Title: Subcontractor Safety
1Chapter 20
2What of the Construction Work Put in Place is
Performed by Subcontractors?
- Most projects will subcontract from 60 to 100 of
the work. - The workers of subcontractors must be considered
if project safety is truly a concern
3Do General Contractors Aggressively Promote
Subcontractor Safety?
4Whatever the Posture on Safety, the Subcontractor
will Still Be Faced with the Indemnification
- The subcontractor hereby releases the Contractor
of all liability on account of any accidents
during performance of work in this subcontract.
5Where does Subcontractor Safety Begin for the
General Contractor?
6Where does Subcontractor Safety Begin for the
General Contractor?
- Subcontractor Selection Process
- Should Safety be a Concern?
7How Can a Subcontractor be Selected on the Basis
of Safety?
8How Can a Subcontractor be Selected on the Basis
of Safety?
- Naturally, the traditional criteria will continue
to be important considerations.
9How Can a Subcontractor be Selected on the Basis
of Safety?
- Naturally, the traditional criteria will continue
to be important considerations. - Safety Criteria Can Consist of Various Factors
10Subcontractor Safety Selection Criteria
11Subcontractor Safety Selection Criteria
- EMR (less viable, esp. with smaller firms.
12Subcontractor Safety Selection Criteria
- EMR (less viable, esp. with smaller firms.
- OSHA recordable incidence rates
13Subcontractor Safety Selection Criteria
- EMR (less viable, esp. with smaller firms.
- OSHA recordable incidence rates
- Ability to provide a site specific safety plan
14Subcontractor Safety Selection Criteria
- EMR (less viable, esp. with smaller firms.
- OSHA recordable incidence rates
- Ability to provide a site specific safety plan
- Management commitment.
15Schedule Status and Subcontractor Safety
Relative injury frequency
Schedule Status
16Subcontractor Safety Performance and the Number
of Subcontractors
Relative injury frequency
Subcontracts per Project
17The Relative Influence of General Contractors
Practices on Subcontractor Safety on Medium-Sized
Emphasis on safety
Concern for workers
Safety compliance
Project coordination
Project pressure
18Project Pressure results in Higher Injury Rates
- General Pressure to Perform
- Schedule Pressure, Behind Schedule
- Almost exclusive concern about Costs/Profit
- Bid Work (not negotiated)
19Project Coordination
- Smaller Projects have lower Injury Rates
- Safer Subs are on Projects with Fewer Subs
- Safer Subs have worked before with the GC
- Safer Subs were selected and had the terms of
agreement negotiated
20Concern for Workers
- Safer subs are those who work with
superintendents who care about people - Safer subs work on projects where every worker
goes through orientation training
21Emphasis on Safety
- Subs are monitored on safety performance
- Top managers address safety on job visits
22Safety Compliance
- Safer subs are vigilant about watching for and
eliminating fall hazards - Safer subs are those who have their work
inspected for safety by the general contractor
23The Relative influence of General Contractors
Practices on Subcontractor Safety on large
Efficient job coordination
Emphasis on safety
24Emphasis on Safety Results in Safer Subcontractors
- GCs required subs to conduct their own tool box
meetings - Safety orientation sessions are conducted for
subcontractors - Subcontractor safety programs are subjected to
careful review - Subs are required to submit safety reports
25- Accidents of subcontractors are investigated by
project managers - Project managers make separate job tours to
inspect for safety problems - The work of subcontractors is inspected for safety
26Project Characteristics where subs have good
safety records
- GC has a full-time safety manager on the project
- All workers are required to attend tool box
meetings - Safety is discussed at pre-construction meetings
- Safety is discussed at the regular coordination
27Other Job Traits for Safe Subs
- The home office monitors project safety
- Top managers make a point to talk about safety on
job visits - Separate safety meetings are held for supervisors
- Bonuses are based in part on safety
- Safety compliance is enforced
28Efficient Job CoordinationResults in Safer
- More sophisticated scheduling techniques
- Greater use of short interval schedules
- Projects are ahead of schedule
- More frequent use of the schedule
- Subs have prior experience with the GC
29Basic Conclusion of the Large Study on
Subcontractor Safety
- General Contractors have a greater influence on
subcontractor safety than do the Subcontractors
30Unique Findings on Large Projects Related to
31Frequency of Subcontractor Safety Meetings
32Subcontractors are Prequalified Before Being
33When Subcontractor Safety Meetings are Held
34Subcontractors are Required to Submit
Project-Specific Safety Plans
35(No Transcript)