Title: Calibrated Peer ReviewTM CPR Past, Present, and Future http:cpr'molsci'ucla'edu
1 Calibrated Peer ReviewTM (CPR) Past,
Present, and Future http//cpr.molsci.ucla.edu
- Arlene A. Russell, UCLA
- CPR Symposium 2007
2CPR Symposium 2007
- Writing and Assessment of Learning in
Mathematics and the Natural Sciences - Nancy Simpson Principal Investigator
- Adalet Baris Gunersel conference organizer
- Calibrated Peer Review TM (CPR)
- Molecular Science Project
- NSF DUE 95-55605
- Comprehensive Curriculum Development Systemic
Reform Project in Chemistry - Awarded to UCLA in 1995
4Molecular Science Project
- Produce students who
- have a deep understanding of chemistry
- have scientific problem-solving skills
- have good scientific writing skills
- can use the tools of the discipline
- collaborate
- have positive attitudes towards science
5Molecular Science Project
- Integrate telecommunications and technology into
instructional processes so that students learn to - explore ideas independently
- collaborate
- write about chemistry
- work to a mastery level
- take responsibility for their own learning
6Molecular Science Project
- Orville L. Chapman
- June 26, 1932 January 22, 2004
7Initial Rationale for CPR
- Expository writing promotes understanding
- Clear writing demonstrates clear thinking
- Peer review fundamental to academic research
- _____________________________________
- Only way to handle the grading load of adding
writing to a science course
8Actual Outcomes of CPR
- Expository writing promotes understanding
- Clear writing demonstrates clear thinking
- _____________________________________
- Evaluation process of peer review requires
higher-order, critical thinking skill
91998 First Research Study
- Research questions
- What level of student can handle the CPR process?
- How comparable are student and instructor
evaluations? - Organic chemistry, UCLA
- General chemistry, CSUF
- AP chemistry, Crossroads HS
10First CPR StudyMethane Halogenation
- UCLA sophomores gt CSUF freshmen Crossroads AP
Chem - Two external graders HS and University
- Consistent between instructors
- Students gave lower evaluations than instructors.
- Conclusion Instructors give benefit of doubt
Students very rigid in interpreting rubric
111995-2000 Molsci Project
- At the end of the grant period
- 38 Assignments
- Mainly in chemistry with a few in biology
- 70 schools had registered for accounts
12Multi-Initiative Dissemination Project 2001-2004
- NSF DUE 01-96527
- 34 workshops in 23 states
- Chemistry focus but all faculty interested in the
results from the four systemic reform projects
were invited - Over 900 attendees
13Texas AM
- MID Workshop
- CTE Workshop
- CPR adoption by Chemistry and others
- Writing for Assessment and Learning in
Mathematics and the Natural Sciences - NSF 02-43209 2003-2008
142004 Victim of Own Success!
- 138 assignments posted
- more than 1500 in personal libraries!
- 71,000 student accounts issued
- 462 institutions
- 1,938 courses set up
- FERPA, Unposted assignments, enormous use
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191800 Assignments
20Augmenting CPR NSF CCLI grant (2005 - 2008)
- New data base structure
- student records separate from authoring and
assignments - Student records on local campus sites
- Assignments on central servers
- Assignments modifiable by others
- Citation credit to authors
21Augmenting CPRA Distributed System
22Author Home
23Author Assignment
24Library Search
25Search Results
26Citation Information
- Summer 2007 Select assignments to move to
distributed system - Fall 2007 Contact authors
- Winter 2007 Finalize distribution costs
- Develop user manuals
- Fall 2008 CPR Version 4.0
- National Science Foundation
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- University of California, Office of the
President - University of California, Los Angeles
- 2006 Brian P. Copenhaver Award
- Colleagues
- Tim Su
- Stephen Schimpf
- CCLI Advisory Board
- Texas AM
- authors
30 31(No Transcript)
32June 2008
- Perhaps the most difficult topic in introductory
analytical chemistry. Many concepts involved in
solving the problem. - Make a solution of a known concentration and
precision. Dont waste reagents.
