Title: Virtual Classroom Tour Template
1Learning Areas Levels Objectives
Science, Language Arts, Technology Grade 3 Small
groups of third graders will lobby for the
receipt of a mock 10,000 grant for the repair
and preservation of an endangered
habitat. Microsoft Office Suite, Internet
Explorer Heterogeneous groups of third graders
will collaboratively research the various
characteristics and threats to a given habitat.
They will then prepare persuasive media to lobby
for support of their habitat to receive an
International Science Foundation Grant.
Lt. Peter Hansen Elementary SchoolCanton,
Massachusetts 02021 Pat Phalan, Third Grade
TeacherMrs. Phalans Web Site
2Teacher Planning and Management Click the
documents below to help you understand the
context of this exemplary learning
project Background Planning A picture of the
origin and objectives of the learning project,
including the manner in which the project was
planned and managed. Classroom Images Images of
the classroom to give you a better feeling for
how the project was implemented.
3Work Samples, Teacher and Student
Reflection Click the documents below to see work
samples and reflections from the teachers and
students Student Work Samples Examples of
student work generated through participation in
this learning project. Teacher Reflection
Thoughts and reflective comments from the
teachers involved, including advice for future
implementations. Student Perspective Comments on
how the students perceived the learning that
Students will be assigned to four person teams.
Each team will randomly choose one of four
habitats, also called biomes - desert,
grassland, forest, or pond. All team members
will be given Mission Folders in which all work
will be placed. Each team member will research
on the Internet (in specified, pre-organized
sites) or at the library and find the names of
five actual locations of their habitat.
Work Overview
Work Samples
Data Sheet 1, Data Sheet 2, Data Sheet 3
4Teaching Resources This project is based on a Web
Quest. A Web Quest is an inquiry-oriented
activity in which most or all of the information
used by learners is drawn from the Web. Web
Quests are designed to use learners' time well,
to focus on using information rather than looking
for it, and to support learners' thinking at the
levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. -
Bernie Dodge The WebQuest Page Student Project
Overview Students of all abilities will be able
to serve as active participants in this project.
With careful planning and grouping by the
teacher, each childs strengths will be seen as
vital to their groups overall success in the
project. The technology infused in this effort
creates an atmosphere where the children are self
and group motivated at every turn. The cross-
curricular nature of the project allows for block
scheduling. This project is busy, interesting,
and fun. Primary Resource Can this Habitat be
Saved? WebQuest created by Pat Phalan
5Assessment and Standards Click the link below to
find examples of how this project addresses state
standards and frameworks. Assessment Examples
Examples of assessment are provided to students
showing how the project was assessed. The use of
Rubrics are appropriate. Mapping the Standards
Mapping this projects learning objectives
against curriculum standards. National
Educational Technology Standards for Students
(NETS) Performance indicators for
technology-literate students. Helpful
Links Current Massachusetts Frameworks Rubistar
Create your own rubrics online
6Classroom Teacher Guide Click the documents below
to learn from this project and create your own
classroom project The Starting Point Questions
to keep in mind when reviewing this
project. Using the Tour Model Questions to
consider before you begin to create a
technology-integrated project based on this
Virtual Classroom Tour. Authentic Assessment
Understanding that assessment needs to move into
the realm of authenticity helps to make learning
more meaningful for students. Implementing a
Project Some questions to consider at the
implementation stage of a learning
project. Record Your Thoughts A document in
which you can record your comments and
reflections as you create your own learning
7Pre-service Teacher Guide Click the documents
below to learn from this project and create your
own classroom project The Starting Point
Questions to keep in mind when reviewing this
project. Using the Tour Model Questions to
consider before you begin to create a
technology-integrated project based on this
Virtual Classroom Tour. Authentic Assessment
Understanding that assessment needs to move into
the realm of authenticity helps to make learning
more meaningful for students. Implementing a
Project Some questions to consider at the
implementation stage of a learning
project. Record Your Thoughts A document in
which you can record your comments and
reflections as you create your own learning
8Staff Developer Guide Click the documents below
to learn from this project and create your own
classroom project The Starting Point Questions
to keep in mind when reviewing this project with
your faculty. Using the Tour Model Questions to
pose as you assist others in creating a
technology-integrated project based on this
Virtual Classroom Tour. Authentic Assessment
Keys to promoting the understanding that
assessment needs to move into the realm of
authenticity in order to make learning more
meaningful for students. Implementing a Project
Some questions to pose at the implementation
stage of a learning project.
9(No Transcript)
10Microsoft Office Training Resources Click the
links below to access training resources on
Microsoft Office and other software Microsoft
Educator Network The Microsoft Educator Network
provides you with the latest classroom resources,
professional development tools, and communities
of practice and expertise. http//www.microsoft.co
m/education/?IDEducatorNetwork Tutorials -
Learn to create rich learning experiences using
Microsoft products and technologies.http//www.mi
crosoft.com/education/?IDTutorials Productivity
in the Classroom Lesson Plans with great ideas
for integrating technology into teaching and
learning http//www.microsoft.com/education/?IDLe
ssonPlans Office Tips for Teachers Ready-to-use
ideas that integrate Office applications into
subject areas such as math, science, and language
arts. http//www.microsoft.com/education/default.