Title: Mercury Laser Diode Arrays
1 Mercury Laser Diode Arrays
Barry Freitas, Dave Van Lue, Joe Satariano,
Everett Utterbach, Larain DeMercurio, Kurt
Cutter, Terry Delima, Ray Beach HAPL
Review Crowne Plaza Hotel Pleasanton, CA November
13, 2001
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
2We have completed the V-BASIS packages for three
entire backplanes (gt240 kWpeak optical pump power)
Split backplane holds 36 V-BASIS tiles
3 backplanes are complete, 4th backplane by
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
3V-BASIS package components
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
4V-BASIS diode tile and plating specifications
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
5V-BASIS current flow path
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
6The diode backplane has the required brightness
and thermal performance
Fast axis brightness
Slow axis brightness
The diode backplane provides suitable mechanical
tolerance and cooling
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
7Histogram of center wavelengths of 80 fabricated
V-BASIS packages
Remember, our original modeling specified a
gaussian spread with a FWHM of 8 nm. While
this distribution is not gaussian it is narrower
overall than we had originally anticipated.
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
8The V-BASIS packaged diode bars meet the optical
specifications of the Mercury Laser System
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6
RJB/VG Mercury Laser IFE Meeting 6