Title: Theological Concerns about Biotechnology
1Theological Concerns about Biotechnology
2Religion Biotechnology Main Topics
- Why be concerned about science and religion?
- Religious and secular reasoning
- The nature of religious belief and practice
- The practical and ritual dimension
- The experiential and emotional dimension
- The narrative or mythic dimension
- The doctrinal and philosophical dimensions
- The ethical and legal dimension
- The social and institutional dimension
- The material dimension
3What Does Religion Have to do With Biotechnology?
- Secular and religious approaches to deciding what
is right - What distinctive claims do religions make to
knowing what is right and wrong? - Natural law
- Religious understanding of the creation
- Leave well enough alone
- Exploitation for human ends
- Stewardship/mutuality
- Co-creation
4How Does Religion Deal With Biotechnology?
- Religious approaches to genetic engineering
- Rejection
- Caution
- Acceptance with caveats
5Does Religion Have a Role?
- Two main answers
- Surveys show that majority of people believe in
God, and such beliefs influence what people think
about biotechnology - All of the worlds religions have teachings about
creation and human nature (intelligent selection
vs natural selection?)
6Religious and Secular Ethical Reasoning Is
there a connection?
- Must one be religious to be ethical?
- A lesson from Platos Euthyphro
- Do the gods love holiness because it is holy or
is it holy because they love it? - Do your parents approve of this action because it
is right (independent agency)? - Is it right because your parents approve of it
(parents whim)?
7What is the nature of religious belief and
- Seven dimensions
- Ritual and practice
- Experience and emotion
- Narrative and myth
- Doctrine, orthodoxy, theology, philosophy
- Ethics and law
- Social and institutional structure
- Materialplaces of worship
8How do we know what is right? Secular and
religious approaches
- Traits
- The right thing to do cannot depend on ones own
point of view - The right thing to do cannot depend on an
arbitrary choice, decision, or prejudice - Most theories of ethics subscribe to equality as
a principle - Moral rules must be universal (apply to everyone
the same) - People have duties that are obligatory even if
their own interests are not served by performing
them - Do not harm others
9What distinctive claims does religion make about
- Religions refer to sacred scriptures for guidance
- Religions have teachings and traditions assembled
over many years - Religions usually claim that the conscience has
some divine justification
10Divine Law and Natural Law
- Divine Law is said to be revealed in scripture
and writings - Natural Law is said to be revealed in what God
has created, that is, in nature - Nature is created by God, and God is wholly good
therefore, his creation is wholly good
therefore, look to nature to understand the good - Objection Naturalistic fallacy
11Divine Law and Natural Law
- Natural Law is said to be revealed in what God
has created, that is, in nature - The original creation was wholly good, but is now
corrupted or fallen therefore, we can still gain
insights into how things ought to be - Objection What independent means do we have to
discern the pure from the corrupt?
12Divine Law and Natural Law
- What independent means do we have to discern the
pure from the corrupt? - Rational thought and the independence of human
consciencea Christian interpretation - God made human beings in His image
- God does not have a human body
- Humans must resemble God in spirit and
understanding - The resemblance in spirit and understanding
permits us to understand Gods laws - God made the world in an ordered way
- God gave all of us (religious or not) the power
to understand it using our reason and
intelligence - Therefore, all people are required to think
carefully about what it is right to do - So, one need not be religious to be ethical
13Religion and Creation
- What should be the human role in creation?
- Leave well enough alonedont play God
- Objection What is so special about
biotechnology? Isnt it playing God to practice
any kind of medicine or to create any new
technology or to make new breeds of plants?
14Religion and Creation
- Is nature created for humans to use and exploit?
- Christianity It is Gods will that humans
exploit nature for proper ends - Hinduism All life is sacred humans have a
great responsibility to the Earth - Judaism No one has unconditional rights to
land all land belongs to the Lord man is Gods
steward - Buddhism Teaches the interdependence of all
15Religion and Creation
- Should we think of ourselves as co-creators of
the natural world? - Our scientific understanding of the universe
shows that creation is an ongoing process - Humans are creations of God
- Humans have been given the power to intervene and
have changed the course of nature for the past
several thousand years - Therefore, we are co-creators with God
- Objection This overstates the human role
16Religious Approaches to Biotechnology
- Rejection
- Caution
- Acceptance with limitations
17Religious Approaches to Biotechnology
- Why do some religious people reject
biotechnology? - It gives humans too much power over animals,
causing more cruelty, ignoring their rights to
live a good life - It involves too much exploitation of naturea
violence against ecology - It clashes with their understanding of Gods plan
18Religious Approaches to Biotechnology
- Why do many religious people respond with a
warning to be cautious? - Biotechnology increases our concerns about
existing ethical issues - Treating people as mere things (sum of genes)
versus seeing them as unique living beings - Tensions about accepting people as they are and
making them better (cf. plastic surgery) - Tensions about privacy of individuals and needs
of society - Tensions about wealth and poverty
19Religious Approaches to Biotechnology
- What reasons do some religious people give for
accepting biotechnology with limitations? - Biotechnology can be seen as an attempt to
restore the world to its original state of
goodness - It should be used to eliminate harmful genetic
mutations and reduce suffering