Title: The Queen of the home
1The Wife
The Queen of the home
Ephesians 522-24.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands,
as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of
the wife, even as Christ is the head of the
church and he is the savior of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ,
so let the wives be to their own husbands in
2What is going on?
Where is the loyalty?
Where are the promises?
3Newly released data from Statistics Canada shows
the divorce rate is on the rise for the third
year in a row. More than 71,000 couples divorced
in 2000, up three per cent from 1998. Divorce
rates of all North American Countries Country
Divorce Rate Rate (by number of people).
(per 1000) (of
entire country) México 0.33
115,557. Canada 2.46
861,052. US 4.95
1,732,500. TOTAL 2,709,109
4God wants marriage to last for life
5For many women this is not a popular statement!
6Submission! How I hated that word. When it
flashed into my mind, all I could conjure up was
a nonentity, a nothing sort of yes-woman. I
didnt want to be only a reflection of another
person. ...Yet here I was faced with the
no-nonsense command of God, Wives, be subject to
your own husbands, as to the Lord (Ephesians
522). I had argued with God and with everyone
else that this verse could not mean what it
looked like on the surface that it was surely a
cultural statement that had meaning only for
Bible times. My next attempt was to reconstruct
the verse to read, Wives, submit yourselves unto
your husbands as to the Lord WHEN THEY ARE ACTING
LIKE THE LORD. But I knew it didnt mean that.
As I searched the Word that fifth year of our
marriage, I had to conclude that this verse meant
I was to submit myself to Jack in the same free
and nothing-held-back way that I wanted to
submit to Jesus Christ. Up to that point I had
felt that marriage was a 50/50 proposition, and
if Jack would give his 50, I would give mine.
However, it seemed that frequently we would fight
to determine whose turn it was to give that 50.
I had yet to learn that a happy biblical marriage
is one that is a 100 proposition with each
partner willing to give 100. God calls wives to
submission. God wants the wife to follow the
leadership of her husband. As she does this, it
gives evidence of her reverence for Christ. It
demonstrates her trust in His plan.
7A wife who does not submit to her husband cannot
be said to trust the Lord
If you are a wife, are you submitting to your
See it as your children see it. 1.Do arguments
happen often? 2.Are your conversations
characterized by complaining, blaming, or
nagging? 3.Do you build up your husband or tear
him down? 4.Do you want to control matters, or
do you let him lead? 5.Does Jesus approve of the
way you are following your husbands leadership?
Dont Forget Strong families strong churches.
8God doesnt recognize culture or tradition!
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10What submission is not
Gal 328.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither
bond nor free, there is neither male nor female
for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
11Submission is necessary for a wife to attain
full joy in her life and marriage!
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15Sisters, please, rate yourself from 1 to 10, 1
being I am very weak when it comes to this, and
10 being I am very strong when it comes to this.
God help us to work together.
- I proudly follow Ephesians 522-24.
- I submit to my husband as to The Lord.
- I never give up on my husband.
- I care more for my husband than I do for myself.
- I never expect more from him than what he has to
give. - My pride never causes problems in my marriage.
- I do not practice 'me first' with him.
- I do not count his faults.
169. I am forgiving when he is wrong. 10. I take
great pleasure in seeing him grow
spiritually. 11. I will bear with him through
anything. 12. I will trust God's plan for his
life. 13. I will always think the best of
him. 14. I will never regret the commitment I
made to him. 15. I will keep my commitment to
help him to be all that God wants him to
be. 16. Money will not put my marriage with him
at risk. 17. The word divorce is not even
mentioned in my house. 18. My love for my husband
will never die.
17Sisters please remember this!
God doesn't expect you to be PERFECT. Neither
does he expect your husband to be.
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