Title: The Culturally Customized Web Site
1The Culturally Customized Web Site
- Chapter 8
- Cultural Customization
- High-Low Context
2Low/High Context
High Context cultures value close connections
among group members and everybody knows what
every other person knows little information is
explicit. Low context cultures are societies that
are logical, linear, action oriented, and the
mass of information is explicit and
formalized. - Hall 76
3High Context
In such cultures much of the information to
function in a group is intrinsically known, and
there is little information that is explicit.
These use more symbols and non-verbal cues to
4Low Context
In such cultures most of the communication takes
place in a rational, verbal, and explicit way to
convey concrete meanings through rationality and
language. People use precise words to convey
meanings, and the message is often received
literally, with less reliance on nonverbal clues.
5Examples of High Context Countries
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Thailand
6Examples of Low Context Countries
- Sweden
- Norway
- Netherlands
- Denmark
7Advertising in High Context Markets
- Indirect verbal expressions
- Implicit, indirect, polite, modest, even
ambiguous - Direct comparisons not viewed favorably
- Similar to feminine culture approach
8Advertising in Low Context Markets
- Use of direct, explicit confrontational appeals
- Explicit mention of competitors products and
emphasize hard-sell orientation
9High Context Web Sites Should Emphasize
10Low Context Web Sites Should Emphasize
- Hard-Sell Approach
- Use of Superlatives
- Prestige of Company
- Terms and Conditions of Purchase
11Now that everybody is culturally trained, test
your Cultural IQ