Title: EMIs Mission
1(No Transcript)
2EMIs Mission
Designing a world of hope for the physically
(gt2/day) and spiritually (gt5 Christian) poor.
Hope is a home for the orphan, a hospital for the
sick, a school for those who want to learn, water
for the thirsty, a greenhouse for the hungry. We
seek to live out Jesus' call to the least of
these (Matthew 25). .
Core Approach
Partnering with Christian ministries we mobilize
technical professionals on short term trips to
design development projects for the poor.
3Key Statistics
- - Founded in 1982
- - 50 staff
- - 20 interns
- - 250 design professionals volunteer annually
- Network of 6000 design professionals
- Completed 800 projects
- 85 countries/territories
Sending Offices - eMi United States (1982) - eMi
C Canada (2003) - eMi UK United Kingdom (2008)
- Field Offices
- - eMi2 South Asia (1998)
- - eMi AL America Latina (2001)
- eMi EA East Africa (2003)
- eMi MENA Middle East (2009)
5Project Approach
- Partner with indigenous and international
ministries who are reaching out to the poor (live
on 2/day) and sharing the good news of Jesus -
Mobilize design professionals when no local
design resources are available, affordable or
trustworthy - Design small to large scope
projects including bridges, hospitals,
orphanages, schools, water systems and more
6Case Study
St. Lukes Society AIDS Clinic Kampala, Uganda
PROBLEM A ministry assisting people with
various health issues including AIDS was
operating out of a half-size shipping container
and metal shack.
SOLUTION EMI designed a simple building with a
few offices, treatment room, training room, lab,
and bathrooms. The waiting room is a large,
covered porch. While protected from the rain and
sun, the open area catches the pleasant afternoon
7Case Study
St. Lukes Society AIDS Clinic Kampala, Uganda
RESULTS A new 2,000 square foot clinic
building allows the ministry to treat more
patients in Jesus' name. The clinic director,
Rebecca told EMI how much the new clinic improved
their ministry. She could hardly contain herself
due to the great joy in her heart Its
wonderful! We will finally have a place to train
our workers, a place to immunize children, and a
place to help people with all of their health
needs. - Rebecca, clinic director
8Case Study
Greenhouses North Korea
PROBLEM A harsh government is subjecting much
of the population to severe shortage of food and
extreme religious repression. In addition the
climate of North Korea is harsh for much of the
SOLUTION EMI designed a greenhouse that can be
built from what few local materials are
available, that is energy self sufficient and
able to operate year round. In addition, local
churches can meet inside.
9Case Study
Greenhouses North Korea
RESULTS The first of what is hoped to be
hundreds of these greenhouses has been built.
With the donated labor by the local population
the cost of a greenhouse is typically 10K. One
greenhouse feeds a village of around 50-60
people. Then imagine the Kingdom implications if
each greenhouse also houses a church ?
10Project Services
- Surveying - Building design - Master planning -
Infrastructure design - Construction management -
Disaster response
- Primarily topographic surveying for master
planning - Some boundary surveying - Instruments
vary from protractor and string to robotic total
"Do not move your neighbor's boundary stone set
up by your predecessors in the inheritance you
receive in the land the LORD your God is giving
you to possess." Deuteronomy 1914
12Building Design
Goal is to design buildings that are a step or
two more
- Functional - better use of space - Safe -
redundant, resist earthquakes and wind -
Cost-effective - better use of materials than
typical buildings, while still being culturally
appropriate and sustainable
2 or 3 buildings designed during a typical
project trip
"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will
he not first sit down and estimate the cost to
see if he has enough money to complete it?" Luke
13Master Planning
- Show how buildings, roads, infrastructure and
recreation can best fit on the site - Show how
site can be developed over years - Focus on Phase
1, later phases may change with the scope of a
ministry - Take time to understand the vision
God has given the ministry
"All this I have in writing from the hand of the
LORD upon me, and he gave me understanding in all
the details of the plan." I Chronicles 2819
Sometimes overlooked, but vitally important
- Water systems - Wastewater disposal
systems - Electrical systems - Dams,
bridges and roads - Agriculture and
irrigation Challenge is to keep it simple - so
it can be maintained and repaired
"Designate a place outside the camp where you can
go to relieve yourself. As part of your
equipment have something to dig with, and when
you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up
your excrement." Deuteronomy 2312-13
15Construction Management
EMI mobilizing Construction Management personnel
to assist Christian Ministries with facility
construction projects in developing countries.
