Title: Metacomputing Within the Cactus Framework
1Metacomputing Within the Cactus Framework
Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Radke, Ed
Seidel. Albert-Einstein-Institut MPI-Gravitationsp
- What and why is Cactus?
- What has Cactus got to do with Globus?
2Cactus 4.0
3Why Cactus?
- Numerical relativity has very high computational
requirements. Not every group has the resources
or desire to develop a 3D code. (Especially IO,
elliptic solvers, AMR) - Previous experiences show that even a few people
using one code is problematic. Need a structure
that is maintainable and collaborative - Scientists like to program in Fortran
- Want the ability to make new computational
advances instantly and transparently available,
without users modifying code
4What Is Cactus?
- Cactus was developed as a general, computational
framework for solving PDEs (originally in
numerical relativity and astrophysics) - Modular for easy development, maintenance and
collaborations. Users supply thorns which
plug-into compact core flesh - Configurable thorns register parameter,
variable and scheduling information with runtime
function registry (RFR). Object-orientated
inspired features - Scientist friendly thorns written in F77, F90,
C or C - Accessible parallelism driver layer (thorn) is
hidden from physics thorns by a fixed flesh
5What Is Cactus?
- Standard interfaces interpolation, reduction,
IO, coordinates. Actual routines supplied by
thorns - Portable Cray T3E, Origin, NT/Win9, Linux, O2,
Dec Alpha, Exemplar, SP2 - Free distributed under the GNU GPL. Uses as
much free software as possible - Up-to-date new computational developments
and/or thorns immediately available to users
(optimisations, AMR, Globus, IO) - Collaborative thorn structure makes it possible
for large number of people to use and development
toolkits - New version Cactus beta-4.0 released 30th August
6Cactus 4.0 Credits
- Cactus flesh and design
- Gabrielle allen
- Tom goodale
- Joan massó
- Paul walker
- Computational toolkit
- Flesh authors
- Gerd lanferman
- Thomas radke
- John shalf
- Development toolkit
- Bernd bruegmann
- Manish parashar
- Many others
- Relativity and astrophysics
- Flesh authors
- Miguel alcubierre
- Toni Arbona
- Carles Bona
- Steve Brandt
- Bernd Bruegmann
- Thomas Dramlitsch
- Ed Evans
- Carsten Gundlach
- Gerd Lanferman
- Lars Nerger
- Mark Miller
- Hisaaki Shinkai
- Ryoji Takahashi
- Malcolm Tobias
- Vision and Motivation
- Bernard Schutz
- Ed Seidel "the Evangelist"
- Wai-Mo Suen
7Full GR Neutron Star Collision With Cactus
8Thorn Arrangements
9Cactus 4.0
FLESH (Parameters, Variables, Scheduling)
10Cactus Many Developers
Wash. U
Petsc (Argonne)
Globus (Foster)
Panda I/O (UIUC CS)
11What Has It Got to Do With Globus?
- Easy access to available resources
- Access to more resources
- Einstein equations require extreme memory, speed
- Largest supercomputers too small!
- Networks very fast!
- DFN gigabit testbed 622 mbits potsdam-berlin-garc
hing, connect multiple supercomputers - Gigabit networking to US possible
- Connect workstations to make supercomputer
- Acquire resources dynamically during simulation!
- Interactive visualization and steering from
anywhere - Metacomputing experiments in progress with
12TIKSLTele Immersion Collision of Black Holes
- German research project aimed to exploit the
newly installed gigabit testbed SüdBerlin - Project partners
- Albert-Einstein-Institut Potsdam
- Konrad-Zuse-Institut Berlin
- Rechenzentrum Garching
- Main project goals
- Distributed simulations of black hole collisions
with Cactus - Remote visualization and application steering
with Amira
13Running Cactus in a Distributed Environment
- Using the Globus services to
- Locate computing resources via MDS
- Authenticate the cactus users (GSS)
- Transfer necessary files to remote
sites(executable, parameter files) via GASS - Start the Cactus job via GRAM
- Do parallel communication and file I/Ousing
Nexus MPI and MPI-IO extensions - Access output data via GASS
14Computational Needs for 3D Numerical Relativity
- Explicit finite difference codes
- 104 flops/zone/time step
- 100 3D arrays
- Require 10003 zones or more
- 1000 gbytes
- Double resolution 8x memory, 16x flops
- Tflop, tbyte machine required
- Parallel AMR, I/O essential
- Etc
- InitialData 4 coupled nonlinear elliptics
- Time step update
- explicit hyperbolic update
- also solve elliptics
15(A Single) Such Large Scale Computation Requires
Incredible Mix of Varied Technologies and
- Many scientific/engineering components
- Formulation of ees, gauge conditions, equation
of state, astrophysics, hydrodynamics, etc - Many numerical algorithm components
- Finite differences? Finite elements? Structured
meshes? - Hyperbolic equations implicit vs implicit,
shock treatments, dozens of methods (and
presently nothing is fully satisfactory!) - Elliptic equations multigrid, krylov subspace,
spectral, preconditioners (elliptics currently
require most of the time) - Mesh refinement?
- Many different computational components
- Parallelism (HPF, MPI, PVM, ???)
- Architecture efficiency (MPP, DSM, vector, NOW,
???) - I/O bottlenecks (generate gigabytes per
simulation, checkpointing) - Visualization of all that comes out!
16Distributing Spacetime SC97 Intercontinental
Metacomputing at Aei/Argonne/Garching/NCSA
512 Node T3E
17Metacomputing the Einstein EquationsConnecting
T3es in Berlin, Garching, San Diego
18The Dream not far away...
Physics Module 1
BH Initial Data
Cactus/Einstein solver
Budding Einstein in Berlin...
MPI, MG, AMR, DAGH, Viz, I/O, ...
Mass storage
Globus Resource Manager
Ultra 3000 Whatever-Wherever
Garching T3E
NCSA Origin 2000 array