Title: Capstone
1Capstone Guide
2- Students must complete a capstone requirement
before graduating from the MSW program. - This can either be
- an integrative capstone project, or
- a thesis.
- Most students complete a capstone project due to
time limitations.
3- For those completing a thesis
- The University Thesis Writing Guide can be found
at - www.csueastbay.edu/
- csuh_students/
- grad_students/thesis/
- Todays presentation will talk about the capstone
4Students may choose between the following project
- Community/Practice Project
- Program Evaluation (designed, implemented and
analyzed) - Integrative Paper
- Advanced Case Study
- Single Subject Design Study
- Secondary Data Analysis
- All projects have an applied component!
5Capstone Requirement Decision Tree
Capstone Requirement
Integrative Capstone Project
SW6909- Capstone Thesis
SW6959- Capstone Integrative Seminar
Departmental Thesis
Program Evaluation
Advanced Case Study
University Thesis
Community/ Practice Project
Integrative Paper
Single Subject Design
Secondary Data Analysis
6Projects should demonstrate student
- mastery of advanced concentration, autonomous
urban, culturally competent practice - commitment to social change and empowerment
- mastery of 7 program objectives (values ethics,
critical thinking, etc.) - all curricular subjects (HBSE, RGISWP, Policy,
Research, Practice, Field).
7Chosen topics must
- be concentration specific, and
- in some way, address issues of oppression and
concomitant needs for empowerment.
- Begin, now, to conceptualize project and complete
capstone interest survey - Attend capstone information meeting in January
2007 - Register in spring for SW 6959
- Submit an Integrative Capstone Project Plan by
2nd week of spring quarter (template online)may
be submitted earlier
9Timeline (continued)
- Project abstract due 9th class session
- Project and paper due 10th class session
- Mandatory poster session held 10th class session
(may be electronic) - Students may display poster at graduation
10Each project requires a paper
- Specific formats are detailed online.
- All must be written in
- APA format
- 12 point Times New Roman font
- 1 inch margins
11Students will submit
2 copies of the final paper (spiral or strip
bound), 1 for the department 1 for the
student and
A copy of the project for the department to
keep, if it is separate from the paper.
12Students are encouraged to select a topic of keen
and passionate interest to their self and
professional identity!
13Stretch your mind and fly.Whitney M. Young