The server can hide operations from clients, but
nothing worse! - If the server forks the views of C1 and C2, their
views are forked ever after (no join), i.e., they
do not see each others further updates - otherwise the run is not fork-linearizable, which
can be detected by the clients (unlike in
linearizability or sequential consistency) - fork-linearizability is not a weak condition
- Linearizability is stronger
- (New) Sequential consistency is not !
- Fork-Linearizability is the strongest
- known consistency that can be enforced
- with a possibly faulty server
Fork Linearizable
Seq. Consistent
proof in previous slides
10Emulating fork-linearizable memory requires
- Theorem Every protocol has executions with a
correct server - where Ci must wait for Cj
- Formal proof in the paper. The idea
- by contradiction, assume that no waiting is
necessary - r(1) must return v since w(1, v) might have
completed - The server can cause this run to be
indistinguishable from Run 1 - v cannot be returned
- r(1) cannot return neither u nor v in Run 1 it
must wait
Run 1 Correct server
w(1, u)
w(1, v)
r(1) ? u
r(1) ? ?
Run 2 Faulty server
w(1, u)
w(1, v)
r(1) ? u
r(1) ? v
- Trivial method Sign the complete history
- Server sends history with all signatures
- Client verifies all operations and signatures
- Client adds its operation and signs new history
- Message size proportional to system age
- Mazières, Shasha PODC 2002 Use n version
vectors - A blocking protocol and a concurrent protocol
- Communication complexity O(n2)
- Message size 400MB for 10000 users
- Our results
- A blocking protocol and a concurrent protocol
- Communication complexity O(n)
- Message size 40KB for 10000 users
12Lock-Step with Correct Server (simplified)
Correct Server
ltREPLY, gt
lt COMMIT, , (val,1) gt
ltCOMMIT, gt
13Lock-Step with Faulty Server (simplified)
14What happened?
Example 1
Example 2
write1(1, val)
write1(1, val)
read2 (1) ? -
read2 (1) ? val
- The relation V V if for all j, Vj Vj
- B reads stale data of A B signs a version
structure which cannot be ordered with what A
signed - Proof idea based on No-Join property no
operation signs a version structure V s.t. V VA
and V VB - Subsequences ?i can be constructed from the
branch of Ci in the fork-tree
15Increasing concurrency
- Any protocol will sometimes block
- Concurrent protocol details in the paper
- Allow operations to complete concurrently
- A read must wait for a previously scheduled
concurrent write to the same register to complete
(at most one such operation) - Message size O(n)
16Summary of Results
- On the notion of Fork-Linearizability
- Global Fork-Linearizability
- Fork-Linearizable Byzantine emulations
- Comparing Fork-Linearizability with seq.
consistency - Communication efficient protocols
- Lock-Step
- Concurrent
- A proof that any Fork-Linearizable Byzantine
emulation must sometime block - As in MS02 and in our concurrent protocols
- Questions?