Title: Continuous%20Query%20Languages%20for%20DSMS
1Continuous Query Languages for DSMS
- CS240B Notes
- by
- Carlo Zaniolo
2DSMS Languages for Continuous Queries
- Relational Algebra Operators
- SQL and User-Defined aggregates
- The Blocking problem
- The expressive Power problem
- XML streams and their query languages.
3CQLs for DSMS
- Most of DSMS projects use SQL for continuous
queriesfor good reasons, since - Many applications span data streams and DB tables
- A CQL based on SQL will be easier to learn use
- Moreover the fewer the differences the better!
- But DSMS were designed for persistent data and
transient queries---not for persistent queries on
transient data - Adaptation of SQL and its enabling technology
presents many research challenges - Lack of expressive powereven worse now since
only nonblocking operators are allowed.
4Continuous Query Graph many componentsarbitrary
5Relational Algebra Operators
- Stored data
- Selection, Projection
- Union
- Join (including X) on tables
- Set Difference
- Aggregates
- Traditional Blocking aggregates
- OLAP functions on windows or unlimited preceding
- Data Streams
- ... same
- Union by Sort-Merging on timestamps
- Join of Stream with table
- Window joins on streams (timestamps merged into 1
column) - No stream difference (blockingdiff of stream
with table OK). - Aggregates
- No blocking aggregate
- OLAP functions on windows or unlimited preceding
- Slides, and tumbles.
6Bolts and Nuts
- create stream bids(bid, item, offer, Time)
- create stream mybids as (select bid, offer, Time
- from bids
- where itembolt
- union
- select bid, offer,
Time - from bids
- where itemnut)
- Result same as select bid, offer, Time where
- item bolt or itemnut
- We could create a stream called interesting bids
by say joining bids with the interesting_items
table. - We next find the bolt bids for which there was a
nut bid offered in the last 5 minutes for the
same price. - create stream selfjoinbids as
- (select S1.bid, S1.offer, S2.bid,
S2.Time - from bids as S1, bids as S2 window of
5 minutes - where S1.itembolt and S2.itemnut and
- S1.offerS2.offer)
- The window condition implies that S1.Time gt
S2.Time and S2.Time gt S1.Time-5 minutes. - Windows on both streams are used very often.
8Processing Unions
- Union When tuples are present at all inputs,
select one with minimal timestamp and - Production add this tuple to the output, and
- Consumption remove it from the input.
9Window Joins
- Window Join of Stream A and Stream BWhen tuples
are present at both inputs, and the timestamp of
A is less or equal than that of B, then perform
the following operations (symmetric operations
are performed if timestamp of B is less or equal
than that of A) - Production compute the join of the tuple in A
with the tuples in W(B) and add the resulting
tuples to output buffer (these tuple have the
same timestamp a the tuple in A) - Consumption the current tuple in A is removed
from the input and added to the window buffer
W(A) (from which the expired tuples are also
10Relational Algebra Operators
- Stored data
- Selection, Projection
- Union
- Join (including X) on tables
- Set Difference
- Aggregates
- Traditional Blocking aggregates
- OLAP functions on windows or unlimited preceding
- Data Streams
- ... same
- Union by Sort-Merging on timestamps
- Join of Stream with table
- Window joins on streams (timestamps merged into 1
column) - No stream difference (blockingdiff of stream
with table OK). - Aggregates
- No blocking aggregate
- OLAP functions on windows or unlimited preceding
- Slides, and tumbles.
- Including UDAs
11User-Defined AggregatesMax Power via Min SQL
- Windows (logical, physical, slides, tumbles,)
flexible synopses that solve the blocking problem
for aggregates - DSMS only support these constructs on built-in
aggregates - ESL is the first to support the complete
integration of these two - User Defined Aggregates (UDAs) the key to power
and extensibility, and - And thus can support data mining,
- XML,
- sequences not supported by other DSMS
- One framework for aggregates and windows, whether
they are built-ins or user-defined, and
independent on the language used to define
12Defining Traditional Aggregates
- Specification consists of 3 blocks of code---
Written in an external PL (as DBMS and other DSMS
do), or - In SQL itself (SQL becomesTuring Complete!)
- Executed upon the arrival of the first tuple
- Executed upon the arrival of each subsequent
tuples (an incremental computation suitable for
streams) - TERMINATE
- Executed after the end of the relation/stream has
been reached - Invocation SELECT myavg(start_price) FROM
13The UDA AVG in SQL
- AGGREGATE avg(Next Int) Real
- TABLE state(tsum Int, cnt Int)
- INSERT INTO state VALUES (Next, 1)
- UPDATE state
- SET tsumtsumNext, cntcnt1
- SELECT tsum/cnt FROM state
14NonBlocking UDA AVG of last 200 Values
- AGGREGATE myavg(Next Int) Real
- TABLE state(tsum Int, cnt Int)
- INSERT INTO state VALUES (Next, 1)
- UPDATE state SET tsumtsumNext, cntcnt1
- SELECT tsum/cnt FROM state
- WHERE cnt 200 0
- UPDATE state SET tsumNext, cnt1
- WHERE cnt 200 1
- Empty TERMINATE Denotes a non-blocking UDA
15UDAs in ESL
- In ESL user-defined Aggregates (UDAs) can be
defined directly in SQL, rather than in a PL - Native extensibility in SQL via UDAs (which can
also be defined in a PL for better performance) - No impedance mismatch
- Access to DB tables from UDAs
- Data Independence and optimization
- Good ease of use and performance
- Turing completeness nb-completeness.