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34E-mail from a colleague
- I just had two 14BL students in my office
hours. After asking me questions about the
reports and about the midterm, they said thank
you that I gave them the second CPR assignment on
the buffer system (the one with carbonic acid and
bicarbonate). They said they learned so much
about buffers compared to their 14A lecture in
which they simply did calculations on pH, pKa and
pKb. They said they never learned in depth about
buffers and how they work until now.
35Peer Review Feedback
36Peer Review Feedback
37Does CPR make a difference?
- Does CPR in a course enhance learning?
- Writing-to-Learn?
- Does using CPR in a course improve writing?
- Learning-to-Write?
- Does CPR teach reviewing skills?
- Critical thinking skills?
38(No Transcript)
39Introductory Organic Chemistry
- Research University
- lecture three times/week
- no discussion
- separate lab course
- most students premed
- one CPR assignment Study of Cycloalkanes
- uses CHIME interactive tutorial to study ring
strain - given as extra credit assignment at end of
quarter - feedback e-mail to instructor required for credit
40Introductory Organic ChemistryStudent Buy-In
- 219 of 372 students did the assignment and
submitted comments!
41Student Perceptions
42Student Comments Technical Issues
- The chime plugin was a little problem because I
too use netscape 6.1 so I ended up using Internet
Explorer 6.0. It handled the plugin well and did
not give me any problems. The web site performed
decently with a 56K modem connection, except the
chime illustrations took about 30sec to 45sec to
load but acceptable. Now that the calibrations
are available the calibration screens seem very
user friendly but I would tell everyone that it
is best to use a screen resolution of at least
800x600 because there is so much to info to
display. The questions take half the screen and
the essay takes up the other half.
43Source Material/Reviewing
- I thought that the CPR was really interesting.
I liked the fact that they made us look at 3D
models before we could answer the questions
because it gave us a good idea of the concept
involved in the question. I think that the
process we had to take before writing the essay
was great because it took us step by step to the
answer, allowing us to thoroughly comprehend the
strain (angle and torsional) in cycloalkanes in
comparison to their alkane counterparts and to
other larger or smaller cycloalkanes. I also
like that we will get to grade other students
essays and later see if our own essays were of
good quality. I believe that it will let us know
if we really understand the part that strain
plays in cycloalkanes.
44Workload, Course Value
- This program is similar to something that my
girlfriend is doing in her Christian theology
class at BIOLA. She writes a 400-word response
to a "poll" question based on the 400-500 page
reading assignment that week, every week. Then
she reviews the work of three others (but not her
own), followed by an in class discussion once a
week. Of course, an in-class discussion is not
appropriate for a chemistry course and the
material covered requires more work than a simple
read and response. This is why I feel that the
CPR program would be more beneficial if it were
assigned more than once a quarter. Something
more like one assignment every 2-3 weeks. I
really feel that this would improve the overall
information retention of the class.
- By writing this assignment in a mini-essay form I
was able to come at my own conclusions and
express the material in my words. I believe that
this was very helpful because in order to
understand the material it is extremely useful to
be able to describe and put the material one
learned into his/her own words
46Workload, Course Value
- I enjoyed the CPR assignment. I liked having
another format to think about organic chemistry.
If you do this again, I think optical rotation
would be a great subject. I thought the writing
assignment was a good length--not too much to
read six examples of writing
47Workload, Value, Reviewing
- I thought the idea of CPR was a very good idea
because it helped expanding students' knowledge
and developing insight into the materials we had
studied. However, I didn't really enjoy this
project. I didn't like it because there was too
much research involved and questions were very
hard to answer. This project itself was time
consuming as well. It took me a long time to
finish the practice before I moved onto the
actual project. Another time-consuming part was
the peer reviewing. It took me about an average
of 10 minutes each to review one paper. It
required a lot of concentration as well
48Course Value
- I thought CPR to be good learning tool. The
project made the participants review the course
material. As a result a better understanding of
the material is attained. Its like having two
lectures instead of one. Making an environment
where students have to think is a good way to
make the material understandable.
