Title: Iterators
- How many female employees?
- Output those employees younger than 35.
- Raise 10K employees salary that is lt 100K.
- We only discuss List iterators today.
- Allow the programmer to traverse the list and
modify the list during iteration .
Linked list
List iterator 1
List iterator 2
3Implement singly linked list iterator
- class ListIterator //(Textbook P.237)
- private Link current // current link
- private Link previous // previous link
- private LinkList ourList // parent list
- public ListIterator( LinkList list)
//constructor - outList list
- current list.getFirst()
- public Link getCurrent() // returns current
link -
- public void nextLink() // go to next link
- public boolean atEnd() // true if last link
- public void deleteCurrent() //delete item at
current -
- public void insertAfter( long dd) // insert
after current link
Exercise atEnd, deleteCurrent
4Generate an iterator from a list
class LinkList Link first . public
ListIterator getIterator() // return an iterator
referring to this list return new
5Use iterators
// Increase wages of all employees who are paid
minimum by amount void increaseWages(LinkList
empolyees, long minimum, long amount)
6Project 2.3 GPSR
- Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)
- Implementation public String GPSR(String s,
String t) - Idea
- path the path created from GPSR.
- len length of the path.
- cur the current vertex being checked.
- local_min current perimeter.
- preVertex the vertex added to path before cur.
- Initialization add s to path. cur s local_min
dist(s, t) Initial mode is greedy mode.
preVertex null - while (cur is NOT the destination t), do
- Traverse curs neighbors for a vertex
min_vertex closest to t. Suppose dmin
dist(min_vertex, t). - If dmin lt local_min, then
- Enter greedy mode.
- Add min_vertex to path. Local_min dmin. Set
cur min_vertex. - Else
- Enter perimeter mode.
- If last mode is greedy mode
- Traverse curs neighbors for a vertex u with
minimum counterclockwise angle
Correction made on Nov 15th!
7How to compute ?(t, x, u) in 0,2p)
(0, 2 p
?(t, x, u)
?(t, x, v)
- Counter clockwise angle ?(t, x, u)
- cosAngle cosine(t, x, u) // As in project2.2
solution - theta Math.acos(cosAngle) //Here theta is in
0, p, if theta 0.0, set theta 2 p. - Check if direction t gt x gt u is counter
clockwise. If so, adjust theta 2Math.PI
theta. - If ( ) gt 0, then t gt x gt u is counter
clockwire - Return theta.
cosine(x, t, u)
(posxtposyx-posxxposyt posxxposyu-
posxuposyx posxuposyt-posxtposyu)
2signed area of triangle(txu)