These individuals would primarily serve on
projects that eMi has designed, and would ensure
that the designs are followed, and/or modified
appropriately. EMI Services - Field
Observations and Inspections - Labor
Superintendent - Project Manager EMI needs
qualified engineers, architects, superintendents,
and project managers who are willing to live
overseas for 6 months to 2 years.
16Disaster Response
EMI has served after disasters in Saipan, Turkey,
Afghanistan, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Peru,
Pakistan, Mozambique, and other places.
- Formal program began in 2006 - Two-pronged
approach 1) Build formal partnerships with
relief ministries 2) Identify, train, and
equip volunteer responders GOAL Mobilize
disaster response teams on short notice (within
one week or less)
17EMIs Impact
- - Better facilities for the poor and expanded
outreach for the gospel - Volunteers' and interns' lives are changed though
service to the world's poor - Missionaries serving on the front lines are
enabled and encouraged
"There are not sufficient words. Not only do we
have this wonderful document and brochure to
present to donors, but we also have hope and
plans for the organization's future." Beth Rosen
- Bashkiria Christian Center Uganda, April 2008
- Use their technical skills to help the poor
- Serve on 1- to 2-week project trips
- Pay or raise funds for their travel costs
- Have 0-50 years of experience
- Have direct ministry opportunities
- A vacation with a purpose
"...if you combine Survivor, The Amazing Race,
church camp, and work in a blender and mix it
up... that is a snippet of what my two weeks in
Egypt were like!!!" Brent A. Baker - EMI
Landscape Architect Trip Volunteer Roundrock,
Texas, Fall 2007
- Interns from many nationalities serving in
offices worldwide - College students recent college graduates
- Serve 3 to 6 months per internship
- Raise own support travel cost
- Travel on short-term project trip return to
work in respective office
"I still look back at my experience EMI as one of
the only things I've done in life that I could
return to, and invest myself completely in--and
that gives me some reassurance, regardless of
whatever I end up doing next." Steve Mah -
University of Toronto, Civil EngineeringColorado
Springs Office, Summer 2006
20eMi World Zones
1. Sub-Saharan Africa 2. Middle East North
Africa 3. South Asia 4. Pacific Southeast
Asia 5. East Asia
6. Russia Central Asia 7. Europe 8. Central
America Caribbean 9. South America 10. North
21Zone Comparison
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.476 20.39 681,195,700 216 Sou
th Asia 0.603 1.61 1,550,982,000 175 Middle East
North Africa 0.678 1.40 581,997,424 45 East
Asia 0.777 5.91 1,349,836,000 13 Russia
Central Asia 0.781 1.10 265,269,140 15 Cent.Americ
a Caribbean 0.789 11.29 187,436,000 273 Pacific
Southeast Asia 0.801 5.48 757,534,303 44 South
America 0.803 12.11 377,961,424 34 Europe 0.922
2.77 538,214,889 3 North America 0.952 30.36 337,
205,995 -
0.722 7.25 6,627,632,875 818
22HDI Formulas
LE-25 85-25
Life Expectancy Index
Log GDPpc log 100 Log 40000 log 100
Gross Domestic Product Index
(2/3 x (ALR/100)) (1/3 x (CGER/100))
Education Index
LE Life Expectancy ALR Adult Literacy
Rate CGER Combined Gross Enrollment
Ratio GDPpc Gross Domestic Product per capita at
Purchasing Power Parity in US Dollars
23World Map with HDI Index
High 0.800-1.00
Medium 0.500-0.799
Low 0.300-0.499
- According to HDI the opportunities lie in light
green - Spiritually opportunities lie in the 10/40 window
24Future Goals
- International
- Nationals
- Offices
- Partnerships
- Churches
- Organizations
- Research
- Design
- Unreached
25Let your light shine before men, that they may
see your good deeds and praise your Father in
heaven Matthew 516