Title: Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
1Improving InstructionthroughRegional Data
- Question and Answer
- Applications due September 21, 2009
2Change in DateImproving Instruction through
Regional Data Initiatives
- The MEGS changes are not complete
- MEGS will be ready to accept applications
September 14, 2009 - There are no changes to the grant documents we
have already distributed and posted on our
websites - www.michigan.gov/edtech
- www.techplan.org
- Applications close in MEGS on Monday, September
21, at 5pm EDT
3ScoringImproving Instruction through Regional
Data Initiatives
- The initial round of scoring is scheduled for
September 24, 2009 - We are recruiting members of the Michigan
Education Research Association (MERA) - Interested reviewers contact Bettie
Landauer-Menchik - K-12 Outreach College of Education, Michigan
State University - 517 432-9470 menchikb_at_msu.edu
- Anticipate recommending funding ? Oct 15
4Change in ProcessImproving Instruction through
Regional Data Initiatives
- Apply ? September 21, 2009
- Score ? September 24, 2009
- Recommend ? October 14, 2009
- Ask for assurances (MEGS) ? Oct 14, 2009
- Close assurances (MEGS) ? Nov 15, 2009
- Finalize budgets ? Nov 30, 2009
5Determining BudgetImproving Instruction through
Regional Data Initiatives
- 10 ISDs _at_ 75,000 ? 750,000
- 2 districts/psa not participating _at_ 10 of ISD
population? -15,000 - Consortium included research partner ? 75,000
- 10 ISDs research collaborative ? 810,000
- 810,000 dependent on other Regional Data
Initiatives not participation levels
6Nonparticipating ISDs, Districts, and
PSAsImproving Instruction through Regional Data
- Second round opportunities (February 2010)
- Sign up with first round winners
- Second opportunity given to districts and PSAs to
join Regional Data Initiatives of ISD choosing - Alternative solution is significant coverage gaps
exist - Round 1 ? Round 2
7Non-Public SchoolsImproving Instruction through
Regional Data Initiatives
- Must be notified of opportunity in the planning
phase - Data system, differentiation tools, and
professional development - Differentiation tools and professional
development - Professional development
8Data for Student SuccessImproving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- Three areas of focus
- Business rules that automate or simply the
process of Regional Data Initiatives pulling in
state data - Dynamic Inquiries for using state compliance data
- Professional development, including
sustainability work - Nothing has been finalized
9Questions from the Field 1Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- The model of an ISD lead with a consortium of
ISDs applying how are the other ISDs treated in
the grant from a budget point of view sub
recipients? - It is up to applicant. Ideally, we would see
significant collaborative work done at the state
and regional level with professional development
and other executables happening at the individual
ISD level. We are not interested, however, in a
pass through model with very little
coordination and participating ISDs doing there
own thing.
10Questions from the Field 2Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- Based on the answer to the first question, how do
indirect costs work each ISD indicates, or only
the lead? - There is no official limit to indirect charges,
although this not to say if we see exorbitant
indirect rates that we will not question them. I
advise participating ISDs to understand exactly
what services the indirect charges get them. It
would be better to spell out the direct services
provided for coordinating the collaborative and
keep the indirect for covering accounting and
process work.
11Questions from the Field 3Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- What to do about LEAs who want to be involved but
are not using what their ISD uses? - Well look at that in the second round. Right now
the ISD is the king maker in terms of picking
the system that will serve their ISD.
12Questions from the Field 4Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- What is the process for round 2 ISDs to get
involved? - It should be as straight forward as possible. The
second round ISD has its pick of the first round
winners they sign on and have their locals
provide assurances. Locals that do not sign on in
Round 1 also have the option in Round 2. The
major caveat may be less money available because
of MDEs desire to fund the addenda projects out
of the money not taken by ISDs and locals signing
up in Round 1. MDE reserves the right to
reconfigure qualifying applications for Round 2
in case significant portions of our locals are
not served (i.e., large urbans, PSAs, etc.), in
which case we may consider allowing locals to
pick Regional Data Initiatives different then
their ISD, but thats a big if.