49Reviewing, Course Value
- Truthfully, I enjoyed CPR. Writing the essay was
a great way to review the specifics of
cyclohxane strain, but when I reviewed the peer
essays I think I learned most. I was able to see
what strong points my essay had, and more
importantly where I was lacking. I think CPR can
be a very useful tool for students to use if they
take it seriously and take the time to explore
the website. Also, it is another chance for
points, which is always good. By the way, thanks
for the extra credit.
50Timing, Workload
- this project was sort of like high school work.
it was only assigned to keep me busy. first of
all i don't have a computer so i had to go out
of my way to use one. we studied cyclohexanes for
the first midterm. it would've been a lot better
if it was material from the current chapters.
51Word Count, Technical Issues
- I just wanted to give you my opinion of cpr. I
felt like it was to much of a hassle. It was
hard to log onto and frustrating to deal with.
When I logged on and began writing my text the
HTML tutor wasn't accessible so I didn't know
the editing commands. I know that we were
supposed to be concise, but I felt that 230-390
words just wasn't enough to truly answer the
questions and write a good essay. Anyways, I
didn't think cpr was really worth it because it
was to much of a hassle.
52Foreign Students
- The calibrated peer review helped me to review
many knowledges about the conformation of
cyclohexane. I learned a lot from it
53Technical Difficulties and Attitude to CPR
- Positive Negative
- Comment Comment
- Mentioned problems
- with CHIME 59 41
- (/or UCR and CPR login)
- No technical difficulties 82
18 - mentioned
54(No Transcript)
55Augmenting CPR NSF CCLI grant (2005 - 2008)
- New data base structure
- student records separate from authoring and
assignments - Student records will be on local campus sites
- Assignments on central servers
56UCLA (2005-2008)
- Listserv is the main vehicle for information on
the development of the new version of the program - CPR will continue to be free until the
distributed version is available
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58Peer Review
- Goal of peer review is improved products
- Robert Lichter 3/22/99
- Goal of Calibrated Peer Review is improved
student understanding of the discipline, writing
ability, and critical-thinking skills.
- The development of CPR, which began during
the NSF-funded Molecular Science Project, has
changed the teaching practices of hundreds of
STEM faculty and enriched the instruction and
enhanced the learning of thousands of students - The impact of CPR continues to grow.
- MID (2-hour introduction)
- February 6,7 - Univ of Arkansas, Little Rock
- March 5, 6 - Housatonic Comm College, Bridgeport,
CT - April 16, 17 - Macalester College, St. Paul MN
- April 30-May1 - Portland Community College
- Chautauqua (3-day intensive)
- June 23-25, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
61(No Transcript)
62Writing An Assignment
- Good Assignments have
- Clear goals and focused writing topics for the
essays - Interesting source material, preferably with a
study guide - One calibration essay that demonstrates the ideal
answer (the key), and the other two that
require students to confront common errors and
misconceptions - Calibration answer keys that include explanations
of the strengths and weaknesses of the critical
points in each essay.
63So What? Do CPR Assignments Make a Difference?
- Is content knowledge improved?
- Are evaluation skills developed?
- Do students learn to collaborate?
- What do students think about CPR?
64Evaluation of CPRChemistry - UCLA
- General chemistry
- Midterm question on theory of two-component phase
diagram - Two quarters traditional lecture and problems
- One-quarter with an additional CPR assignment
- Russell, A. A.
65Exam Scores
- Quarter CPR Actual Percent
use grade - Winter 1998 No 6.2/10 62
- Winter 2000 No 9.2/15 61
- Spring 2000 Yes 15.1/20 71
66Evaluation of CPR-writing Skills Chemistry- UCLA
- Senior level environmental chemistry all
evaluation based on writing - Midterm - 3 essays on issues -topics specified
- Final - 6 essays on issues, two on topics covered
by CPR assignments - 3 CPR assignments given between midterm and final
- Chapman, O.L.
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