Title: ZR
1Zoological Record TM ZooBank a partnership
for success
Nigel Robinson Director, Operations
Development Thomson Zoological Limited
2Association with the community
- 1864 Scientists associated with British Museum
Zoological Society - 1880-1980 Zoological Society support
- 1980-2003 Zoological Society/BIOSIS partnership
- 2003 BIOSIS
- 2004 Thomson Scientific
- Zoological Record data capture
- Index to Organism Names project
3Zoological Record
- Oldest continuing life science reference database
- Comprehensive coverage
- Unparalleled breadth and depth of coverage of
biodiversity, zoology and animal biology - Authoritative record of taxonomy nomenclature
- New names with metadata
- Taxonomic nomenclatural acts
- High archival value
4Zoological Record content
- 32 staff in York
- 5000 journals, plus conference proceedings,
books, monographs from 100 countries bring
together disparate sources - 72,000 items per year
- Gather 20,000 new names per year
- Metadata currently gathered
- Name
- Authorship
- Reference
- Type locality (country level)
- Type horizon
- Type host
- Page in journal where description appears
- 1.7 million article archive to 1978.and growing
- Monthly updates
5Zoological Record and Thomson
- Durable ZR is still here 150 years on
- Most up to date
- Items indexed in 2-11 days of receipt
- Most complete
- Involved in the taxonomic / biodiversity
community - Financially stable future
- Backed by the resources of the Thomson
Corporation - Archive digitization
- BiologyBrowser
- Index to Organism Names
6The ZR/ZooBank partnership
- Partnership
- Stability longevity
- Technology
- Data and links open access
- Agreements with publishers and libraries
- Obtaining material to index
- Providing links to full text of the
article/description - Ongoing data capture quality checking
- Existing names back file
- A free, open access service for the community
7Index to Organism Names (ION)
- Under redevelopment for imminent release
- gt1.5 million names from ZR 1970-present
- Plus names from BIOSIS Previews Biological
Abstracts - Links to Web information, Zoological Record
(Biology, Taxonomic history, Full text article,
Power of the Web of Knowledge) - Alerts to new names for specific groups
- Purpose and uses
- Homonym checking use of name in the published
literature - Identify the taxonomic group to which an organism
belongs - Verify that newly published animal names have
been correctly reported in Zoological Record, as
recommended by the Code, and submit omissions - Obtain literature references about a name
- View latest research carried out on a name
through the recent articles list - Access full text and gain access to the full
literature record of a given name - www.organismnames.com
8Index to Organism Names
Enter a basic or advanced search
Browse and search for names using the taxonomic
9Index to organism Names - Details
Recent articles and web sites
Links to indexing and full articles
View results list and expand to see details
10Zoological Record Indexing
Links to full text
Indexing additional nomenclatural acts
11Index to Organism Names - submission
Users can submit publications or names for
inclusion in ZR
12Index to Organism Names - Alerts
RSS alerts for new names classified to each term
the hierarchy
Nigel Robinson nigel.robinson_at_thomson.com