13Questions from the Field 5Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- Can ISDs who join a consortium in round 1 be
brand new to the data warehousing product (we
have had two ISDs approach us to be part of our
application, but it isnt clear in the
application rubric if that is allowed though it
does say that the application has to indicate
there is a plan to add new in this case, wed
be adding some new up front) ? - ABSOLUTELY. This is the intent of the grant.
14Questions from the Field 6Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- How does eTranscript work into this?
- eTranscript is a separate project funded and
supported by CEPI. MDE is looking at providing a
Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) tracker
component, but there is internal debate as to
whether or not to proceed. We will ask the
Professional Learning Community of winning
Regional Data Initiatives to 1) make a
recommendation on a statewide approach and 2)
recommend a set of national standards to which
locals can map their course definitions.
15Questions from the Field 7Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- Can funding of data coaches in the counties be
part of this grant? - ABSOLUTELY. Research and evidence has shown
coaching models work well in delivering
job-embedded professional development for
16Questions from the Field 8Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- Can the consortium indicate it is partnering with
others to complete the work (i.e. you asked REMC
to work on updating the REMC 8th grade assessment
and work on a rubric for instructional staff tech
usage but we see that both of which are listed
in the addendum for the grant)? - Yes. Name anyone you want. The addenda for the
8th Grade Tech Literacy and the Personnel Skilled
with Technology arose from conversations at the
REMC in-service. We anticipate strong addenda
applications on both.
17Questions from the Field 9Improving Instruction
through Regional Data Initiatives
- What types of activities are expected in the
category of 20 set aside for collaborative work
through a PLC administered by MAISA (20 is over
2 million across all grants) ? - There will be a Professional Learning Community,
administered by MAISA, and a common evaluation
that will come from the 20, but it will not cost
20. The 20 number is intended to provide
flexibility in individual Regional Data
Initiatives budgets to facilitate statewide
collaboration on the issues related in the
Project Design Considerations section of the
grant, pages 2 and 3. It prevents Regional Data
Initiatives from saying, we dont have budget
for that. At least half (10) can count as
professional development.
18Questions from the Field 10Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- Because such a large part of this grant is about
collaboration, why is more than one consortium
per product allowed? We understand that you gave
approval for the UP ISDs and some upper lower
Michigan ISDs to form a second Data Director
consortium for this grant. That seems to be
duplication of effort and contradicts the notion
that ISDs will collaborate together on the same
product. We will of course keep in touch with
them, but that is much different than
partnering/collaborating on a grant. - MDE has believed for some time that a statewide
data warehouse solution is unachievable and
disadvantageous (i.e., disparate broadband
access, etc.). We believe there is value in
investing in our regions for a host of reasons
proximity of service, chief among them. If a
region determines that it is best to propose a
separate instance, using the same underlying
package of tools, to best service the schools
within the region, we will entertain funding that
project separately. That being said, a project
has to score well to warrant creating yet another
layer of management.
19Questions from the Field 11Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- What is your expectation on timing of using D4SS
as the conduit for data for the state? I see you
have it listed on page 7 of the application, but
we have only just started talking about that at
D4SS advisory meetings and dont have that in
this school years scope of work. - Data for Student Success must step to the plate
and support the Regional Data Initiatives. This
must be a priority. There is time to develop a
coordinated approach and then work by the time
the grants are awarded. Primary to the task will
be identifying how D4SS will support the
individual Regional Data Initiatives and
establishing a timeline to deliver services.
20Questions from the Field 12Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- In section B of the rubric, differentiated
instruction, it talks about describing
tools/services/resources that the consortium will
use. It then goes on to talk about
collaboratively developing a common approach.
