Title: The Whys, Hows, and Wherefores of Youth Evaluation
1The Whys, Hows, and Wherefores of Youth Evaluation
- Wells Willis, National Program Leader, EFNEP
- Beverly Phillips, Wisconsin EFNEP FSNE
Coordinator - Donna Vandergraff, Indiana EFNEP Coordinator
- Daisy Seremba, Extension Educator
- Earl Merrill-Software Developer
- a host of other state FSNE EFNEP Coordinators
- Provide brief history of youth evaluation work to
date - Describe the recommended process
- Give you a chance to try it out
- Gain input from you for the future
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4The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
5Youth EFNEP National Impact Indicators
- As a result of participating in EFNEP
- X of y youth from z groups now eat a variety
of foods. - X of y youth from z groups increased
knowledge of the essentials of human nutrition, - X of y youth from z groups increased their
ability to select low-cost nutritious foods, and - X of y youth from z groups improved practices
in food preparation and safety.
6The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
7It begins in North Central but goes national
- April 2000--NCR EFNEP/FNP Coordinators
meetingthe idea to form a youth evaluation work
group was born. - ND, SD, NE, KS, MO, IA, MN, WI, IL, IN, MI and OH
- E-mail survey to interested states
- investigate existing youth evaluation methods and
tools - how EFNEP youth impact indicators were being used
- Over 18 states responded and shared their
ideas/suggestions and sample tools
8The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
9EFNEP/FSNEP Youth Evaluation Work Group Meeting
Kansas City, MOJune 2000
- 15 states participatedRepresentatives from all
regions (WI, KY, WA, IN, IL, OH, NY, MO, FL, SD,
NE, IA, PA, KS MI). - Major Outcomes/Accomplishments
- Identified Core subject areas
- Dietary Quality Physical Activity
- Food Preparation
- Food Safety
- Shopping
- States identified (youth) age groups for focus
- Established work groups-
- developing questions, piloting different tools,
data collection and further meetings via
conference calls. - Ready to go in FY 2002?
10Youth Evaluationa myriad of variables!
- Dynamic work groups considered
- Ages and stages of youth
- Series vs. one time presentations
- Variable curricula within and across states
- Pre-postpaper/pencil game-like, fun
observation - Keyto develop and/or identify questions that
addressed the core content areas we focused on in
our programming
11Overall Goal for the Youth Evaluation Work
Group - 2000
- To develop indicators, subindicators, and tested
questions which can be used nationally and
eventually feed into the EFNEP ERS. The process
for testing questions will be to pilot test
questions in several states. However, the
method, audience, and location for use of these
questions during the pilot will be based on the
needs of the piloting states.
12The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
13Nebraska meeting
- Food Selection
- Food Purchasing
- Food Preparation
- Physical Activity
- Dietary Quality
- Food Safety
14The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
15The Conference CallsOne size DOES NOT fit all
- A network of EFNEP/FSNE Coordinators and
Evaluation Specialists - 2000 26 on email group
- 2002 - 45 on email group
- Shared tools
- Shared frustrations and triumphs
- Grids developed for age groups and
outcome/content - Pilot testing
16- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- South Dakota
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
17The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
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19CNE Logic Model--2002
- Logic Model developed to help guide program
development evaluation for community-based
nutrition education - JNEB article Vol 37, no.4, July-Aug 05
- Linking Youth Evaluation work to CNE Logic
ModelOutcomes and Impact Indicators
20 Impact Evaluation Funnel for Youth Lessons on
Washing Hands Correctly
21The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
22Wisconsin Website Developed 2003
- Need Mechanism for inter-state sharing of Youth
Evaluation tools - Resources on WI site
- Descriptive information about the
questions/tools, how developed, how used - Links to the actual questions/tools
- www.uwex.edu/ces/wnep/ncyouth
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24The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
252004 - Development of YQD
- Started as system to collect youth evaluation
tools used in EFNEP - Evolved to be useful to other youth nutrition
education such as FSNE - Software system to share tools, collect data from
use of those tools, generate impact statements
summarizing results
26Evolutionary Process
- How to have this be accessible to a very
wide-range of users, without requiring that the
full evaluation system be used - What fields are critical for helping to locate
possible tools to use identify topic areas, age
and grade of child, etc. - Be a dynamic system that can quickly meet new
evaluation/accountability needs.
27Demo of YQD
- Sample screens and navigation
- Live showcase at session illustrations shown in
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36The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
37Pre-testing Y-NEERS - 2005
- States volunteered to test Y-NEERS and give
feedback - Indiana and Wisconsin
- Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Missouri, Montana,
North Carolina, Oregon
38The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
39SNE workshop--Today
- Time to share progress
- Need input on remaining items
- How will this work for YOU in YOUR STATE??
40The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
- Collection of Youth Impact Evaluation tools
- A system enabling educators to find and select
Youth Impact Evaluation tools most appropriate
for their needs - Data entry, summary and reporting system for
selected Youth Impact Evaluation tools
42 The Path to a Nationwide System for Youth
Evaluation in Nutrition Education
43The story continues
- Anticipated release?
- Web site for updates?
- Directions?
- Volunteers to help??