Title: Patapsco and Back River HSPF Watershed Model
1Patapsco and Back River HSPF Watershed Model
- Part II Water Quality
- Maryland Department of the Environment
- Water Quality Data
- Model Inputs
- Calibration Procedure
- Model Comparisons
- Summary
3Water Quality Data
- Data Sources
- Department of Natural Resources
- Monthly values for NH3, NO3, TN, PO4, TP, TOC,
DO, TSS, Temperature - Baltimore City
- Storm event and base flow values for TSS, TOC,
TN and TP - City of Baltimore Comprehensive Wastewater
Facilities Master Planning Project
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5Model Inputs
- Atmospheric Deposition
- Septic Loads
- Point Sources
- Manure and Application
6Atmospheric Deposition
- Deposition is input as NO3 (wet and dry) and NH3
- Used CBP time series
- Avg. Annual NO3 7.05 lb/acre
- Avg. Annual NH3 2.08 lb/acre
7Septic Loads
- Number of septic users were calculated on County
basis using Census data compiled by EPA. - Used GIS to allocate to watershed segmentation
- Assume NO3 loading coefficient of 0.0256
lb/person/day. - Assume 60 reduction in NO3
- Assume 100 retention of Phosphorus
8Manure and Application
- Animal Counts Used to calculate Manure Acres
which is simulated as an impervious land use - Manure acres is a derived land use which
represents what is susceptible to runoff from
confined animals within a model segment.
9Manure/Mineral Fertilizer Application
- Manure Calculations (based on MDA and U of MD
10Calibration Procedure
- Focus on predominant land uses
- Calibrate EOS loads to literature values
- Calibrate urban loads to Event Mean
Concentrations (EMCs) - Time series overlay
11Unit Loading Rates (Literature Values)
Literature Sources Jones Falls Water Quality
Management Plan, Loch Raven Water Quality
Management Plan, Baltimore County NPDES 2000,
Harford County NPDES 1999 and 2000, City of
Baltimore NPDES 1999, Center for Watershed
Protection and Ken Staver (University of MD).
12Patapsco/Back Estimated Average Annual Loads and
Percent Contributions
Load Loading Rate x Area
13Estimated and Final Model EOS Loads
14Urban EMCs
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17Jones Falls Water Quality Calibration
- Calibration at Station JON0184
- Parameters calibrated
- DO, Temperature, TOC, TSS, PO4, TP, NH3, NO3,
ChlA and TN
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25 Patapsco (Hollofield) Branch Water Quality
- Calibration at Station PAT0285
- Parameters calibrated
- DO, Temperature, TOC, TSS, PO4, TP, NH3, NO3,
ChlA and TN
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- Unit loads, EOS and Delivered loads compared to
existing studies - Discussion of model loads and comparison
34Comparison of Unit Loading Rates
35Total Average Annual EOS Loads Summary
36Total Delivered Loads Summary
37Back River Comparisons
38Comparison of CBP and MDE Model
- Model Scale
- Hydrology Calibration
- Water Quality Calibration
- Urban Calibration
39CBP Segmentation
40MDE Segmentation
41Hydrology Calibration
42Water Quality Calibration
43Urban Calibration
- NPDES Storm Water Data vs. National Urban Runoff
Program (NURP) Data - CBP reductions to Urban Loads
- - Reductions to Urban Loads of 15 TN and 30
TP - Based on numbers from Urban Watershed Group
- MDE hydrology calibrated to 3 gages. CBP model
hydrology calibrated to 1 gage. - MDE water quality calibrated to 4 gages. CBP
model water quality calibrated to 1 gage. - MDE urban land use calibrated to local NPDES
data. CBP calibrated to NURP data. - It can be concluded that the final load
differences between the MDE and CBP models are
due to these factors.