What is meant by that? While all ISDs are on the
same page globally, because each ISD is in a
different place in working with their locals, not
all will have the same approach in the two years
of this grant. Please elaborate. - The knock against data warehousing has been that
the tool stops at the administrators desk. While
some programs push down to the teacher, many
times that support ends with a report. We will do
our best not to let this be the case in our
Regional Data Initiatives. We know that some
Consortia will submit proposal strong in the area
of shared differentiation strategies and
resources. Winning consortia that are weak in
this area will be encouraged to learn from the
stronger programs and adopt strategies and
resources. This is the exact intention of the 20
set aside and collaborative work of the MAISA
Professional Learning Community.
21Other Questions from the Field 13 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- Is there one pot of money for the collaborative?
- The lead ISD will act as fiscal agent. The way
the money is dispersed will be up to the
collaborative, the state will not dictate that,
but the idea is commonality. It is likely that a
per/pupil and/or per/district formula will be
used by most collaboratives. - Could a curriculum instruction management tool
be part of the suite of tools? - Is it helping put data into teachers' hands? Is
it helping gather data about student learning?Â
Is it common? Does it provide all of the
stakeholders with common methods and strategies
for differentiation? (Short answer Yes, it
could be.)
22Other Questions from the Field 14 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- Is each ISD free to participate in the
collaborative group but utilize different tools
to achieve the common "output?"Â For example,
could the collaborative say it would support SISs
but different ISDs would use different SISs? The
common collaborative advantage is to recognize
that attendance and behavior data, for example
need to be integrated with student achievement
data in the common data analysis tool, but it may
come from many different SISs. - Common terminology, common output, common data
are all part of the goal. Providing common
information to all stakeholders is part of the
goal. Yes, it could especially with a large
collaborative where each ISD is starting from a
different place with some things in place and
other areas where the tablet is relatively blank.
23Other Questions from the Field 15 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- My discussion with Dwight lead me to a line of
reasoning that goes like this since ISD has a
dollar value should each "product" or "output"
also have a dollar value. Does there need to be
a way to use both factors for the distribution of
money? For example, if an ISD supported only
Power School, that doesn't seem like it would be
"worth" the same dollars as an ISD that supports
Power School, Inform Benchmark? I am not sure
where this leads us? We need to discuss this. - The grant proposal includes an Oakland addenda
about an early warning system for identifying
dropouts. Since this may be SIS-specific, it
would be difficult for participating ISDs to
implement on their various systems. Will it be
necessary for all ISDs to do that addenda. in
fact, that leads the question, if a proposal does
include addenda that are more targeted, are all
participating ISDs expected to implement them?
24Other Questions from the Field 16 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- The second question came up during our
teleconference and the suggestion that we could
increase project participation by mentoring other
ISDs. While we think this is a great way to
expand the project, we are concerned that we
simply do not have the man/womanpower and
resources to take that on. We will freely share
what we've done in Inform and Benchmark and
participate in implementation of the project as
much as we can, but our current RtI
implementation initiative is consuming most of
our resources and adding a formal mentoring
project is just not feasible for us at this time.
Is that going to cause a problem with our
25Other Questions from the Field 17 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- We have three locals that are not Inform
districts. Can the grant money be used to
purchase Inform for those locals for the next two
years? - Yes. The idea of the grant is the leverage gain
by have common systems. - Can the grant money be used to support new work
related to the grant by current staff? - Yes, if it enhances the products contents.
26Other Questions from the Field 18 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- Does the money go to the ISD or to the
participating locals...or both? - I think the money goes to the ISD which may in
turn pay for Inform for the LEA, or pay for subs
for PD, etc. It is not flow through money. The
ISDs will be the fiscal agents. - What type of up-front work would you expect
participating ISDs to need to do in support of an
Oakland proposal? - Share PD strategies, share Inform and Benchmark
stuff, provide data about who is doing what, etc.
27Other Questions from the Field 19 Improving
Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
- What are the responsibilities for reporting/
evaluation of the project?
28Question 20?Improving Instruction through
Regional Data Initiatives
- Bruce Umpsteadumpsteadb_at_michigan.gov517.335.2957