Title: Presented by: John Roberts
1Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW) Fall
Application of a C4I Reference or Starter FOM to
an Existing Simulation Environment Paper Number
00F-SIW-067 18-22 September 2000
- Presented by John Roberts
- Atlantic Consulting Services (ACS), Inc.
- (732) 460-9416
- Email jroberts_at_acsinc-nj.com
Co-Authors Verlynda Dobbs, PhD, ACS, Inc.
- Purpose Describe the effort involved in
applying a C4I Reference or Starter FOM to the
transition of an existing simulation environment,
the Tactical Internet Model (TIM) Suite, to the
HLA. - Project Overview US Army CECOM sponsored SBIR
contract to develop a plan for transitioning the
Armys C4I MS products and tools to an objective
MS environment using the HLA as the enabling
technology. - Phase I (Nov97 - May98) Prototype C4I FOM
- Phase II (Sep98 Sep00) Transition of the TIM
Suite to the HLA - Approach Follow the steps associated with the
HLA Federation Development and Execution Process
(FEDEP) model.
3 Prototype C4I FOM
4TIM Suite Environment
EBM (ModSAF/Janus)
LEGEND EBM - Entity Based Model MFDC -
Mulifunctional Data Collector SIMCON - Simulation
Converter CID - Client Interface Device CIGNM -
CECOM Integrated GPS Navigation Model IAS -
Internet Attack Simulator CES - Communication
Effects Server INC - Internet Controller CJAM -
C4I Jammer Analysis Model HLA - High Level
Architecture DAUVS - Digital Army USMTF/VMF
Stimulator PPP - Point-to-point Protocol PLGR -
Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver ModSAF -
Modular Semi-Automated Forces FBCB2 - Force XXI
Battle Command Brigade and Below DIS -
Distributed Interactive Simulation
5Federation Design
- Define Federation Objectives
- Transition TIM Suite to the HLA
- Maintain Functionality
- Feasibility of applying Prototype C4I FOM as
Starter FOM - Develop Conceptual Model
- Scenario 3 scenarios to demonstrate
functionality. - Conceptual Analysis Model functionality and
performance of real Army Tactical Internet - Requirements All information exchange among the
components will use HLA information exchange
mechanisms. - Design Federation
- Identify Federates Each TIM Component is a
Federate - Allocate Functionality Each Component maintain
6Federation Development
- STEP 1 Identify existing TIM Suite information
exchange mechanisms. - STEP 2 Map information exchange mechanisms to
corresponding HLA mechanisms. - STEP 3 Define TIM FOM using the Prototype C4I
FOM as the starting point. - STEP 4 Map TIM FOM classes to each of the TIM
Suite Components. - STEP 5 Determine required modifications to the
various TIM Suite Components.
7Step 1 Info Exchange Mechanisms
8Step 2 Mapping to HLA Mechanisms
9Step 3 TIM Suite FOM
10Step 4 Mapping of the TIM FOM
11Step 5 TIM Component Modifications
- FEDEP model proved useful for applying a
starter FOM to an existing simulation
environment. - Starter FOM should be applicable to all facets of
domain. - Object classes should be generic and target basic
domain concepts. - Avoid tendency to create too many attributes for
general object classes. - Data typing of attributes for general classes can
be problematic - Specification of interaction classes should be
limited to the highest (or base) level. - Issues identified for object class attributes
apply to interaction parameters. - Care should be taken when including object
classes and/or interaction classes from another
FOM. - When including an object class hierarchy from
another FOM, not all subclasses may be
13Lessons Learned
- Prototype C4I FOM was too specific in a couple of
areas (subclasses of BaseEntity hierarchy,
Protocol and Modulation were probably too
specific) - Several classes were defined with too many
attributes (C4IDevice, CommNetwork, and Message) - Prototype C4I FOM did not address all facets of
the C4I Domain (should also address C2, Sensors,
and Intelligence)
14Key Points
- Key Points
- Point 1 Starter or Reference FOM needs to be
kept at a high level to be truly useful. - Point 2 FEDEP Model provided a structured
approach for transitioning an existing simulation
environment to HLA. - Recommendations
- Recommendation 1 Continue to pursue notion of
Starter or Reference FOM in C4ISR Domain. - Recommendation 2 Consider incorporating
guidelines for transitioning an existing
environment into the Develop Federation step of
the FEDEP.
- The Army has the need to develop an objective MS
environment for C4I systems to support
interoperability and reuse of components. - The HLA appears to lend itself well to this
problem by providing a common architectural
framework for interfacing C4I systems with MS
environments. - A prototype C4I FOM was developed and is
currently being evolved based on existing
military systems and architectural configurations
associated with their operational environment. - Prototyping to demonstrate the initial version of
the C4I FOM has provided certain insights
regarding the viability and usefulness of a
Reference or starter FOM for this domain. - Existing HLA-based products such as the HLA
Gateway and the RPR FOM have been successfully
applied to the prototyping effort.
16- END -