Title: The Land and People of the Middle East
1The Land and Peopleof the Middle East
Matthew Ripley-Moffitt World Cultures Cary
Academy Based on pages 551 556 in World
Cultures A Global Mosaic
2What is the Middle East?
- Term invented by Europeans
- Described lands between Europe and distant parts
of Asia which they called the Far East - Included the Fertile Crescent Arabian Peninsula
- Often also includes North Africa due to the
cultural influence of Islam and the Arabic
3What is Southwest Asia?
- Geographic location of Middle East
- Imagine continent of Asia divided into quadrants
- Fertile crescent and Arabian Peninsula are in
the southwestern quadrant
4What isthe crossroads of the world?
- At the connection points between Africa, Asia,
and Europe - Connections major land and water trade routes
cultural diffusion - The exchange of goods and ideas when two or more
cultures come into contact
5Cultural diffusion began in Middle East and
spread through trade routes to rest of the world
- Technology iron-making
- Language Alphabet for English and other
languages - Religion Judaism, Christianity and Islam
6Cultural diffusion began in Asia and spread to
Europe through trade routes of the Middle East
- Mathematics - Arabic numerals
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 - Technology Lateen sail
7The Middle East a strategic position
- Some countries control important sea routes, and
land sea connection points - Some countries control important oil reserves
- Region is important to many countries in the
world because of these military and economic
8Climate and Resources
- Climate has dictated human habitation through
most of history - Clustered around well-watered regions, near
oasis, and in river valleys - Irrigation and farming gave rise to early
civilizations especially in the fertile
crescent - Less than 10 of land receives enough rainfall
for farming - Irrigation invented to carry water from the
rivers to the crops
9Oil an important natural resource
- Variety of natural resources
- Salt
- Phosphates used in making fertilizers
- Copper
- Most important is oil
- Uneven geographic distribution leads to uneven
distribution of wealth among countries of the
Middle East
10Diversity in the Middle East
- Languages Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Kurdish,
Persian, Greek, Armenian - Peoples Arabs, Turks, Iranians, and Kurds
migrated from other parts of Asia with their own
languages, culture, traditions - Religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahai,
Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism
19 different countries 350 million people
11Major Regions Northern Tier
12Major Regions Arabian Peninsula
13Major Regions Fertile Crescent
14Major Regions Nile Valley
15Major Regions The Maghreb