Title: Sedimentary Rock Types
1Sedimentary Rock Types
Sedimentary Rock Types
2Three Types based on origin
Sedimentary Rock Types
Clastic fragments of pre-existing
3Three Types based on origin
Sedimentary Rock Types
Clastic fragments of pre-existing
rocks Chemical precipitated from
compounds dissolved in solution
4Three Types based on origin
Sedimentary Rock Types
Clastic fragments of pre-existing
rocks Chemical precipitated from
compounds dissolved in solution Organic
skeleton precipitated by an animal or plant.
5Three Types based on origin
Sedimentary Rock Types
Clastic Rock classification based on Size
Composition of clasts
6Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- 1. Grain Size
- clast name rock name
- boulders
- cobbles conglomerate
- pebbles or breccia
- granules
- ---------- 2 mm ----------------------
- sand sandstone
- ---------- gritty ----------------------
- silt siltstone
- ---------- smooth ----------------------
- clay claystone or shale
7(No Transcript)
8Sedimentary Rock Types
- ---------- 2 mm ----------------------
- very coarse
- sand coarse
- medium
- fine
- very fine
- ---------- gritty ----------------------
- silt
- ---------- smooth ----------------------
9Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- Grain Size provides information about
- its transportation history
- Coarse high energy
- Fine low energy (calm)
10Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
High Energy required to move big (coarse) clasts
steep gradient river
11Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
What rocks form from these sediments?
12Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
Low Energy can only move small clasts
low gradient river
13Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
What rocks form from these sediments?
low gradient river
14Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- 2. Composition of grains commonly
- quartz
- feldspar
- clay minerals
- Fe Mg silicates
- micas
- calcite
- rock fragments
15Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
16Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
rock fragments
17Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
Fe Mg minerals
18Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
19Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
calcite (biogenic)
20Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- 2. Composition of grains reflects
- Kind of rock eroded (original source)
- Weathering conditions (climate)
- Distance from source (transportation)
21Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- 3. Sorting of grains
- range of particle sizes
- present in sediment
22Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- Sorting of grains reflects
- the style of
- transportation (how far or long?)
- deposition (gradual/sudden?)
- (original range available)
23Sedimentary Rock Types
- Well sorted
- sustained velocity
- gradual deflation
24Sedimentary Rock Types
- Poorly sorted
- abrupt velocity
- change
- multiple events
- with different
- velocity
25Sedimentary Rock Types
- Poorly sorted
- abrupt velocity
- change
- multiple events
- with different
- velocity
26Sedimentary Rock Types
- Poorly sorted - - - - Well Sorted
- glacier -- stream -- wave -- wind
27Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- 4. Shape of the grains
- rounding (angular vs. smooth)
- sphericity (spherical vs. elongate)
28Sedimentary Rock Types
rounding sphericity
29Sedimentary Rock Types
Rounded Spherical
Angular Elongate
30Characteristics of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Rock Types
- Shape of the grains reflects
- the transportation history
- Short (time - distance)
- angular not spherical
- Long (time - distance)
- well rounded spherical
31rock fragment conglomerates?
well sorted quartz sand?
silt and shale?
poorly sorted quartz sand?