16Data Intensive Applications UDAs
- Complex Applications can expressed concisely,
with good performance - ATLAS a single-user DBMS developed at UCLA.
- Support for SQL with UDAs
- On top of Berkeley-DB record manager.
- Data Mining Algorithms in ATLAS
- Decision Tree Classifiers 18 lines of codes
- APriori 40 lines of codes
- Modest overhead lt50 w.r.t procedural UDA
- Data Stream Applications in ESL
- Data Stream Mining, approximate aggregates,
sketches, histograms,
17SQL2003 OLAP FunctionsAggregates on Windows
CREATE STREAM ClosedAuction (/auction closings
/ itemID, /id of
the item in this auction./ buyerID
/buyer of this item./) Final price real
/final price of the item /,
Current_time) order by source
- For each seller, show the average selling price
over the last 10 items sold (physical window)
sellerID, AVG(price) OVER(PARTITION BY sellerID
ROWS 9 PRECEDING), Current_time FROM
18Optimizing Window AVG in ESL
- For each expired tuple decrease the count by one
and the sum by the expired valueworks for
logical physical windows
state(tsum Int, cnt Real) TABLE
inwindow(wnext Real) - INITIALIZE INSERT INTO state
VALUES (Next, 1) - ITERATE UPDATE state SET tsumtsumNext,
tsum/cnt FROM state - EXPIRE /if there are expired tuples, take the
oldest / UPDATE state SET cnt
cnt-1, tsum tsum (select wnext
FROM inwindow
WHERE oldest(inwindow))
- System maintains inwindow
- Remove dominated (less older) values
- The oldest is always the max.
inwindow(wnext real) INITIALIZE etc.
/system adds new tuples to inwindow/
SELECT wnext FROM inwindow
WHERE oldest(inwindow)
EXPIRE /expired tuples removed
20For Each Aggregate two versions
- The traditional Base aggregate with terminate
- The Window aggregate with inwindow and expire.
- These definitions will take care of both logical
and physical windows. - But there are more complications slides and
- tumbles.
21Slides and Tumbles
- Every two minutes, show the average selling
price over the last 10 minutes (logical window)
MINUTE), Current_time FROM ClosedPrice
Here the window is W10 and the slide is S2.
Tumble When S W
- The slide constructs divides a window into panes,
results only returned at the end of each pane - Slide is conducive to optimization.
- Combine summaries into the desired aggregation
- E.g. MAX(1, 2, 3, 4) MAX(MAX(1,2), MAX(3,4))
4 - I.e., for MAX, we can perform MAX on subsets of
numbers as local summaries, then combine them
together to get the true MAX - Proposed before but what constructs should be
used to integrate these concepts into the
23Slides Tumbles--Examples
- Tumble where the SLIDE size is equal or larger
than the window size - E.g. Once every 50 tuples, compute and return
average over the last 10 tuples - Easy to optimize
- Skip the first 40 tuples of every 50 tuples, and
compute the blocking base version of the
aggregate on the last 10 - Slide where slide size is smaller than the
window size - E.g. Once every 10 tuples, compute and return
average over the last 50 tuples - Naïve implementation--not optimized
- Perform incremental maintenance on every incoming
tuple - Ignore RETURN statements for most incoming tuples
- Only invoke RETURN once every 10 tuples
24Pane-based SLIDE Optimization
- Two-level cascading aggregates using two existing
aggregates - Perform sub-aggregation inside each pane using
the base aggregate No need for incremental
maintenance here - Computed with a blocking aggregate once for each
pane - Combine the summary tuples using the window
aggregate that returns on every incoming tuple
(non-blocking) - With incremental maintenance here
- At any time, only the last un-finished pane needs
to store data tuples - all finished panes are reduced to one reusable
summary tuple
25Pane-based SLIDE optimization
- Example SUM with window size 50 tuples, and
slide size 10 tuples - First create a stream of summary tuples using
base aggregate - CREATE STREAM temp AS (
- SELECT itemID, base_max(sale_price) as s
SLIDE 10) - FROM Auction)
- Then apply the window version of the aggregate
- SELECT itemID, window_max(s)
- FROM temp
- This simple approach can be used to implement
very complex aggregations (e.g. ensemble
classifiers) - Applies uniformly to logical/physical windows
defined in SQL or in an external language
- Logical, Physical x tumble, slide,
unlimited_preceding - Six different types of calls, supported by two
definitions - Both SQL or procedural languages can be used in
the definition.
27Window UDAs vs. Base UDAs
- Base UDAs
- called as traditional SQL-2 aggregates, with
- optional GROUP BY
- Window UDAs
- called with SQL2003 OVER clause
- logical or physical windows
- optional PARTITION BY and SLIDE clauses in ESL
- Clear semantics and optimization rules unify
- UDAsSQL or PL-defined, algebraic or not
- window (logical physical), slice, tumbles,
etc. - System and user roles in optimization.
28Window UDAs Physical Optimization
- The Stream Mill System provides efficient support
for - Management of new expiring tuples in buffer
- Main memory intelligent paging into disk
- Events caused by tuple expiration
- Users can access the buffer as the table called
- Language Technology
- ESL a very powerful language for data stream and
DB applications - Simple semantics and unified syntax conforming
to SQL2003 standards - Strong case for the DB-oriented approach to data
streams - System Technology
- Some performance-oriented techniques
well-developede.g., buffer management for
windows - For others work is still in progressstay tuned
for latest news - Stream Mill is up and running http//wis.cs.ucla.
30 31References
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