Title: The CFLCC3rd US Army C7
1The CFLCC/3rd US Army C7 Environmental GIS Program
Presented by Brian W. Haren CFLCC C7
Environmental Program Manager CFLCC Atlanta 1881
Hardee Ave. SW FT McPherson, GA 30331 (404)
464-2908 DSN 367-2908
2CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
CFLCC C7 Mission The CFLCC C7 Battle Staff
receives, analyzes, and coordinates engineer
specific and other information, conducts
operational level assessment, and provides
recommendations to the CFLCC Commander and/or
Battle Staff to enhance decision and execution
- Were the old ARCENT Staff Engineer Section
- C7 consists of Admin, Plans Ops and Facilities
Construction divisions - Small 416th ENCOM Fwd element is co-located
- Split base ops C7 personnel operate out of
Atlanta (CFLCC C7 Atlanta) and out of Arifjan in
Kuwait (CFLCC C7 Fwd) (32/23) -
3CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
The Obligatory Wiring Diagram
4Area Of Responsibility
Aral Sea
Caspian Sea
- Up to 23 enduring facilities in IZ, KU, QA,
- Over 100 forward operating bases/camps across
the AOR - Exercise sites / ranges (Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar)
5CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- What Does the Environmental Section Do?
- Acts as the environmental watchdog for the
CFLCC - Maintains environmental situational awareness
across the CENTCOM AOR - Acts as the CENTCOM executing agent for
environmental policy development in selected
countries - Develops environmental programs and policies for
implementation across the CFLCC - Tracks/manages critical environmental
issues/incidents - Monitors environmental activities across the
CENTCOM AOR - Conducts internal environmental program reviews
inspections for CFLCC installations in the
CENTCOM AOR - As needed, provides forward deployed
environmental support to the CFLCC - Three contract personnel Environmental Program
Manager, Environmental GIS Program Manager,
Environmental Management Systems Manager.
6CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- Why GIS?
- The requirement to track, manage monitor
environmental activity in the CENTCOM AOR became
an almost unmanageable task - OIF/OEF resulted in hundreds of reported
US/Coalition generated environmental incidents
more happening each day - The establishment of hundreds of
temporary/enduring camps/facilities in the
CENTCOM AOR significantly increased our facility
oversight responsibilities - C7 experience in OIF highlighted the value of
GIS - So
- In early 2003 the C7 identified the need for GIS
support for environmental activities - Soon after one GIS Program Manager position was
added to the services contract and funds
allocated for the purchase of GIS hardware
7CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- Environmental GIS Program Functions
- Improve environmental situational awareness
across the CFLCC - Track all environmental activities/incidents
across the CENTCOM AOR in support of - - soldier health
- - compliance with host nation/international law
(liability avoidance) - - compliance with DoD regulations
- - mitigation/remediation
- - Base Camp Master Planning (BCMP)
- - exercise/peacetime engagement support
- Provide environmental visualization support to
CFLCC HQ - Provide CAD/GIS integration in support of Base
Camp Master Planning - Interface with the CFLCC C2 for terrain
visualization support - In conjunction with the CLFCC C2, push
development and implementation of a CFLCC
geospatial data server
8CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- Environmental GIS Program Whats In Our Toy
Box? - ArcGIS 8.3
- Image Analyst for ArcGIS
- ArcPad 6
- AutoCAD 2004 Lite
- Dell Latitude laptop
- Dell Precision 360 workstation
- TDS Ranger handheld PCs
- Planned purchases
- ERDAS Imagine
- ArcIMS
- ArcSDE
9CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- Environmental GIS Program Current Projects
- Environmental GIS database development
- Geospatial database development (in conjunction
with C2 132nd PC) - Base Camp Master Planning support
- As-built CAD data integration
10CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
- Environmental GIS Program Issues
- Server development we need a Joint standard
now for geospatial data server architecture (too
much focus on the box) - Enforcement of data standards business
practices within the COE - Better NGA data viewers inside standardized
COTS software - Realization that we now live in a SIPR world
lets get everyone to standard - Adding an environmental layer to data standards
11CFLCC/3rd US Army C7
Environmental GIS Program
Environmental GIS Program Our Presence On The
Web Check out the CFLCC C7 SIPR website at
www.arcent.army.smil.mil/ENGR/default.html POC
Information Mr. Brian W. Haren CFLCC C7
Environmental GIS Program Manager CFLCC
Atlanta 1881 Hardee Ave. SW FT McPherson, GA
30330 (404) 464-2908 DSN 367-2908