Title: Computational Nanotechnology: the CCN and the NCN
1ComputationalNanotechnologythe CCN and the NCN
Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Illinois, Morgan State
Univ., Northwestern Univ. Purdue Univ. Stanford
Univ., UTEP
- Mark Lundstrom
- Purdue University
2NCN Research
- significant technological promise
- challenging scientific questions
- multi-scale, multi-disciplinary
- - serious computational challenges
- tight links to experimentalists
- clear focus, 3-year duration
integrated nanosystems
chemistry/ materials
- - leadership and networking
- general approaches
- - new software tools
- unique educational resources
- collaborative services
- web-based computing
3connecting theory to experiment
I ---gt
I (nA)--gt
V ---gt
100 Si
3) experimental confirmation M. Hersam,
1) molecules on Si have different and
potentially useful characteristics
Word Line
styrene on n - Si
molecular NDR
Current (nA)
Bit Line
Voltage (V)
2) prediction by simulation Datta et al., Purdue
4) applications in electronic memories K.
Roy, Purdue
4connecting theory to experiment
High-? gate insulators for CNTFETs
Ohmic contacts / ballistic transport
Javey, Kim, Brink, Wang, Ural, Guo, McIntyre,
McEuen, Lundstrom and Dai, Nature Materisls, 1,
241, 2002
Javey, Guo, Wang, Lundstrom and Dai, Nature, 427,
654, 2003
High-field transport in short CNTs
Guo, Javey, Dai, Datta and Lundstrom, submitted,
Javey, Guo, Paulsson, Wang, Mann, Lundstrom and
Dai submitted, 2003
5more than computation
integrated problem solving
-experiment -theory -simulation -computation
6connecting computer and physical scientists
H. Dai Group, Stanford
- nanowire transitors are scientifically
- interesting and technologically
- promising.
- Sameh and Polizzi developed
- efficient eigenvalue solvers
arbitrary 2D cross section
2 hrs per bias point on 44 cpus ..becomes 1
hour on 1 cpu
2 hr on 44 1,2GHz processors
- Improvements in algorithms allow
- new problems to be solved.
- quantum scale simulations
- are computationally demanding
7more than computation
integrated problem solving
cyber- community
-experiment -theory -simulation -computation
-community computing environment -collaborative
environment -unique educational resources
8nanoHUB web-based, utility computing
- software
- simulation services
- educational resources
- data bases
- on-line since 1995
- gt 230,000 simulations since 2000
- gt 2400 users since 2000
PUNCH 5.0 community computing middleware
applications install as is
resources plug in
- USER selects application
- PUNCH identifies available hardware
- PUNCH runs application
- PUNCH displays results to user
9building a cybercommunity
Read tutorials and work exercises with MolcToy
and FETToy
take a 2-day short course Electronic Device
Simulation at the nano/Molecular Scale
Hückel-IV 50 users / year gt 3500 simulations gt
100 to date
nanoMOS written in MATLAB parallelized in
MATLAB gt 400 downloads 1700 simulations 50
users / year
i- Si
Si substrate
take a full semester course for background
Read research papers and reproduce results
Hückel-IV or nanoMOS
join a Users Forum for tool support and
download source code for inspection or
10nanoHUB more than simulation
- - ready access to research grade simulation tools
- - easy access to high-performance computing
- on-line user training
- educational resources, full courses, short
courses - cutting edge seminars
- - collaborative tools
11The NCN
- - research and education that makes a difference
- - new theory, approaches, algorithms, software,
and - educational resources
- a utility computing infrastructure that delivers
unique - simulation services
- a cyberinfrastructure that facilitates
collaboration - and education
12The CCN and the NCN
- industrial strength utility computing middleware
- - expansion of the toolset
- co-development of educational content
- connections to Indiana schools, universities,