Title: Delta ElectroMagnetic Gradiometer
1Delta ElectroMagneticGradiometer
Presented by Larry Stolarczyk, Sc.DStolar
Research Corporation848 Clayton HighwayRaton,
New Mexico 87740(505) 445-3607
2Fundamental Science
Electrical conductor
3Electrical Conductivity Frequency Dependence of
Ash Fall Tuff at NTS
- Electrical conductivity of soils and most rock
increases with frequency - Signal attenuation rate decreases as the
operating frequency is decreased
4Attenuation Rate Versus Frequency
5DeltaEM Gradiometer Features
- Provides real-time high-signal-to-noise-ratio
detection - Estimates burial depth and center line
- Detects passageways with man-made and
natural electrical conductors - Detects at depths ranges from several feet to
several hundred feet
6Gradiometer Antennas Operating Principles
Electromotive force voltage (emf) produced by
magnetic field (B)
-i N? (?rA) B N number of turns in
coil ?r relative permeability of ferrite
rod ? 2?f and f is operating frequency Primary
wave is suppressed!
7Gradiometer Antennas Schematic
eo emfLMD emfRMD
8Surface Response Over a Long Conductor
Total Field
After David Hill, NIST
9Surface Response Over a Sphere
10Delta EMTM Gradiometer Response
11Delta EMTM Gradiometer Features
- DSP processing
- Multiple discrete frequency of operation
- Transflective color display
- GPS receiver with differential WAAS
- Memory card storage
- RF modem
- Telescoping carbon-fiber chassis
- Battery operated
12Delta EMTM Gradiometer Receiver
- Suppresses surface radio frequency
interference (RFI) - Detects spreading EM waves
- Detects voids in mines
13Delta EMTM Gradiometer Transmitter
14Delta EMTM Gradiometer Electronics
15Transmit Air-Core Antenna
30-inch diameter loop
16Remote Computer Data Processing
- LabView Graphical Programming
- Three-dimensional spatial plot
- Multiple trace overlay plot
17Delta Mine Test, March 2004
18Emery Coal Mine Test 2005
- Nonintrusive surveys over Emery Coal Mine
- Coal-void boundary information (no known
conductors) - Tested areas had 50 to 200 ft of overburden