1WORK CERTIFIEDEnhancing the Spirit of
Americas Workforce
Administered by the Washington Greene County Job
Training Agency, Inc.
- To ensure a Quality Workforce by providing
basic skills and business ethic training
opportunities to employers and certifying
agencies so that jobseekers can obtain the skill
standards and Certification to become more
employable, retainable and promotable in the
3Work Certified
- In 1999, the National Skill Standards Board
canvassed all workforce boards regarding use of
skill standards for WIA - In 2000, NSSB identified Treasure Coast workforce
regions as providers of skill standards solutions
and competencies for Work Readiness Skills - In 2006, the WGCJTA, Inc. purchased Work
Certified to incorporate the curriculum into its
everyday services - Immediate positive results were seen in the Work
Certified participants and praise was heard from
employers that hired these individuals
6Program Modules
- Reading Comprehension
- Business Tools (Computers plus)?
- Pre-employment
- Customer Service
- Business Writing
- Job Skills I (Work Maturity)?
- Job Skills II (Employability)?
- Business Math
- General Business Knowledge
- 90 Hr Training - Master 50 Competencies
7Reading Comprehension
- 9 hours
- Pre-assessment test 80 - 8th grade level
- Waiver
- Reading for main idea
- Reading between the lines
- Following simple instructions
- How employers interpret resumes
8Business Tools
- Word Processing
- Internet/e-mail
- Using Spreadsheets
- Using a fax/photo copy machine
- Job search methods
- Resume preparation
- Complete job applications
- Interviewing skills - Presentation
10Customer Service
- Differences between good and bad customer service
- Customer service profitability
- Customer perceptions
- Service attitudes
- Recognizing what the customer is saying
11Business Writing
- 9 hours
- Pre-assessment 80 or better
- Waiver
- Writing basics
- Choosing words
- Using proper grammar
- Reducing sentence clutter
- How to write a customer letter
- Memo
- Business letter
12Job Skills I
- 12 hours
- Employability/Work Maturity
- Business code of ethics
- Work Place Basics (Employer Expectations)?
- Profit motive of business
- Proper dress for the workplace
- Uniforms and safety equipment
- How lifestyle impacts work
- Importance of learning on the job and continued
education - Ethical problems for business
13Job Skills II
- 12 hours
- Advanced Work Maturity
- Required
- Workplace diversity
- Importance of taking control of your life
- Role of a Team leader
- Rules for communicating with a supervisor
- How to report results
- The process for resolving problems at work
14Business Math
- 12 hours
- Pre-assessment 80 or better Waiver
- Basic Math review
- Decimals
- Quantity discount word problems
- Line, pie and bar graphs
15General Business Knowledge
- 6 hours
- Required
- Business structures and legal responsibilities
- Financials (reading an income statement and
balance sheet)? - Ones role in the company
- Profit motive
- Development of an Employee Action Plan
- Marketing
16Certification Requirements
- Universal Competencies (5)?
- Students must demonstrate proficiency throughout
the entire program. - No more than two excused absences.
- No more than three incidents of excused tardiness
(late to class, leave early, elongated lunch,
17Certification Requirements
- Must demonstrate proper grooming.
- Must demonstrate effective use of interpersonal
skills when working with a supervisor by
interacting respectfully and professionally with
all instructors. Instructors are considered the
students supervisors. - Must demonstrate effective use of interpersonal
skills when working with co-workers by
interacting respectfully and professionally with
all classmates. Classmates are considered the
students co-workers.
18The Certification Test
- Administered by a third-party organization
- Proctored by a trained staff member
- Assessment is web based, which makes facilitating
the test in our office possible - Participants must achieve a 80 score on the test
to become Work Certified
To ensure all required aspects of
certification programs were met, the National
Skill Standards Board was consulted throughout
the development and implementation of the Work
Certified Certification Program. NSSB
said This is the best (work readiness) program
in the country.
Train 90-hr class Train the Teachers Audit
Review Annual Meetings
21Online Database
22Who Uses Our Program?
23Employers Jobseekers
- Adults
- Entry-level job seekers
- Dislocated Workers
- Returning Adults
- Young Adults
- Youth
- In-school
- Out-of-school
- Employers customized training
24National Statistics
96 of the graduates find employment within 30
days after graduation 89 are still employed six
months later 32 of the program graduates have
received promotions To date 2,500 members have
taken the Work Certified program with a 86
certification rate Presently we are averaging 300
tests a month
25Workforce Areas - National
- Michigan Works
- Man-Tra-Con, Illinois
- Will County, Illinois
- North East Texas Workforce Board, Texas
- New Bedford Workforce Investment Board,
Massachusetts - Southwest Corner Local Management Committee,
Pennsylvania - Tri-County Workforce Investment Board,
Pennsylvania - West Central Job Partnership, Pennsylvania
- Lawnwood Regional Medical Heart Institute,
Florida - Suncoast Workforce Board, Florida
- South Florida Workforce Board, Florida
- Brevard Workforce Development Board, Florida
- Palm Beach Alliance, Florida
26All About Youth
Work Certified Making It Happen!
27WC Youth Services
- Beneficial to both in-school and out-of school
youth - Preferable age 16 and older
- 14-15 years of age may require additional
remediation skills - -Reading Comprehension
- -Math
- -Pre-employment
- Eligibility Requirements 6-8th grade
- Reading Level A MUST!
28High School Endorsements
Kathie Schmidt - Director Career Technical
Education St. Lucie County School District
"Work Certified" is a comprehensive yet flexible
work readiness program that truly meets the needs
of our students. Developed in
collaboration with business and industry
partners, the program supports FCAT achievement
and compliments rigorous academic and technical
preparation with the skill setsrequired to get a
job, keep a job, and advance in today's high tech
career pathways."
29Why It Works - Southwest Corner
- Key Elements in Successful Program
- Classroom set up in a Work Environment
- Improves Self-Esteem Self Concept
- Returns to the Basics of Reading, Writing,
Mathematics - Team Building
- Accomplishment passing Final Exam
30Southwest Corner Benchmark Comparison
32For more information contact
Myra Bernhart Terri
Cooley-Taylor Corporate Manager
Corporate Supervisor
ttaylor_at_washingtongreene.org Washington Greene
County Job Training Agency, Inc. www.washingtongr
eene.org www.workcertified.org 724-229-5083