Title: PowerPoint template
1Haut Debit (High Speed) Opportunitiesin France
International Trade Seminar SeriesWITEC Event
January 10th, 2007Drew McNaughtonDirecteur
General, COVAGEand CTO Axia NetMedia
- France Overview
- France Basics
- Why France ?
- Axia in France COVAGE
- The Opportunities
- Fibre
- Hosted IP Services
- Wireless
- Other
- The Challenges
- Business culture
- Administration
- Personal
- Summary
- Questions / discussion
3France Overview
4France Basics
- Demographics
- Population is 18 X larger
- Area is 4/5 of Alberta
- 427 cities over 20k
- Politics
- Central policies with de-central administration
- 22 regions
- 96 departments
- 177 agglomerations
- 36,000 towns/cities
5Why France ?
- Open, deregulated telecommunications market
- Pent-up demand for broadband and IP services
- Favourable political climate FTTx, triple play,
DSL - Enormous funding for broadband 3B euros and
growing - Practical transportation systems same day
business - TGV 300km / hr regional rail
- Paris Metro/ RER
- Frequent multiple airports / airlines
- Huge market 61M people in Metro France
- Very organized around broadband deployment
Best broadband fit after Alberta
6France Telecom Market
- Government forced France Telecom to de-regulate
in 1996 - xDSL is hotly competitive 21 different players
- Highest fixed line penetration in europe
- Fibre backbones are only between big cities
- Wireless (WI-MAX)- now licensed across 22 regions
- Wi-fi becoming popular with many projects
- ARCEP - regulator is active, knowledgable and
engaged - Mobility is a big and growing market
- Triple play very popular TV Internet Phone
-gt 30 euros/month - FTTx is a very hot political topics now
multiple projects - Neutral Open Access Networking public private
fibre networks
Perfect for an IP based business
7Convergence Driving Real Broadband
RealBroadband IP Network
Telephone Network
Broadcast Network
Triple Play is very popular in France
8Axia in France COVAGE
- June 2003 - Initial contact through one
consultant - -gt Alberta SuperNet reference was
critical lt- hired an experienced
France based consultant just to
manage the relationship - May 2004 - MOU with initial partner - Marais
- April 2006 - MOU with evolved to larger partner
Vinci - Sep 2006 - COVAGE 50/50 partnership agreement
- Nov 2006 won large Seine et Marne project
- COVAGE branding launched..
3.5 years to evolve partnership
9Axia In France Current Networks
- Active networks
- Arras
- Cosne sur Loire)
- Creusot Montceau
- Seine et Marne (WiFi)
- Toulouse
- Moselle
- Under construction
- Caen
- Manche
- Chalon
- Recent Wins
- Sicoval
- Clermont-Ferrand
- Seine et Marne
- Angoulême
Seine et Marne
Cosne sur Loire
Creusot Montceau
Clermont- Ferrand
50 more projects in next 2 years
10Recent Network Seine et Marne
Community / Customers
- Departement with population of 1.25 million
- 514 communities east of metropolitan Paris
region - 52,000 businesses including the EuroDisney
business complex
Project Overview
- initial build cost is 74.5M euro less 30.4M euro
in govt grants - 20 year DSP contract to operate and provide
wholesale services - 2 years to finish construction starting
January 2007 - 1100 kilometres of fibre 33 WiMax base
stations - first services (WiMax) scheduled for August
2007 - first bandwidth services expected January 2008
Market is 50 of Alberta
11The Opportunities
12Typical France Network
Calgary BasedHosted Services
Paris BasedHosted Services
Calgary Resources
Local Router
- Local Access
- Fibre loops
- Copper (DSL)
- Wireless
Opportuntity Export Alberta Technology
13Open, Competitive IP Access
Real Opportunity is here
Access, Servicesand Content
Several service providers competing
Network (Active)
One neutralservice provider
AXIA must stay here
Physical Infrastructure (Dark Fibre)
- Carriers
- Provincial
- Municipal
Neutral provider policy creates the opportunity
14Broadband Network Uses
Source NBN Industry Networking Presentation
Applications IP standard priorities different
15Opportunities Hosted IP Services
- Hosting services
- support from canada
- Host in europe or france
- Many high quality centres
- Market is looking for alltypes of services
- VOIP for the cost savings
- Fast internet access
- Security
- Backup/Storage
- Education
- Health Care
- E-Government
Demand is growing as networks go live
16Opportunities Wireless
- Wireless backhaulWimax 802.16 3.5GHz
- Distribution Wifi802.11 2.4GHz
- Equipmentsupply
- EngineeringServices
- Consulting
Wireless is in every network solution
17Opportunities Broadband Examples
- Gigabit capacities have enabled high speed
backupsover long distances - Emergency response systems are being implemented
- Large public WIFI installations La Manche
examplewith 5000km2 WIFI mesh network - Media content centre in Angouleme
- Health care emergency links for home care
- E-government initiatives
- Collaborations in health care and education
No real limit to the opportunities
18The Challenges
19Challenges Business Culture
- Language is critical
- Business is relationship based lots of face to
face - Socialist government / culture affects many
things - - hours of work- structure of the work day-
time to hire / fire- vacations- administration - Style is indirect not direct
- Being patient, polite, conservative is the norm
- Canadians are generally well received but dont
act like an aggressive american - Processes following them is not a priority
- Intelligence / complexity the french enjoy
complexity and individual approaches to problem
you are not in Kansas any more
20Challenges Administration
- Hiring people takes a long time and not simple-
employees do not change often- minimum notice is
90 days- prefer working for a french company-
cost to employer is high at 60 - legal help quite good can be acquired
affordably - Accounting / tax is different need local help
- Payroll can be done as a service affordably
- Buying behaviour
- Stable typically slow to switch-
Conservative- Takes a long time to do deals /
contracts - Paying bills / invoicing on time is a major deal
Get local help right away
21Challenges Personal
- Learning the language is difficult (Quebec not
always good) - Written language is 10x more complex
- Moving / living is very, very expensive 1.8x
Calgary - Schooling is expensive and difficult
- Administration can be very frustrating
- Service levels vary greatly
- Paris is a huge city crowded / lots of traffic
but worth the pain
22Keys to Axias Success
- Alberta Supernet was/is a global reference
- We partnered with a France company
- We adapted we became French
- Leverage resources (systems, processes,
people) from Calgary - We were patient
We knew we had a good story tenacity
- France is a huge market worth pursuing . now
- Culture is the biggest barrier to entry need to
adapt - Must partner with a french company to be
successful - Need to make the investment with a local presence
- It takes time . so enjoy the wine
Thank you